Discotheque said:Yeah last episode was great.
Yes, it was a good episode. A bit too much shouting and not enough listening through.Discotheque said:Yeah last episode was great.
Ugh. I like Janeane Garofalo as a comic. But she's not very interesting with political talk. She often doesn't know what she is talking about and it is more of an emotional thing for her. She just knows those conservatives are wrong and they are all racist. With such over-broadstroke 'arguments', Janeane is the one who comes off looking bad.ViperVisor said:Janeane Garofalo is on the show this week. Don't recognize any name as a conservative which is too bad cause she has no problem dropping truth bombs on them.
speculawyer said:Ugh. I like Janeane Garofalo as a comic. But she's not very interesting with political talk. She often doesn't know what she is talking about and it is more of an emotional thing for her. She just knows those conservatives are wrong and they are all racist. With such over-broadstroke 'arguments', Janeane is the one who comes off looking bad.
Yeah David Frum is such a sniveling fucktard.dead souls said:Indeed.
I love seeing David Frum put in his place by the rest of the panel.
lexi said:I wouldn't say Maher threw Wiener under the bus, Maher's a comedian first and the whole thing is pretty much a goldmine to him. He's acknowledged he doesn't want Wiener to quit.
The other 2 panelists were well and truly in the bus-throwing-under brigade. Someone mentioned he needed 'rehabilitation', the fuck? He didn't do anything wrong, he's just being a guy who's obviously hard up for sexual release -- of which I could say the same thing for about 100 million Americans.
lexi said:I wouldn't say Maher threw Wiener under the bus, Maher's a comedian first and the whole thing is pretty much a goldmine to him. He's acknowledged he doesn't want Wiener to quit.
The other 2 panelists were well and truly in the bus-throwing-under brigade. Someone mentioned he needed 'rehabilitation', the fuck? He didn't do anything wrong, he's just being a guy who's obviously hard up for sexual release -- of which I could say the same thing for about 100 million Americans.
xcrunner529 said:Sad this is going to start becoming acceptable. For all intents and purposes, he cheated on his wife. He didn't just send pictures, he engaged these real people, had phone sex with them, etc.
They probably love each other... they provide endless material for one another.Flying_Phoenix said:Just watched this weeks episode.
Jesus Ann Colter and Maher where trolling the living fuck out of each other. That whole ending segment was just one huge troll on Ann.
Yeah I could've done withing the linking to the murder trial.CF_Fighter said:I didn't like his ending monologue. It came off as more emotion than logic, which is sad because I've always liked about Maher. He can balance both very well in a single statement.
CF_Fighter said:I didn't like his ending monologue. It came off as more emotion than logic, which is sad because I've always liked about Maher. He can balance both very well in a single statement.
CF_Fighter said:I didn't like his ending monologue. It came off as more emotion than logic, which is sad because I've always liked about Maher. He can balance both very well in a single statement.
BigJonsson said:Maher and Coulter are friends, its not a secret
xcrunner529 said:I never thought Ann Coulter was so uninformed as I did Friday night. She just said crap, was called on it and then couldn't do anything about it (Bill being a misogynist, US bombing Egypt, etc.) Very hard to watch.
However, I sort of enjoyed how lighthearted Bill was being but I assume that's just because him and Ann are friends (and/or doing it). Still enjoyable though, but not up there with the best episodes
SolKane said:I can't believe I watched her literally say, with a smile on her face, that government employees were "not getting laid off." Lucky for her when your job is blatant manipulation and spiteful antagonism, you don't need to worry about job security.
xcrunner529 said:I never thought Ann Coulter was so uninformed as I did Friday night. She just said crap, was called on it and then couldn't do anything about it (Bill being a misogynist, US bombing Egypt, etc.) Very hard to watch.
However, I sort of enjoyed how lighthearted Bill was being but I assume that's just because him and Ann are friends (and/or doing it). Still enjoyable though, but not up there with the best episodes
BaDJuJU said:
firehawk12 said:I thought she hated him after he brought out Chris Rock to shit on her during the first or second episode?
Ghost_Protocol said:Bill Maher is exactly what I'm glad Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert are not. An insufferable, overly liberal, smartass, unfunny douche.
Marc Maron's podcast is excellent. Necessary for any comedy nerd.Red_Man said:Disappointed this thread doesn't get more attentiondoes GAF not receive Maher well? I think he's hilarious, and doesn't hold back any punches which is great to see. I thought tonight was another good episode, his second guest the comedian who has a podcast was hilarious, is anyone here familiar with him? I'll probably check out his podcast sometime soon.
Red_Man said:Disappointed this thread doesn't get more attentiondoes GAF not receive Maher well? I think he's hilarious, and doesn't hold back any punches which is great to see. I thought tonight was another good episode, his second guest the comedian who has a podcast was hilarious, is anyone here familiar with him? I'll probably check out his podcast sometime soon.
Tim the Wiz said:You mean Marc Maron? I thought the whole internets was familiar with the WTF Podcast. All the interviews are great but my favourites would have to be the Louis CK and Robin Williams sit-downs, although there's a whole bucket-load more of interesting stuff--especially the likes of Gallagher and Carlos Mencia revealing themselves to be as dodgy as their reputations suggest.
JCX said:Marc Maron's podcast is excellent. Necessary for any comedy nerd.
Tim the Wiz said:You mean Marc Maron? I thought the whole internets was familiar with the WTF Podcast. All the interviews are great but my favourites would have to be the Louis CK and Robin Williams sit-downs, although there's a whole bucket-load more of interesting stuff--especially the likes of Gallagher and Carlos Mencia revealing themselves to be as dodgy as their reputations suggest.
Red_Man said:I think he's pretty hilarious, and for someone who is an "overly liberal, smartass, unfunny douche" he seems to allow a lot of conservative viewpoints on his show, and takes no issue with tearing into democrats, and calling out their lack of a pair of balls.
Ghost_Protocol said:Bill Maher is exactly what I'm glad Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert are not. An insufferable, overly liberal, smartass, unfunny douche.
Ghost_Protocol said:Bill Maher is exactly what I'm glad Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert are not. An insufferable, overly liberal, smartass, unfunny douche.
Count Dookkake said:He is funnier than both combined.
With much more insightful jokes.Count Dookkake said:He is funnier than both combined.
dead souls said:Colbert can be funnier than Maher at times, but Jon Stewart is a hack who should've retired years ago. I loved when Maher called Stewart out for his stupid "both sides do it" equivocation from that terrible rally.