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DMczaf said:
Uh...I guess I'm late but...

This was the Michael Jordan of movies!

Put THAT on the front of the DVD art!


Daily Bugle = Chicago Tribune!
SPIDERMAN SCORES 45 IN WINGTIPS!...er...that was a nike ad. :\
I'm not sure if this has been said (haven't bothered to read all the replys), but was anyone else dissapointed when


The cause for Peters loss of power was just due to a psychological problem, as opposed to him gradually turning into the big spider from the cartoon? I thought it'd start in this one, and fully develop in another film.


Seth C said:
You personally buy the same game multiple times, within a week? Come on. :p Very different things.

Fine. I buy fries multiple times a week. Many times they are cold. Does that mean that I like cold fries? Come on - this is basic logic.

Suppose A
Suppose B
Therefore A->B?




By far the best one, it's so incredibly awesome it renders all the other funny strips terrible and pathetically obsolete just by comparison. Except maybe the avalanche one and the truck nemesis.


Seth C said:
That's it? Hopefully today or tomorrow will top $50 million.

Yeah, but it was the day after opening on a Thursday.. I'm expecting big numbers tonight and tomorrow night... But Sunday will most likely be a huge drop off.


Pattergen said:
Yeah, but it was the day after opening on a Thursday.. I'm expecting big numbers tonight and tomorrow night... But Sunday will most likely be a huge drop off.

Why would July 4th be a huge drop off?


Why would July 4th be a huge drop off?

Because it's a Holiday where people are usually out with friends and family grilling, watching fireworks, etc. It will certainly have a good Sunday as far as movies usually do, but I doubt it will be record breaking like todays (Friday) total will be.


Seth C said:
That's it? Hopefully today or tomorrow will top $50 million.

That's it???

Have you checked other Thursday (2nd day totals)? This is pretty damn high!

And it's already over $50 million.


Razoric said:
That's it???

Have you checked other Thursday (2nd day totals)? This is pretty damn high!

And it's already over $50 million.

He's talking friday or saturday takes alone.

Why would July 4th be a huge drop off?

Maybe not a HUGE drop off, but I'm thinking more than the usual 20-30% norm.


Ahh my bad.

The movie cost $260 million (w/ advertising added). When do you predict it'll make a profit? By next weekend?


Razoric said:
Ahh my bad.

The movie cost $260 million (w/ advertising added). When do you predict it'll make a profit? By next weekend?

Well then you have to think how much money they got from licensing deals for toys, burger cross-promotion, product placement in the movie (though I don't realy remember any)... but if we are just talking about domestic gross... two weeks... about $150 million by Sunday, and then there will be a drop off, but not too bad.


Can anybody explain where the movie's 200 million dollar budget went? It doesn't really look better than movies that are 25-50% cheaper. The CG is still as phony looking as it was in the $140 million prequel, and it doesn't seem like there's more of it either.

Seth C

border said:
Can anybody explain where the movie's 200 million dollar budget went? It doesn't really look better than movies that are 25-50% cheaper. The CG is still as phony looking as it was in the $140 million prequel, and it doesn't seem like there's more of it either.

There was a ton of CG in this one. Hell, every scene with a full shot of Dock Ock in it had CG. You say it was phony looking, but at the same time I think th ere are several parts you didn't even realize were fake. :)


Movie studios make MUCH more money than just theatre gross...licenseing, cross-promotions along contributes a huge amount, let alone DVD sales that usually goes as high as theatre gross.

But yea, it should make its cost back by next weekend, if not almost already. FYI they already got 50 million from fox for some TV rights.

I think either friday or saturday have a chance to reach new heights in terms of single day gross.


kinda late in posting here

the movie was very good, a sequel that does a lot of things right

i think the hype sort of hurt the movie, best comic book movie EVAR and all that jazz people were saying, i was left a little underwhelmed, but i still liked it

doc ock's mechanical arms looked awesome on screen

the train sequence was also incredible

i agree with a lot of people that kirsten dunst was a weak point in this movie, she didnt look as good in this movie for some reason, she did sort of look wasted or something

i think X2 is a better comic book movie than spiderman 2


Hollywood Square
I thought you'd like to know that ORSON SCOTT CARD not only loves Spider-Man, but reviewed Spider-Man 2. That man is one of the best authors ever, so you can be happy that if you liked the movie, you are awesome like Orson Scott Card and if you didn't like it, you are dumb and will probably die in a propane grill accident.

Spider-Man 2

It isn't always the kiss of death when Hollywood spends appalling amounts of money on a special effects extravaganza.

Every now and then, out of the morass of money, there rises, not a swamp thing like Titanic or The Mummy Returns, but something ... dare I say it? ... beautiful.

