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Chili Con Carnage!
They could easily introduce Brock in 3 if they made him the son of Peters Dads partner, ie the Ultimate storyline, but i still dont think they would do that.

The most important thing from the movies point of view is to wrap up the trilogy (I know Wilco is saying Rami might to 4, but if the cast doesnt want to, the arc still has to end at 3) , not give lip-service to the fans by tacking on another bad guy who doesnt fit with what needs to be done, namely resolving Harry Vs Peter. Venom is way to big a story to fit in a film that is about Osborns decent into madness and revenge on Spider-Man.


Fuck Eddie Brock. Name the one event in his non-symbiote life that made him worth a shit. The symbiote didn't pick Eddie because he was the second best photographer at the Bugle...it picked him because he hated Parker and Spider-Man. Any motherfucker could be used to fill that role. Hell, Betty Brant could be Venom. Brock's the ultimate vessel character...without the symbiote, he isn't worth shit.


Hollywood Square
Yeah, I agree. I still think the third installment is a great opportunity to introduce Black Cat, forcing Peter Parker to deal with relationship problems as both Peter Parker and Spider-Man, whilst trying to stop a newly resurrected Goblin.
Shinobi said:
I couldn't...that'd be a God awful choice. Bad enough they chose Dunst for MJ (should've gone with Dominique Swain, been saying that for three years)...I don't see Scarlet as Black Cat at all.

Dominique Swain is the poor man's Elisha Cuthbert. Not that I'd kick her out of bed, but still.

Shinobi said:
You're joking right?

No, at that moment I really couldn't think of movie quadrilogies. Long day at the office; first day back from vacation. :(


Excuses excuses...heh nah really, I know how that goes.

And how can you say Dominique is a poor man's Elisha Cuthbert? Did you see her in Lolita? She could've given Shannon Tweed lessons in the art of sexuality. Besides I wasn't comparing the two...Swain fits the MJ look far better then Dunst since she's an actual red head. I could deal with Elisha as Black Cat though...well, a hell of a lot better then I could Scarlet anyway.


I've only seen the second cartoon series, but how was Carnage introduced in the comics? Wasn't he like a crazier version of Venom?


Hollywood Square
AniHawk said:
I've only seen the second cartoon series, but how was Carnage introduced in the comics? Wasn't he like a crazier version of Venom?

Eddie Brock and Cletus Cassidy somehow were sharing a cell together and the Venom symbiote merged with Cassidy and spawned CARNAGE. Since Cassidy is a serial killer, Carnage is just crazy.

He's a stupid character.


Gold Member

The Anchorman commercial is awesome.

"Thank you for making Anchorman the #1 movie in America. And we totally kicked Spider-Man's ass."

"What? The movie's not out yet?"
I don't see everyone's obsession with Venom. He's too "cool" and "badass", which IMO is very uncharacteristic of Spiderman. Call me crazy, but I'd take the Sandman or even the Rhino over Venom anytime.

Though, I gotta give him credit for being just about the only Spidey villian not created in the 60s who is still relevant.


BobbyRobby said:
Pfft, probably because no fellow bad guy could ever respect him after he got foiled by a vacuum cleaner.

WTF? When did that happen :p

I know he was originally a bad guy, but didn't he join the Avengers for awhile?
You're right about that. In addition to being on the Avengers, he was also on some other super team with second-tier heroes.

The vacuum cleaner debacle happened in his first appearance.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Willco said:
Eddie Brock and Cletus Cassidy somehow were sharing a cell together and the Venom symbiote merged with Cassidy and spawned CARNAGE. Since Cassidy is a serial killer, Carnage is just crazy.

He's a stupid character.

Federman, you fail Spider-man History 401, for punishment you will have to re-read the Clone Saga in its entirety.

Carnage is one of Venom's off-springs ( more properly, the off-spring of the Symbiote ) which fused with Cletus Cassidy when they were sharing a common cell.
Panajev2001a said:
Federman, you fail Spider-man History 401, for punishment you will have to re-read the Clone Saga in its entirety.

This reminds me. I don't remember who posted the link to the Life of Reily site here, which explained the clone saga in great detail, as well as behind the scenes info, but thanks. It was a very interesting read.


Eddie Brock isn't necessary in film for a good Venom. The original Spider-Man film and also the changes seen in the Ultimate Spider-Man books have convinced me that change is sometimes for the best.

For example, rather than the Goblin throwing Gwen Stacy off a bridge, then getting himself impaled, it was MJ in the film. And it worked fine, same basic premise, and I bet few people remember the Gwen storyline anyway from the comics. MJ is the better known character.

Speaking of Gwen, the skinny blonde neighbor of Peter's (his landlord's daughter) dressed and had the same kind of look as Ult SM's Gwen.

Also, having organic webs is a great idea on film and, sorry Stan, it makes more sense than Peter inventing his own webs. It does kill the classic plots where Peter is running out of web fluid,or running out of money to make more, but oh well. Leave the web shooters to the comics / cartoons.

Getting back to a proposed SM3 plot, I like Venom in the comics & especially the games for some reason, but I don't care if Sam Raimi NEVER has Venom on-screen. I'd rather see Rhino and Sandman and Mysterio and even Hobgoblin, assuming they were done right. A Venom storyline has a huge potential for killing the film franchise (look, it's dark Spider-Man, how stoooopid, I can hear 'em saying...).

Even though the SM people want to do up to 6 sequels or more, I would be surprised if there are more than 3, even more surprised if anything beyond 3 is even good. These kinds of movies tend to self-destruct quickly; I'm elated that we got 2 excellent Spider-mans, and o if only we get a third!


Believe it or not, the skinny blonde girl—Spidey's neighbor—is Carnage.

