Matlock said:Well,the power on his tentacles went off, and they charged off of his spinal column. ;P
Matlock said:Spider-Man 2 > Titanic!
Don't doubt, Shinobi!
Tinseltown 17
1210 Sold Out 600 seater
1225 Sold Out 600 seater
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10:25 / 65 % sold / 600 seater
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10:10 was 60 % full at 815 when i left
neptunes said:
aparisi2274 said:Thats a great pic, but who is he in the Spiderman universe?
Pachinko said:This movie ruled man. Much better then the first and I loved the way it all ended. The 3rd movie seems to have an easy villian or does it ?
Matlock said:Well,the power on his tentacles went off, and they charged off of his spinal column. ;P
neptunes said:In the comic book Kraven kills himself right?
Drensch said:I did not like spider-man. I had a lot of problems with it that, no matter what, couldn't be fixed for a second movie. Ignoring all of those problems, I thought Spider-Man 2 looked cool in the trailers.
Goodin S2: Much like the last movie, the make-up and Costumes rocked. As did the look of Dock Ock's arms.
The Train scene.
I thought two was as bad if not worse than the first. At least Spider-man had more than a cameo in the first movie. They should have just called it Peter Parker instead of Spider-Man 2. Or even better Peter Parker: the spectacularly whiny bitch! The whole MJ thing was a utter bore. The whole losing powers angle, sometimes he has them, sometimes not. That was horrible, had he just a crisis of character, I'd buy that. Molina was wasted, they had that horrible exposition scene stright out of a old Star Trek: "Things in my...Mind..." The anthropomorphization of the arms, the hissing and shit. The fact that they acted like the arms weighed like a dinosaur or something, they had infinite power etc. AFAIK, Dock Ock has no powers outside of the arms, yet Spider-Man who can throw cars and shit, can punch him repeatedly. Secret Identity?, why bother?
It wasn't Matrix 2, but certainly isn't good.
pollo said:i walked out during the first half.
It sucked up until what I saw...though I missed the train scene, and I was unimpressed with everybody's acting. Doc OC looked pretty cool - but his character development scene was horribly contrived and on soo many different levels of bad that it completely ruined him.
Matlock said:It was the ultimate film! An amazing spectacle that entangled me in its web! A startling story that has you hooked from the first frame!
Toby as Peter Parker was spectacular! Kirsten as Mary Jane was sensational!
You have to love the webshooters, which are the mark of true swingers! What about Peter unmasked?
Unlimited entertainment that'll stay through you, a true blue classic that will still be remembered in 2099!
Giant-sized fights with the maximum carnage allowed on screen in a PG-13 film! Untold tales set up!
This universe of Marvel films will make for a treasury of a home theatre collection, with many including the deadly foes of Spider-Man! This is the Marvel age!
An essential film that must not be missed, True Believers! Excelsior!
Kabuki Waq said:Fuck what i wouldnt give for Dr. Doom appearance.
pollo said:And BTW Doc OC WAS pretty bad. Going from "You should only use technology for the good of human kind parker" to "I will go get money to build my machine" within a 15 minute span? errrr...If that isn't bad development I dont know what is
Willco said:I mean, I know he defeated a weakened Spider-Man, but even at full strength, he put up way more of a fight than the 'ole mean Greenie and landed a good deal of blows.
SteveMeister said:Are you talking about towards the end, when he knocked Spidey out & took him to Harry's? I think Spidey was faking it -- I think he was hoping Doc Oc would bring him to where Mary Jane was. Remember -- as soon as Harry took off Spidey's mask, he was wide awake, jumped up, busted the barbed wire like it was nothing, and asked "Where's MJ"?
Willco said:Hey, did anyone notice that Dunst did the NIPPLE thing, again? I wonder if Raimi does it on purpose.
borghe said:the only thing I can figure is that was the turning point.. up to that point, everything bad happened to him. It was basically the turning poiunt with "Good things can happen to him." I will admit it was a bit disjaunting, but that's how I took it.. kind of like "Okay okay okay.. things don't ALWAYS go bad for him.."
also, did anyone else notice that the crumbs on the plates were yellow cake??!? LOL!!!!!!