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The Official X06 Barcelona (360) Summary Thread

It was a good show. I only wish Sony would do something like this, but they seem to only stick a non-sensical shows, not really catering to any one. the ps3 is my console of choice, and nothing I really see on the 360 is gonna pull me away from that right now. Sony needs to stop spounting how technically better their console is and start going, heres our, heres theres, look ours it better in this way.

Also, how is the hd-dvd going to output native 1080p?


snatches said:
Really I think the show totally delivered. There wasn't a landmark, mindblowing announcement but the new info that came out is great for MS and 360 owners. The lineup of exclusive games is extremely impressive.

Really a conference like this is not only good for 360 owners, it's good for gamers in general. Even sonybots should be happy that MS is going to be able to get the 360 to affordable levels way before the PS3 can and theres no reason not to pick one up in a year or so even if you are normally OnlySony minded, there are going to be to many great gaming experiences to pass up on the 360.This gen the 360 is Sex with a Joystick:D


It was a great conference because they showed off something like 50 games. Actually demoed two more of them. And announced a bunch more. Games, games, games. And just when you got bored with HD-DVD talk, they switched back to games!

What's not great about that?


Dante said:
It wasn't really a bad conference, it just wasn't really mind blowing. I think after Sony's strong showing @ TGS people were expecting MS to show a lot of new surprises, and big guns ( halo 3 ) Way too much CG, which can backfire as we've seen with Sony, and too many third party non exclusives sown for my taste. Again, not bad.....just not great. One thing I will say Is it's F'n awesome that they are putting stuff on the Marketplace already.

MS both announced more exclusives and new games than Sony did at TGS.


I definitely think this was supremely superior to Sony's TGS disaster of a conference. I'm just disappointed there wasn't more, or even REAL footage of the games I was anticipating.

Some of the games:
1. Forza Motorsport 2 - To this day they still use a darn CG trailer. Hopefully they don't limit press in filming the demo.
2. Halo Wars - CG trailer
3. Marvel MMO - CG trailer
4. Banjo - CG trailer
5. The Darkness - CG trailer
6. Halo 3 - Old trailer
7. TF2 - Old trailer
8. Fable 2 - Old CG trailer - Hopefully they'll show real footage of this tomorrow (supposedly.)
9. Too Human - NADA
10. No mention of Wolfenstein 360? No mention of Id's new games?
11. Mass Effect - Old Footage

There were definitely some good announcements including exclusivity for Bioshock, Kane and Lynch, and Crossfire, among others. But nowadays, those 'exclusives' are most likely timed exclusives, which while good, well, take away from the console exclusivity.

I must add that this could all change in the next following days, when they show games on the floor.
Bud said:
Gears of War looked so f*cking boring.

Hey lets take cover. Hey lets shoot. Hey lets hide on the other side of this statue so that the stupid alien can't hit me. Also the va is a ****ing POS. The aliens and those dudes sound like sooooo generic and BORING.

you didnt like GRAW did you?
hey id much rather watch cg than listen to a guy talk about his chilhood dreams of reinventing the internet and curing diseases with a console for an hour. then tell me that i dont get a price drop because im an american and we think 600 dollars is cheap


IJoel said:
I definitely think this was supremely superior to Sony's TGS disaster of a conference. I'm just disappointed there wasn't more, or even REAL footage of the games I was anticipating.

Some of the games:
1. Forza Motorsport 2 - To this day they still use a darn CG trailer. Hopefully they don't limit press in filming the demo.
2. Halo Wars - CG trailer
3. Marvel MMO - CG trailer
4. Banjo - CG trailer
5. The Darkness - CG trailer
6. Halo 3 - Old CG trailer
7. TF2 - Old trailer
8. Fable 2 - Old CG trailer - Hopefully they'll show real footage of this tomorrow (supposedly.)
9. Too Human - NADA
10. No mention of Wolfenstein 360? No mention of Id's new games?
11. Mass Effect - Old Footage

There were definitely some good announcements including exclusivity for Bioshock, Kane and Lynch, and Crossfire, among others. But nowadays, those 'exclusives' are most likely timed exclusives, which while good, well, take away from the console exclusivity.