Spider-Man 2 fulfils every expectation of the thrill-seeking FX crowd -- lots of flying, lots of danger, a cool villain, people in jeopardy, a vulnerable hero who struggles to save people we care about.

There's also clever writing, with good dialogue and genuine surprises, scenes and sequences that really click.

That would be enough to make this the blockbuster of the summer.

But that wasn't enough for director Sam Raimi, screen story writers Alfred Gough, Miles Millar, and Michael Chabon, and screenplay author Alvin Sargent.

That list of writers is significant. The three screen-story guys are from the comic-book and action-adventure tradition.

Alvin Sargent wrote the screenplay for Ordinary People, for which he won -- and deserved -- the Oscar for best adapted screenplay.

You don't hire a guy like that if you plan to put mere eye candy on the screen.

Sargent delivered. So did everybody else.

This film moved me. To tears. More than once. And not just in the expected places. I was surprised by moments of real emotional fulfilment, moments of revelation and fruition that few filmmakers since Frank Capra even try for, let alone deliver.

But I can't tell you what they are. It would spoil the surprises. And maybe you won't be affected by them as I was. Maybe all you'll see is the eye-candy and the occasional silly comedy -- mostly from J.K. Simmons as the newspaper editor. But so what? That's a good movie, too.

My only wish is that we could have seen something from Kirsten Dunst besides soulfulness -- not her fault, the script just didn't give her the opportunity, and frankly, there was no time for it. But next time, in Spider-Man 3 ...

Meanwhile, nobody does soulful better than Dunst -- unless it's Tobey Maguire or James Franco. Has a movie ever been better cast than this one?

The first Spider-Man movie, unlike, say, Titanic, is almost infinitely rewatchable. If I ever flip to it on HBO, I end up hooked and watch it to the end. That's a mark of good writing and good acting and good directing -- the story doesn't pall.

Whereas Titanic soon makes grownups cringe, with the cruelly bad dialogue that they actually made real actors say in public, and the laughably false and manipulative scenes and gimmicks.

There is a philosophy in Hollywood that crops up a lot: That the audience is so dumb that you don't actually have to make something good to have a hit and earn a lot of money at the box office.

And that philosophy is absolutely correct. Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow and Titanic and a whole ream of disaster movies, sci-fi potboilers, cynical sequels, and Spielberg movies have proven that over and over again.

But just because expensive but phony movies make money doesn't mean you have to make them that bad. The audience won't stay away just because a great special-effects film also has wonderful characters and truthful writing. In fact, it will continue to draw audiences years later, because truthful filmmaking doesn't grow old the way empty-calorie movies do.

The Spider-Man franchise, so far, is the kind of work that everyone associated with it can be proud of throughout their careers.

Meanwhile, almost everyone who sees it -- or at least, everyone with an open mind -- will find a movie with a hero whose powers may be unbelievable in the real world, but whose heart is recognizable ... as the best sort of human being, the kind we always hope to see in the real world, but rarely recognize when we do.

That's enough from me. Go see this movie (if you haven't already) and then you won't need anybody to tell you anything about it. You'll know for yourself.


Haha, he played the "MJ is just a piece of ass" card. That's been her role since the first movie, and the only one who ever played it up was good ol' Norman.


well not really...yet
OMG Fucking awesome ajgbadsjnbjdbuspbebywuihgedsboPuag

10000000 times better than the first..!

fucking fantastic



well not really...yet
the scenes with doc ock at the hospital! OMFG pure raimi

I <3 this movie, how can the first one be so mediocre and this one be so good?!?!!??!

asfsafgmgjdnsgjo bfhxcikldnfhjinbrfsi hbjnb


I caught a 9:00 showing tonight.

It was pure awesomeness. Everything about it ruled, the action, the emotion, EVERYTHING! I loved all the Raimi-esque sequences, and I pissed myself when I saw the chainsaw :p

As for the sequel, things are starting to get really complicated. They definitely have to save Venom for the fourth, and at least introduce Eddie Brock in the third.


There's enough substance in the GG II storyline to fill up TWO MOVIES!

For the third movie I want to see a fully fleshed out GG II storyline. The only problem is that, in the comics, I'm pretty sure the characters are well into their late 20s, early 30's during that storyline.

For the fourth film, they should have Spidey getting the symbiote, and maybe the Kraven story arc? Spidey had the symbiote suit at the time, right? And then at the end of the film, it could leave him and end on the Eddie Brock finds the symbiote cliffhanger?


well not really...yet
Oh ok there were some bad things

fucking song at the end credits, at least Spider Man 1 had 1 minute or so of score during em, fuck you dashboard


CG at the beggining was awful, worst ive seen in a long time


yeah I just saw it today.

but Wilco, what do you think of some of the 'fake'ish' CG spiderman scenes.