You heard it first, here, at the GAF !
Tell your friends and family.





Carnage rules!


Totally backwards!

The game sucked balls! The character kicks ass!

You must've made a mistake! You meant to use the "<" sign!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Cafeman said:
Also, having organic webs is a great idea on film and, sorry Stan, it makes more sense than Peter inventing his own webs. It does kill the classic plots where Peter is running out of web fluid,or running out of money to make more, but oh well. Leave the web shooters to the comics / cartoons.
I still don't get this. A brilliant kid making webshooters makes less sense than a kid getting bitten by a radioactive spider and growing new internal organs during a nap?


Dan said:
I still don't get this. A brilliant kid making webshooters makes less sense than a kid getting bitten by a radioactive spider and growing new internal organs during a nap?

Yeah, it kinda does. :O


Hollywood Square
Panajev2001a said:
Federman, you fail Spider-man History 401, for punishment you will have to re-read the Clone Saga in its entirety.

Carnage is one of Venom's off-springs ( more properly, the off-spring of the Symbiote ) which fused with Cletus Cassidy when they were sharing a common cell.

Sorry. Carnage is a stupid character whose origin I try to forget.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
BobbyRobby said:
In addition to being on the Avengers, he was also on some other super team with second-tier heroes.

Six Pack! Silver Sable's crack merc team (that got owned by Venom in the #375 issue...I wish I still had it....)!


1. Great intro, love handrawn stuff.
2. Did Spiderman become Antman at the end?!
3. No mask? Omg wtf
4. Turn on and off his mutated genes?


Hollywood Square
Spider-Man 2 made an additional $12 million on Tuesday. C'mon people, you can do better than that!


Willco said:
Spider-Man 2 made an additional $12 million on Tuesday. C'mon people, you can do better than that!

It's already at $200 million then in a WEEK.

Wonder what it'll do overall. I'm definitely going to see it again. Hopefully with a less moronic audience.


I finally saw it today (Screw that crowded first few days crap). Absolutely awesome movie and they can milk this for 5 or 6 films IMO lol

Stuff that irked me a bit:

- Too many folks saw him unmasked. Someone not selling the story is complete BS!!
- The stuff with the folks on the train trying to protect him was just as lame as the bridge scene from the first movie. They need to just stop with the whole NY folks toughness crap!!

Best superhero flicks EVAR!!!


Hollywood Square
Cloudy said:
The stuff with the folks on the train trying to protect him was just as lame as the bridge scene from the first movie. They need to just stop with the whole NY folks toughness crap!!

Uh, no. Did you even watch that scene? It was a deliberate rag on the original. Doc Ock knocks all those fuckers out of the way. That was hilarious.


BobbyRobby said:
Its not like anyone had a camera on the train. How could they blow his cover even if they wanted to?

They could describe him and someone would notice that description matches his "pal", Parker.

I'm overanalyzing but meh :p

You just said it's lame and funny. I don't think you know what you want!

Comedy is fine but I prefer less cheese :)


Hollywood Square
The whole unmasking part really doesn't bother me, because in Ultimate Spider-Man, basically everyone knows his identity except for Aunt May. And hell, in Amazing Spider-Man, even Aunt May knows his secret identity. I think Marvel might be tinkering with the idea of having Spider-Man go public ala Daredevil.


BobbyRobby said:
Call me crazy, but I'd take the Sandman or even the Rhino over Venom anytime.

Crazy doesn't begin to cover it...

Willco said:
Uh, no. Did you even watch that scene? It was a deliberate rag on the original. Doc Ock knocks all those fuckers out of the way. That was hilarious.

His point is that it's bullshit that they'd have enough balls to stand up to Ock in the first place. And he's right.

BobbyRobby said:
Its not like anyone had a camera on the train. How could they blow his cover even if they wanted to?

You're trying to tell me that not one of those people had a camera built into their cellphone?

And based on one of the recent Spidey comics I read, it sure seems that his cover is about to be blown wide open. Of course we've thought that before...


Hollywood Square
Shinobi said:
His point is that it's bullshit that they'd have enough balls to stand up to Ock in the first place. And he's right.

Seeing how that wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, it's not bullshit.


I really hope they do more than just the Hobgoblin in the third movie. Maybe add the lizard in there for good measure...or add another minor villain like Electro. Eh, whatever they choose I just hope it will be good. So far we've been blessed with two good Spider-Man movies. Here is hoping that the third will be of equal quality.
aparisi2274 said:
Well what is it????

All you had to do was either click on the link in my post or look a few posts above. Jesus.

nm, I thought you were a different poster. Like Matlock said, it's Years 1-3 of Ultimate Spider-Man (GG, Doc Ock, Venom storylines). BTW, this was all written at the bottom of the page you linked in your post. You really need to use the SCROLL DOWN key.
aparisi2274 said:
How many issues were there of the Ultimate Spiderman story arc???

It's still going, of course--you're never going to have everything in one volume until it's completely done. Currently it's on Carnage (Season/Year 4).


aparisi2274 said:
How many issues were there of the Ultimate Spiderman story arc???

Ultimate Spiderman isn't a story arc, it's a series - a modern day retelling of Spiderman mythos.
a friend of mine (who isn't a comic fan whatsoever) brought up an interesting, or maybe dumb, idea: What if Osbourne hires Jameson Jr. to take out Spidey/Peter, and in turn, gives him the serum and Green Goblin shit?


Nah, I think they will use Jameson Jr. as the guy who brings the Venom thing to Earth. He is an astronaut after all. Maybe there will be no Brock and Jr. becomes Venom? Harry will be Hob Goblin for sure. Just like the old Fox cartoon (which owned BTW) :)
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