the holder of the trombone
Huh. I had ordered then cancelled my pre-order on Friday. Just not sure I can justify that spend on IEMs which I've never enjoyed wearing for long sessions. I'll definitely be paying attention to the responses when people start getting their Massdrop orders in mid December. I would like to upgrade from my old UE Triple Fi 10vi's.The Noble X impressions on Head-Fi aren't exactly inspiring to be honest.
$600 is an amazing price considering they're charging $200 to buy that headband separately. Making me wonder why I'm considering the LDC-Xs for 2x the price without the better head band now.
$599, much lighter, suspension headband, pre-fazor tuning, oh shit.
Finally, an actually wearable lcd2.
Definitely getting this day1, might replace my x00 and might make me stop eyeing the Atticus.
It's really disappointing that all of these products can't be readily found and demo'd. How are we supposed to evaluate the value proposition to even make this sort of pronouncement without relying purely in second hand information? I remember when I was deciding on my D7000s, I bought the 5000s and 2000s and made my decision with my own ears and how much I valued the D7000 sound over the other 2. Am I going to have to buy 3 pairs of Audezes, 3 ZMFs and some Teaks to make a good decision? I can if I have to, I'd just rather not.I've honestly read a bunch of impressions where people found the EMU Teak compared favorably to various LCD headphones so I gotta question the value of them when the market has gotten so competitive.
I've heard this before, but given that they are based on the same Fostex/Denon platform, I have no reason to believe that they have solved the midrange recession problem that Fostex and Denon have both failed to do lifetime to date.If you like a lush, liquid signature, I can't recommend the EMU Teaks enough.
The Astro should have regular headphone/MP3 out which you can just connect to the PC headphone jack and use the optical for your console no?Anyone decently knowledgeable about dacs and optical audio to help me out?
I've been brainstorming a way to streamline all my audio hardware into functionality similar to the astro mixamp which I can have multiple sources through my headphones so I was wondering if this would work.
I'll put up some cheap options for a very baseline example for what I'm thinking.
Headphones(Phillips SHP9500s) <---[3.5mm]--- DAC(Takes Optical) <---[Optical]--- Optical Audio Matrix
Now what I'm looking for is multi audio so I can for example, play and hear console games while listening to PC discord, but my PC now, unlike my old one, doesn't have an optical out anymore. So, I'm not sure what options I have to either find an adapter cable or find a different functioning dac.
Matrix Port 1 <--- ???--- PC
Matrix Port 2-3 <--- Optical <--- Consoles
decided to go with the KEF LS50W in the end. got the Isoacoustics Aperta stands to go along with it.
(went down to the shop to audition it (also tried Q-Acoustics, NAD, LS50 Passives, Dynaudio, etc. but the wife-to-be decided that the LS50W sounded better and hoped that an AiO would not tempt me to upgrade individual component parts).
loving the sound (the bigger soundstage, better imaging and clarity and it does sound fuller too). the same song doesn't sound as nice as it did at home than at the shop but I suppose the LS50W needs some breaking-in.
trying to get my placement right... somehow the right speaker sounds louder than the left :/
(part of me wonders if I should have imported the set... since the warranty is 1-year either way but oh well)
BTW, those Isoacoustics Aperta kick ass. I use a pair with my Genelecs and the improvement is real, like really real![]()
I really considered hard on the LS50 Passives + Schiit Vidar. but I guess the WAF comes in!
trying to get my placement right even with the Apertas :/ can't seem to get it right. hope I didn't get a lemon set
Sorry if the wrong thread for this but what are people using today for playing their music on their PC? Is it still foobar?
I've been using physical media for ages now but with the purchase of a new DAC, I want to build up a digital archive but I'm at a loss as to which audio player to use.
Which do you prefer?
Sorry if the wrong thread for this but what are people using today for playing their music on their PC? Is it still foobar?
I've been using physical media for ages now but with the purchase of a new DAC, I want to build up a digital archive but I'm at a loss as to which audio player to use.
Which do you prefer?
Fuck, man. I'm about to jump on this Noble Kaiser 10 sale. Feeling froggy.