I also want to know why would marvel (or the comic book guild of america) would approve of Harry doing cocaine and drugs in the comic and deny that issue of spiderman trying to help/stop that drug attic dude from jumping off a building.


Hollywood Square
neptunes said:
yeah I just saw it today.

but Wilco, what do you think of some of the 'fake'ish' CG spiderman scenes.

I also want to know why would marvel (or the comic book guild of america) would approve of Harry doing cocaine and drugs in the comic and deny that issue of spiderman trying to help/stop that drug attic dude from jumping off a building.

None of the CG scenes bothered me, really. The action movies at such a quick pace and was so well executed, that I really didn't sit there and dissect the visual effects.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Woot seeing the greatest movie of all time again on Sunday...life is good :)


even my little brother poked me by the side whispering "That looks so fake" I just said "shut up and watch the movie"


Count me as one of those disappointed. I can understand why comic book fans would enjoy the movie, but I'm a firm believer of a movie has to stand on its own in terms of character development, acting, story etc. and can't use its source material as a cop out. I can't buy the cop out that that's the way it was in the comic book so it has to be good as valid. As a movie, this was very mediocre. The character development was simplistic and dare I say juvenile along with being incessantly boring dragging down most of the movie. Can you guys honestly say that any of the characters in the side stories are in the least bit interesting and even the returning characters seem to be going through the paces. The action scenes were good but not nearly enough to satisfy. The hospital scene was disturbing but out of place with the tone of the rest of the movie. The train scene was amazing but only served to echo the lack of more great action sequences like it. The cheesiness of the love story was overbearing. The acting was one dimensional, forced and not very inspiring. I wouldn't have minded the parts where spiderman is absent from the film if those parts were better done than this was. To state it simply if this movie was judged apart from its license, it wouldn't be getting nearly as many good reviews as its getting and the best Superhero movie has to succeed on its own apart from its license. For the record I think Superman II is the best one of these movies because it accomplishes that.


dorio said:
Count me as one of those disappointed. I can understand why comic book fans would enjoy the movie, but I'm a firm believer of a movie has to stand on its own in terms of character development, acting, story etc. and can't use its source material as a cop out. I can't buy the cop out that that's the way it was in the comic book so it has to be good as valid. As a movie, this was very mediocre. The character development was simplistic and dare I say juvenile along with being incessantly boring dragging down most of the movie. Can you guys honestly say that any of the characters in the side stories are in the least bit interesting and even the returning characters seem to be going through the paces. The action scenes were good but not nearly enough to satisfy. The hospital scene was disturbing but out of place with the tone of the rest of the movie. The train scene was amazing but only served to echo the lack of more great action sequences like it. The cheesiness of the love story was overbearing. The acting was one dimensional, forced and not very inspiring. I wouldn't have minded the parts where spiderman is absent from the film if those parts were better done than this was. To state it simply if this movie was judged apart from its license, it wouldn't be getting nearly as many good reviews as its getting and the best Superhero movie has to succeed on its own apart from its license. For the record I think Superman II is the best one of these movies because it accomplishes that.

It's a live action comic book for crying out loud. Go watch some Sense and Sensibility or something.


Just got in from seeing it... I'll read through the rest of the posts in a bit now that I can't be spoiled, but until then...

Saw it Thursday afternoon and was quite pleased. The best SuperHero movie I've ever seen! Kirsten Dunst could have had a couple of better lines(especially at the end) but otherwise was a kick ass movie.

Now what happens next? I guess I heard something about "Ties" at the wedding having to do with the next movie...not exactly sure what that is about though. It seems obvious the fiancee guy should become a villain but who the hell is he? Anyhow...great great movie. Tobey was top notch in his acting.

I'm gonna go see it again before it is out of theaters.


Hollywood Square
The ties bit is...

Harry is wearing a green tie at the wedding, symbolizing that he's the next incarnation of The Green Goblin. You should've been able to figure that out by the scene before, though.

You're likely to see The Hobgoblin/Green Goblin, The Lizard and/or The Black Cat in the next film.


I was thrilled that not of the soundtrack actually made its way into the film, a la Daredevil. I may have said that already, but the thread is far too large to double check.
Willco said:
The ties bit is...

Harry is wearing a green tie at the wedding, symbolizing that he's the next incarnation of The Green Goblin. You should've been able to figure that out by the scene before, though.

You're likely to see The Hobgoblin/Green Goblin, The Lizard and/or The Black Cat in the next film.

Thank you.


