WrathOfOtaibah said:
Haven't seen it yet, why is it so terrible?
It would be better if you just watched it. But I guess I'll try to explain.
The panel consists of two typical republicans and one typical democrat.
Sounds typical right?
Well the problem is that the two republicans are just annoying as all shit. I can't really put it into words so I'll just list:
- They will completely and abruptly change an argument to argue another topic within one sentence.
- Would constantly go after Obama no matter how unrelated the topic is.
- Treated the debates like school cafeteria arguments.
Now this is why I recommend just watching it. I'm sure some poster will quote this and say "So like every other episode..." But trust me it really really isn't.
And I really would like to reiterate on the school cafeteria point because it got so bad that even Bill started doing it.
Now normally you'd have someone on the opposing side (left) to call them out. The problem is that the guy is the shitiest debater EVER. Again the two other guests weren't presenting solid arguments, actually their arguments were shit.
(A sample: Ronald Reagan HAD to ring up the debt. He did it so that he could end the Cold War and succeeded. And that's what we're doing now with Middle East.)
He even lost that argument...
The only good points in this episode are Penn Jillette (fantastic guest). and Maher explaining his "I'm a libertarian" quote from the 90's when he was asked his political affiliation.