Dark Ninja
AH i missed the link someone pass me the "lamp" 
Kung Fu Jedi said:Noss: For a guy who won't pay for satellite radio, you seem to know an awful lot about the Stern show and what Howard does with his time.
Don't like the guy? Fine, move on and don't waste time thinking about it.
AVclub said:First of all, you're dismissing Stern's talent by saying stuff like "he just sits around talking." There are thousands of other people who have tried to do what he does and failed miserably. Second, having vacation days doesn't mean shit if you can't allow yourself to enjoy them. Hearing him point out the most minor flaws in everyone around him tells me he has no fun on his time off. He sits quietly somewhere thinking about shit, stressing over things he can't control, getting freaked out by inconsequential bullshit, etc.
As for Beth O., remember the expression, "For every supermodel out there, there's a guy who's tired of fucking her."
The grass always seems greener from the other side of the fence, but all I'm saying is that Stern's life seems far from perfect. I grant you that he's stinking rich and got a hot wife, but that doesn't mean he's enjoying it all.
From what I hear on the show daily, his staff and Artie are constantly out having a great time. Stern is the only loser who's going to bed early.
Conan needs to fill 45 minutes of show, while Howard does about four and a half hours every day. At the end of the week, most radio hosts who have a "long" talk show have done 15 hours (minus commercials) of talking about topics and taking lots of calls, if they work all 5 days. Stern delivers about 16 to 20 hours a week of mostly content with a handful of calls. That's with only 4 days.omg rite said:He really doesn't do Fridays ever? Pretty lazy. I hated when Conan didn't do Mondays.
Yeah I was listening to some of that stuff recently and nobody has a clue!alr1ghtstart said:god I hate when they talk technology.
lol what you didn't like robin talking about google street being live and being so sure of it too? :lol btw howard said today that he has never had sex with beth in the limo but didn't he said he had sex with her one time in the limo? i clearly remember him saying he did beth in a limo once.alr1ghtstart said:god I hate when they talk technology.
smurfx said:lol what you didn't like robin talking about google street being live and being so sure of it too? :lol btw howard said today that he has never had sex with beth in the limo but didn't he said he had sex with her one time in the limo? i clearly remember him saying he did beth in a limo once.
damn the house looks really nice now. i remember seeing a pic of the house when it was just the house and nothing around it but it looks like it's coming along nicely.gdt5016 said:Nah, I remember he said it was "almost."
On another note...
THIS is his house. I'd take fridays off too!
Gary Whitta said:Yeah I was listening to some of that stuff recently and nobody has a clue!
johnsenclan said:Does anyone else just tune out on vacation weeks? I listen to about 30 minutes and turn to something else. I like Howard when he's current, talking about whatever is happening now. Listening to fights that I heard years ago does nothing for me, even if it's packaged differently.
Where is it? Jersey?gdt5016 said:Nah, I remember he said it was "almost."
On another note...
THIS is his house. I'd take fridays off too!
Actually fight week was the first break programing (other than the jackie/john spotlights) that I really got into. It was like all the best parts of the show back to back to back. :loljohnsenclan said:Does anyone else just tune out on vacation weeks? I listen to about 30 minutes and turn to something else. I like Howard when he's current, talking about whatever is happening now. Listening to fights that I heard years ago does nothing for me, even if it's packaged differently.
Pssh. Hamptons, Naturally.Blu_LED said:Where is it? Jersey?
Blu_LED said:Where is it? Jersey?
Yeah that actually pissed me off too. :lolgdt5016 said:Why the FUCK is Ralph receiving personal e-mails from Damon Lindelof?
sykoex said:Yeah that actually pissed me off too. :lol
MagicJackBauer said:Anyone hear the latest traido call? I just cant believe this one is real. I mean, "dropping loads of dirt"? Come on. I've heard rumors they've faked calls in the past.
gdt5016 said:That call is the funniest call they've ever made. I have no idea if the calls are fake or not, and I don't really think about it.
MagicJackBauer said:Dont get me wrong, I think its hilarious. Remember the Smokey Martling call? I heard that woman was an actress.