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The Official Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution Thread


Kosma said:
I feel you Dyno, just won my first Deity yesterday (World Domination with Zulus). Now it's back to CIV 4 asap.

Domination? Respect man. I feel the Domination and Scientific victories are the hardest ones to achieve, the real victories, if you will. Culture and Economic victories are more of a Plan B victory, what you hope to scoop while all turtled in with no where to go.

Still I'll take whatever win I can get. when my buddy saw the medalion on the Diety difficulty setting he looked at me with something in his eyes, like I was his lord and master forever more.

Kiss the ring baby!


Dunno man, I tried Scientific for ages and failed. Then played a couple of times for Military and won. Key is to strike soon at those near you, I destroyed 2 civs very quick. Then it took me another 2k years to kill of the last two. But god it was sweet.

What was your strategy?

PS: I think I know how your friend felt though, my friends didn't crack Deity either. Got to email them!


Kosma said:
What was your strategy?

I never go in with a clear victory condition. Instead I just try to make the best civilization I can until I see the most naturally looking path to win. I made a total of six cities of my own and together they made a very tight, defensible position. Two times I had the opportunity to convert an enemy city with a Great Person (something I usually jump at) but they were in highly contested areas and I knew I would be battling like crazy just to keep it. So I kept moving them around to create high culture and this not only gave me sweet squares for resources but the Great People came quicker too.

I usually use Great People to instantly make a wonder but this game I changed that too. I got three great builders early in the game (2 with culture, 1 with a spy.) I put them into cities to halve building prices and was glad that I did because I had to make so many military units to survive that I didn't have much time for buildings. Since they were cheap I could squeeze them in between big unit runs.

I didn't follow any particular tech too much but concentrated on being first as much as possible. Those bonuses (+1 population to all cities, +2 science or production, etc.) really gave me an edge. I also built iron mines and factories ASAP so that I had a couple production powerhouses that could churn out a couple modern infantry a round. That kept me solid.

I think that the biggest difference this time around was that I my military units were always as good or better than the A.I. I had four cities on science and two on gold for most of the game but once I discovered Mass Production I switched two more cities to gold and quickly collected the 20,000gp. I was building both Hollywood and the Manhatten Project when the money came in so I switched Manhattan and the World Bank was built in two rounds.


I have 3 spare XBL tokens for the Civilization Revolution Mythic Pack. It was given away with some retail pre-orders and includes an extra 4 Wonders and 2 Artifacts. If anyone would like a code, PM please.

Edit: All gone. :D


So I had a personal best over the weekend.

As with so many things in life I picked up the game again after a couple months break and was having better luck cracking Diety level. To that end I was fairly successful, scoring a Cultural and Domination win. Now the only victory I had to earn was Technology.

I played the Chinese, got a good start, and maintained that momentum throughout the game. I defeated all of the civilizations save the capital city of one. By games end that lone city had no squares for resources. I could have won the game any way but as planned opted to build a spaceship with all the components. I had thirty two cities at the end of the game, I had conquered twelve of them and settled nineteen after my capital. Every single island on the map was mine. I won my technological victory in 1972 while studying my second Future Technology.

One gambit that paid off early in the game was when my warriors beat a barbarian tribe and was given a galley. So I sent it off to explore. Shortly she found Camelot (an artifact from one of the expansions) which would turn horsemen into knights. Fortunately I was researching horsemanship in order to take advantage of nearby resources. So I guarded Camelot and turned everything over to making horseman. I was able to make three veteran armies before the A.I. was all over my territory, so I 'knighted' them. They were of great help and when I constructed Leonardo's Workshop they were further upgraded into tanks. It's always so neat when a unit survives the entirety of the game.


i was wondering if anyone else even played this anymore. i actually just picked it up a few weeks ago used, and it is a ton of fun. however, i get INCREDIBLY frustrated at the top 2 difficulty levels. its just not fair. i mean, if i thought the computer was playing better than me, that would be one thing, but i really feel like it is just cheating! maybe its not and i am just crazy, but i swear i am playing my best game i possibly can and suddenly i have 3 people declaring war on only me and they have massive armies that i can not even compare with. i guess i am used to the RTS way of playing these sorts of games where if i get beaten, i at least know the computer was faster or smarter or more efficient than me. in this game, i just feel like it cheated.

am i completely wrong tho? does the computer not cheat at all- it just plays better? if that is the case, then i will quit bitching and keep working to suceed at those higher difficulties, but it just doesn't seem like that is the case.