Gantz said:
It's a live action comic book for crying out loud. Go watch some Sense and Sensibility or something.
If you're going to make a comic book movie, at least make it interesting by showing alot of good action sequences with the comic book hero. If you're going to make it mostly about the comic books alter ego's love story and his life's conflict then make that material interesting. Spiderman 2 fails at both. The people who like the movie here judging by their posts are either fanatics for the comic book so will excuse the silly contrivances and/or Raimi fanatics because he did the very overrated Evil Dead movies therefore can do no wrong.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


dorio said:
If you're going to make a comic book movie, at least make it interesting by showing alot of good action sequences with the comic book hero.

Action scenes? Check.

dorio said:
If you're going to make it mostly about the comic books alter ego's love story and his life's conflict then make that material interesting.

You don't get it. Spider-Man is Peter Parker's alter ego, not the other way around. That's what made Spider-Man (the comic) so popular, and why the Spider-Man movies have done so well. They're human. This isn't Superman where some ripped dude with PHENOMICAL COSMIC POWERS (tm) pretends to be a geeky reporter. Peter is the real person. Spider-Man is the persona. You cannot have the latter without the former.

dorio said:
Spiderman 2 fails at both.

FALSE ASSERTION. Except perhaps in your own head.

dorio said:
The people who like the movie here judging by their posts are either fanatics for the comic book so will excuse the silly contrivances and/or Raimi fanatics because he did the very overrated Evil Dead movies therefore can do no wrong.

Again, FALSE ASSERTION. I loved Spider-Man 2, and I have neither read the comics nor really followed Raimi as a director (never seen Evil Dead movies).


P.s. it's Capital-S-spider-dash-Capital-M-man. Spider-Man. Not spiderman, not spider man, not Spiderman.


gblues said:
You don't get it. Spider-Man is Peter Parker's alter ego, not the other way around. That's what made Spider-Man (the comic) so popular, and why the Spider-Man movies have done so well. They're human. This isn't Superman where some ripped dude with PHENOMICAL COSMIC POWERS (tm) pretends to be a geeky reporter. Peter is the real person. Spider-Man is the persona. You cannot have the latter without the former.
And none of that has anything to do with my original point, making an intelligent, interesting movie. I felt like the reviewer who said he wanted to stand up in the middle of the movie and scream "We get it!!!". That's not good filmmaking; that's a film in desperate need of editing.
gblues said:
P.s. it's Capital-S-spider-dash-Capital-M-man. Spider-Man. Not spiderman, not spider man, not Spiderman.
Yesterday 10:52 PM
Who the hell cares, signed spiderman.


dorio said:
The people who like the movie here judging by their posts are either fanatics for the comic book so will excuse the silly contrivances and/or Raimi fanatics because he did the very overrated Evil Dead movies therefore can do no wrong.
I do not have any Spider-Man comic books nor have I seen any of the Evil Dead movies.

And I'm also going to take a guess that the 146 fresh reviews on rottentomatoes aren't all from Spider-Man comic or Raimi fans.


Synbios459 said:
I'm not sure if this has been said (haven't bothered to read all the replys), but was anyone else dissapointed when


The cause for Peters loss of power was just due to a psychological problem, as opposed to him gradually turning into the big spider from the cartoon? I thought it'd start in this one, and fully develop in another film.

As I said earlier, it would've been more plausible if Peter was losing his powers due to feeling so sick inside over MJ, since Otto had covered that earlier. The idea of him losing powers simply because he doesn't want 'em anymore was a bit silly. But whatever.

And saying that only Spidey comic fans or Raimi/Evil Dead fans like Spidey 2 is as stupid as saying that not liking the movie means you're a wierdo cause it's the minority opinion. Let your views stand on their own fucking selves.


Hollywood Square
Just bought tickets to see it again 2:00 pm today with the family, since they all want to go. Huzzah for Spidey!


works for Gamestop (lol)
Saw it last night, awesome movie. I avoided the hype and trailers beforehand to avoid disappointment. MOTY #2 for me :)


Unconfirmed Member
Saw Spidey 2 today (hooray for the awesome movie theaters in Ginza) and HOLY CHRIST was it absurd. Not bad, mind you, it was quite entertaining, but it seemed like the whole movie was either recycled verbatim from the first movie or simply fraught with needlessy absurd and improbable situations. It would have taken very little effort to make certain aspects of the plot even slightly more believable. I'm also convinced that they have no clue whatsoever what "fusion" actually is.

The first movie was definitely better. Which, as I said, doesn't mean this one was bad or anything, but it felt like they carelessly and needlessly made things even more unbelievable than they needed to be for a superhero movie.

That said, the Spidey in the elevator scene and EVERY SECOND that J. Jonah Jameson was on screen made the movie worthwhile. The Rainbows Keep Falling On My Head sequence was fantastically loony, too.
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