What are you upgrading from?
Massdrop Plus IEMs are also available.
Ultimate Ears Triple-Fi 10 Vi's
Are they worth the jump? I keep reading that they're exceptional, but I have no reference point for IEM's beyond my 10Vi's.
If you've got the money to spare, the K10 drop is a no brainer. You'll either:
1) Fall in love with Noble's tuning and keep these forever.
This is what happened to me.
2) Sell them for a small profit. Trust me, I've bought and sold a lot of TOTL iems and K10u's move fast.
If you've got the money to spare, the K10 drop is a no brainer. You'll either:
1) Fall in love with Noble's tuning and keep these forever.
This is what happened to me.
2) Sell them for a small profit. Trust me, I've bought and sold a lot of TOTL iems and K10u's move fast.
Whatever makes you -and your soon to be wife- happy
Did you swap your speakers in order to determine if it has to do with the speakers themselves or the room or maybe the source?
Also, I guess they are under warranty, right?
Swap my physical speakers? haven't yet. the cables make it a whole chore and mess (tmy USB cables aren't long enough).
When using my Magni3 as a pre-out for my KEFs, the sound distorts when the song peaks (i.e. Adele's Hello).
There's no way I can use my Mimby and pre-out to both my Magni3 (for my headphones) and KEF LS50Ws at the same time right? via a splitter?
Yes, to swap them physically, but it looks like the one with all the connectors is always the RIGHT one.
Hmmm, be sure to put the Magni 3 gain switch in the LOW position, also... maybe you'll need to play with the volume level of both Magni & the KEFs (they have a volume control right?)
I think it's doable, you will be sending a lower signal to each device (Magni and KEF) which would translate into a lower volume, but besides that, I don't see a problem.
Tempted for it but I'm not wanting for IEMs and what I'm really searching for atm is a CIEM basshead endgame.
Might still bite though....
sounds like you're looking for the $1k Shures.
Most quality iem's can be converted into customs, no?Mmm nah, tried them, not for me.
Also I want customs.
Any recommendations for good headphones for gaming? I would think preferably closed/sound cancelling. I liked the headphones I tried at comic con but the threads I've found here had people losing their minds at the idea of someone buying a gaming headset so looking for alternatives. Thanks!
I have open ear X1s that I currently use for everything but being in a city I get a lot of background noise. Plus I kind of want to have something to use on the train if possible but not mandatory. I just really liked how quiet it was playing on the comic con floor and how well I could hear the audio. I see most people recommend open though which I found surprising.Any reason why you think closed/sound cancelling is best for you? Does your environment that you game in require this?
Genuine questions, hope I'm not coming off mean. I don't intend it.
Any recommendations for good headphones for gaming? I would think preferably closed/sound cancelling. I liked the headphones I tried at comic con but the threads Ive found here had people losing their minds at the idea of someone buying a gaming headset so looking for alternatives. Thanks!
I have open ear X1s that I currently use for everything but being in a city I get a lot of background noise. Plus I kind of want to have something to use on the train if possible but not mandatory. I just really liked how quiet it was playing on the comic con floor and how well I could hear the audio. I see most people recommend open though which I found surprising.
Not 100% but so think it was one of the razer ones. They were all green but mine was black so not 100%. The other ones at the monster hunter world booth I cant figure out.Which headset did you try out?
Most quality iem's can be converted into customs, no?
Not the SE846. There's this crazy acoustic wave guide technology to eke out more sub bass from the armature drivers in the shell. I've not heard any of the vented BA drivers before (like what's in the MD Plus) but the Shures had impressive extension for armatures. Their major shortcoming was the treble extension was really rolled off so the stage felt kind of claustrophobic cause compared to other TOTLs. The new wave of a TOTL hybrids should easily match and beat the 846 in bass w/out any compromises to treble/staging
Read somewhere that Audeze buy chinese OEM drivers and just stick em into wood rings they make themselves, for the LCDs. Is this true?
Rather get zmf orignals instead if that's the case. Zach actually puts in the work.
TOTL hybrids? What that, yo