I don't think the game cheats with production and science. Rather they just all gang up on you. If the game ever fights itself the conflict are very short and a truce is made after one city is taken.

I was stuck for a long while but it's doable.


I picked this up over the weekend for the 360. It's been a few years since I've played a Civ game, but I was pretty impressed with this consolization. I haven't tried any of the harder difficulties yet. I started out on Warrior and that's just way too easy. Any 360 owners out there still playing it? I'd be up for some multiplayer.

Edit: I added myself to the GAF FoF list.

Hootie said:
Did I ever mention how bad Dax is at this game?

He's really bad.

He's the person I need to play then.


Hey NeoGAFs

I'm a complete strategy noob, and I tried to play this on DS last night and I went to war with like everyone and got wiped off the face of the planet. I think I may have changed history and there is no more Italy.

Part of my problem is I havn't really got a fucking clue what I'm doing. Is there no tutorial in this game? Any help would be appreciated.


McBacon said:
Hey NeoGAFs

I'm a complete strategy noob, and I tried to play this on DS last night and I went to war with like everyone and got wiped off the face of the planet. I think I may have changed history and there is no more Italy.

Part of my problem is I havn't really got a fucking clue what I'm doing. Is there no tutorial in this game? Any help would be appreciated.

Check here:


Discuss it here. There is also a DS subforum for specific DS stuff but the game is essentially the same as the 360/PS3 Posters are very helpful with tips.



I just got this on DS again for a big car trip today, and holy shit.. I'm addicted. Even after I got home, I sat on the couch and played all damn night. I liked the game on the 360, but there's just something about it being portable that makes the game that much more awesome. Woot woot.


^Yeah, I'm playing it from time to time. After I got this, I stopped playing Civ 4. I love it. Is it possible we might se a sequel someday? I'd like to see a civ rev with lless focus on war, local multiplayer & even more civilizations.


Zzoram said:
Anyone still playing this? I just got it.
I'm playing Civ 4 mostly now, but I miss elements from Civ Rev. I'm surprised no one has modded Civ 4 to have it play like Rev. Combining armies, no limits on what ships can carry, more fun spies, quicker gameplay, etc.


Yeah, I have Civ4 but I like CivRev better for the most part.

Pros for CivRev:
-Much shorter games
-Every ship can transport units
-Combining armies makes it a bit easier to manage late-game units
-Game of the Week
-Matchmaking multiplayer

Cons for CivRev:
-Seems to be more combat oriented than CivIV, and I think both are too combat oriented
-Not many customization options for creating a new game (at least I haven't seen them, my first Play Now I only got to pick a leader and it started, Singleplayer New Game let me pick a leader and difficulty)

I haven't played Civ4 in ages because Normal speed games still take 8-10 hours, and I can't be bothered anymore.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Tailzo said:
^Yeah, I'm playing it from time to time. After I got this, I stopped playing Civ 4. I love it. Is it possible we might se a sequel someday? I'd like to see a civ rev with lless focus on war, local multiplayer & even more civilizations.

I guess that all depends on how well this one sold. I play it like once a week. I usually play several games back to back because it is so addicting. I think it is a great game, easy to learn. I wish it had gotten more attention.


I think this game lost it's community pretty fast. CivFanatics has forums for it, but it's barely active anymore, while the CivIV and CivIII forums are still pumping out posts/threads at blazing speed.

