Tedesco! said:Over rated:
Al Pacino. All he does is yell.
Now you've crossed the line. I'm gonna squirt water in your face when I see you.
Tedesco! said:Over rated:
Al Pacino. All he does is yell.
karasu said:Paul Giamatti is more appreciated than ever!
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Edward Norton
Brad Pitt(he wouldn't work at all if he looked like Paul Giamatti!)
Manics said:I agree with Philip Seymour Hoffman in the underrated category. I disagree with Edward Norton and Brad Pitt in overrated. They're both fine actors.
shantyman said:He always plays the repressed weirdo. ALWAYS. I just watched 25th Hour and he was playing, yes, a repressed weirdo with longings for his high school student.
Kabuki Waq said:Whoever listed Al Pacino as overrated should be shot on the spot.
Denzel is not overrated except for his performance in TRaining day.
Ethan Hawke
Jim CArrey
Uma Thurman
Bill Paxton
Sam JAckson
Julia Roberts
Jodie foster
Gwenth Paltrow
Jamie fox
darscot said:Sean Penn is a brilliant actor, I am Sam, enough said.
VistraNorrez said:Uh, NO! Garbage he was absolute shit in that. Nothing impressive about that. Uninspired drivel.
darscot said:You have to be kidding? :lol
Mashing said:I most definately agree with Dakota Fanning as the best child actor (I even mentioned this to my coworkers just yesterday--she was amazing in Man on Fire). That girl is a hell of an actor. Gotta love young actors acting much older than they are.
Nameless said:Damn almost forgot......Jackie Chan.....most overrated guy in history.
Kabuki Waq said:maybe as an actor yes ....but as an entertainer no way is he overrated. The guy broke every bone in his body for our entertainment.
Willco said:Yeah, I hate people who praise child actors because they act so mature, well in reality (for the most part), they're playing fucking kids.
karasu said:Paul Giamatti is more appreciated than ever!
Patricia Clarkson
Jeffrey Wright
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Edward Norton
Russel Crowe
Tom Hanks
Brad Pitt(he wouldn't work at all if he looked like Paul Giamatti!)