How do I play different modes like One City Challenge in CivRev? Is the map always the same size/type, or is there an option to change it?

Eric WK

Yeah, a sequel would be fantastic. Loved this game.

Hm, looks like it sold over 1 million across all three platforms, 500k+ on 360.


Zzoram said:
-Seems to be more combat oriented than CivIV, and I think both are too combat oriented
Cultural influence is actually much, much stronger in Rev. I won a match on the highest difficulty where the only cities I actually attacked were the capitals. Every other city flipped over to me via my expanding culture. I was playing as Ghandi at the time too.

I would buy a sequel in a heart beat. I also wouldn't mind a console version of colonization.


I still play this from time to time as well. I'm really hoping for a civ rev 2 at some point with more in the ways of trade agreements, culture and religions. (also a canada civ, but holding my breath on that one :lol )


been a civ fan since late in the civ2, absolutely love IV. Meant to pick it up a LONG time ago, but ended getting this the other day for the 360.


wish they had the ability to have larger custom maps, but the smaller maps do work great in rev, love the game. Hope to see a sequel or perhaps a 3d app for the rumored apple slate (more like the console versions rather than iphone version). The controls are damn near perfect, Fantastic game.


I just picked this up for the Xbox 360 in anticipation of Civ V. Forgot how addicting Civilization Revolution could be, despite the simplicity of it all. All of the changes are made for a quicker game, which is much appreciated when a game of Civ IV can sap a full 6 - 12 hours of a weekend.

CivRev could be much more challenging, though, and it could still play lighting fast. It needs a greater emphasis on non-combat functions, for one! Halving the amount of techs available from Civ IV certainly helps the game move along quicker, but it's also indicative of how much was sacrificed to accomplish this.

Against the enemy AI, my favored tactic has been making a beeline towards Combustion so I have access to tanks right away; usually around 1600AD - 1700AD:

Steam Power

On at least King difficulty, this tech path will help you achieve any victory (if I missed a tech, please correct me, I wrote this from memory). With tanks, you can take enough cities for a economic victory, you can take every capital for a domination victory, you can emphasize culture and steal great persons for a cultural victory, and since you are this far up the tech tree anyways, you can go for broke and win a technology victory. With the last two victories, the tanks aren't used for them per se, but since your civilization is so well defended you can pursue whatever venture you want without fear of failure.

I haven't played online with CivRev yet, but I don't imagine tech tree that's too far off from this one. I would expect matches against people can be very combat-oriented, but I feel the game lives and dies by it, while I can't exactly say the same of Civ IV.

The Deity difficulty seems a little underpowered, too, since I've been able to nab a cultural and economic victory on this setting (with the previous strategy mentioned, no less). It was still difficult, though keep in mind on Civ IV I am no where near competent enough to win on the top three difficulty levels! A world of difference if you ask me. Now, a domination victory on Diety, that may give me a run for my money.

It's Civilization, all right, maybe the strategic equivalent of II, only with a much quicker pace. A fine distraction.
Wow, what a bump...

Not that I mind. I found myself suddenly playing a whole lot of CivRev again in the last couple months since a friend who I used to play Civ 2 with finally picked up an HDTV and PS3.

Such a fun game, especially with the Terrestrial map pack.

kid ness

This game is just so damn good. I play the hell out of it for a few days, put it down, then get sucked right back in. So fun to play late at night with a few buds; that is if you don't mind conceding 3-4 hours to a determined, dominating, fascist Gandhi.


I considered that as well, but a physical copy of CivRev is too cheap for me to justify the premium of an online purchase. It's $30 USD on there and I was able to snag a copy for $10.

Diety is turning out to be somewhat difficult as far as a technology victory is concerned. The game has been pairing me with some surly Civs that can really give me a hard time. Should I give up a technology or two when a Civ threatens me after all? It seems that I have to divert too much attention towards a military defense of my cities when I have two or more Civs on my ass. It can really put me behind in the technology race.

Even Gandhi declared war on me for holding out on him! It's not like the Zulu or Mongols, where looking at them sideways pisses them off and gets you in a war. This is Gandhi we're talking about!
Love this game, still play at least 2 or 3 games a week - it really makes me wish we'd get a sequel.

While I do love the main Civ series and am excited for Civ V I think there's something to be said for the shorter game format employed in CivRev, with a bit of tweaking and improvement in terms of depth and AI it could have provided a comparable, albeit more compact, experience to that of the main series. Sometimes I just don't have the patience to run a game of Civ for days and days, while CivRev gives me an alternative as each game can easily be played to completion in a single evening.


Well, I've received 1000/1000 achievements on this game. Feels good. There needs to be another difficulty level above Deity. A technology victory on Deity is murder to pull off, and a domination victory still gives me a hard time, but the other challenges are much easier so long as my tech tree, build order and hammers are sorted out correctly.

Deity feels light on challenges so long as one is micromanaging their way through the game, which is almost funny considering what micromanaging in other Civ games entails. Ideally, CivRev II would start out simple like this this game does on the lower levels, and would reach the complexity of Civ IV on the upper difficulty levels. I'm thinking 10 or so difficulty levels. Essentially, the next CivRev should remain accessible at the lower levels of play while accommodating high-level play with a more complex system on the upper difficulty levels. There's no reason this can't happen on a technical level - this is a turn-based game, the controller doesn't gimp it like it does a console RTS.

Hopefully Civ V will be the answer, and it can receive a no-holds-barred console port. :D
This is my game of the forever!

This game is my crystal meth on DS. Trying to get all victory types with all Civs on Deity. God it cheats like crazy but I'm almost there. Have on PS3 as well (boo to no trophies).

When this thread popped up I thought: "FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK!!!!111 Civ Rev 2"



Just got my DSI XL and started playing the DS version and getting addicted. I couldn't see the screen well enough to enjoy it on my DSL but that's not a problem any more. (or at least until my eyes get worse again and then hopefully there will be a DSI even older person's edition)


Flyguy said:
I picked this up over the weekend for the 360. It's been a few years since I've played a Civ game, but I was pretty impressed with this consolization. I haven't tried any of the harder difficulties yet. I started out on Warrior and that's just way too easy. Any 360 owners out there still playing it? I'd be up for some multiplayer.

Edit: I added myself to the GAF FoF list.

Hey stranger. I just 1000/1000 a few weeks ago.


ichinisan said:
This is my game of the forever!

This game is my crystal meth on DS. Trying to get all victory types with all Civs on Deity. God it cheats like crazy but I'm almost there. Have on PS3 as well (boo to no trophies).

When this thread popped up I thought: "FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK!!!!111 Civ Rev 2"

Me too. I really want Civ Rev 2.


MjFrancis said:
Diety is turning out to be somewhat difficult as far as a technology victory is concerned. The game has been pairing me with some surly Civs that can really give me a hard time. Should I give up a technology or two when a Civ threatens me after all? It seems that I have to divert too much attention towards a military defense of my cities when I have two or more Civs on my ass. It can really put me behind in the technology race.

For defense I always have at least an army or two of archers for most of the game. I also try to have catapults as well to attack the attackers as they pull up next to my city. One trick to save time is to build a road between two cities and have catapults and spare archer armies move along the road in a snap when they're needed. That way every city doesn't have to be fully manned at all times.

Even Gandhi declared war on me for holding out on him! It's not like the Zulu or Mongols, where looking at them sideways pisses them off and gets you in a war. This is Gandhi we're talking about!

Gandhi is a motherfucker. That's the only way to say it. Civ Gandhi is always on the warpath. As soon as he finds you that dirty dog is sniffing around for your bitches and your money. Seriously, fuck that guy.
Just got this game for the 360 after playing the demo for a month or so.

Holy sweet toast is this addicting. As in, really fucking addicting. As in, I don't do much else at the house after work.

It moves at just the right pace once you get into difficulties King and up. I've been struggling in the first ages but maxing out on gold or science in the last stages. Fending off the AI is fun and there's nothing like bonding with enemies' enemies. :lol

The DLC is great too (FREE) and the scenarios are fun so far. I've only played as two leaders, really looking forward to going through them all.

It just seems like there's so much to do in this game. Didn't mind buying it Games on Demand, I hope they keep making profit on it.


Question though: are the two wonders packs worth the 300 megabucks each?

Gomu Gomu

So all the media about Civ V is making me crazy to play it. However, I've never played a civ game before. And when I played CivIV's demo, I was completely overwhelmed by it's complexity. Instead of having fun, I was actually struggling to manage all the menus lol. After that I thought maybe Civ games aren't meant for me. But then I learn that Civ Rev is everything I wanted, based on what I've read about it. It's the Civ experience, only streamlined so people like me can have fun immediately. Now that's what I've heard, so I thought It's better to ask Gaf before I make the purchase.

So, is Civ Rev a good place to start for a new comer? Does the PS3 version suffer from any deal-breaking flaws? (I found a cheap PS3 version) Do you think after playing Civ Rev, I'd be able to enjoy Civ V and it's complexities?



Gomu Gomu said:
So all the media about Civ V is making me crazy to play it. However, I've never played a civ game before. And when I played CivIV's demo, I was completely overwhelmed by it's complexity. Instead of having fun, I was actually struggling to manage all the menus lol. After that I thought maybe Civ games aren't meant for me. But then I learn that Civ Rev is everything I wanted, based on what I've read about it. It's the Civ experience, only streamlined so people like me can have fun immediately. Now that's what I've heard, so I thought It's better to ask Gaf before I make the purchase.

So, is Civ Rev a good place to start for a new comer? Does the PS3 version suffer from any deal-breaking flaws? (I found a cheap PS3 version) Do you think after playing Civ Rev, I'd be able to enjoy Civ V and it's complexities?

You should be fine. Ryan Davis on Giantbomb had his first Civ experience on Rev, and was able to go into Civ V pretty well.

From Giant Bomb's most recent podcast:

RD: "I will say this. I ended up playing a whole bunch of Civ Rev over the weekend and, again, after playing a bunch of Civ V, and before Civ Rev not having played any Civilization at all, was blown away by how much they just had to strip out for Civ Rev. I was just like, I remember thinking 'Oh this is a pretty good strategy experience...'"

JG: "Like 'It's pretty deep,' and that sort of stuff?"

RD: "Yeah, it seems it has some good tactical considerations, but..."

JG: "But when you see real Civ and you're like 'oh dude...'"

RG: "This is pansy."

JG: "Civ Rev is for children."
RD: "I still played a bunch of Civ Rev, and it was still good, but the impression it left on me is 'Man, they have gotten excellent at explaining the basics of this game with Civ V." Because I didn't know anything about a lot of the elements there, but I was still able to pick it up immediately and didn't feel like 'Oh, this is all new.' Like, I almost felt like 'Oh yeah, I remember all this from Civ Rev,' and I went and played Civ Rev went 'That's not in there at all.'"
RD: "I think Civ V is definitely even more intuitively and intelligently designed than Civ Rev was."
RD: "You can make a PC game that takes advantage of being on the PC, but is still approachable. And I feel that's a hard balance to find and I feel that Firaxis [has done that.]"
So he made the transition well. ;)


Being accessible to newcomers is one of Revolution's strongest selling points. Once you get the hang of the game, though, I suspect you'll crave the complexity the main series has to offer. As I've stated before, if you focus on attaining Combustion on the tech tree, the game will be far easier.

Civ Rev is still solid for a quick 4X fix. Most games last about two or three hours, so if you don't want to Civ IV to suck up an entire weekend it's a solid alternative.
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