The other problem, depending on your perspective, is that many of the titles are on PC as well. And I'm not sure that impacts a majority of people, but it definitely impacts me personally on something like an RTS game (Halo Wars) or Bioshock.

Still, can't complain much. They showed games the entire time just about - at least concepts and CG - which is much more than I can say for alternative conferences.


The conference was very well delivered, fast paced, humor, and "guest stars".

I love Halo but insstead of those 2 reelated games i think it would have been better to diversify and show something new from for example Lionhead.

Uncle said:
So what about the bringing it home part...

Seems only Doom is up. Nothing else.
SpacLock said:
Best show i've ever seen. Everything looks great! MS is aggressive as hell this gen. Definatly happy i own a 360 right now.

Best show I've seen as well since Sony's E3 2005. ;)

Of course, Sony's was a flat out lie, but at the time we were all floored. Plus seeing Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, FFXIII, Killzone, I-8, F1, etc, etc was unbelievabe.

This one is awesome for different reasons. I still don't see the graphics of any game other than GOW approaching the best we've seen from the PS3, but the depth, quality, and laser focus on the games is incredible. They just really seem to get it from a gamer standpoint, whereas Sony seems to have lost it somewhat.

I want to see games, actual gameplay, and maybe a few related HW/services announcements. This press conference was simple, direct, and all about the games. And expanding the Halo universe and sewing up some loose exclusives just shows a very, very aggresive Microsoft.

The 360 just put their stake in the ground finally, IMO. They've shown exclusives that you've got to have and an attitude that they're going to go toe-to-toe with Sony.

They've still got a problem in Japan, with the absolute top franchises, and with the overall graphics comparisons, but they've come a long way from TGS.


BTW, did they announce any bundles? (Which sucks for me, but is good for the platform)


IJoel said:
I definitely think this was supremely superior to Sony's TGS disaster of a conference. I'm just disappointed there wasn't more, or even REAL footage of the games I was anticipating.

Some of the games:
1. Forza Motorsport 2 - To this day they still use a darn CG trailer. Hopefully they don't limit press in filming the demo.
2. Halo Wars - CG trailer
3. Marvel MMO - CG trailer
4. Banjo - CG trailer
5. The Darkness - CG trailer
6. Halo 3 - Old CG trailer
7. TF2 - Old trailer
8. Fable 2 - Old CG trailer - Hopefully they'll show real footage of this tomorrow (supposedly.)
9. Too Human - NADA
10. No mention of Wolfenstein 360? No mention of Id's new games?
11. Mass Effect - Old Footage

There were definitely some good announcements including exclusivity for Bioshock, Kane and Lynch, and Crossfire, among others. But nowadays, those 'exclusives' are most likely timed exclusives, which while good, well, take away from the console exclusivity.
My thoughts exactly. Waaaaaay too much CG. But the actual announcements rock.

1) Halo Wars
2) Bioshock exclusive
3) Next Splinter Cell exclusive
4) PGR4
5) Banjo something
6) Some weird shit with Peter Jackson and Halo and Bungie PJ was babbling about

Why no hardware bundle/price cut? Terrible, terrible move.


evolution said:
I didn't get a chance to watch the entire stream, but did MS talk about 1080p gaming at all?
1080p native games and movies (HDDVD). He didn't spend much time on it, just assured everyone that it there would be...

sonycowboy said:
BTW, did they announce any bundles? (Which sucks for me, but is good for the platform)
So for third-party exclusives, it's basically just Splinter Cell 5 and Bioshock that were announced? (The Halo RTS would be second-party, no?)

No new Halo or Fable footage?

What's with this Marvel MMO? I thought Sony Online Entertainment was making a Marvel MMO already..... Or did they have DC Comics rights?
Speevy said:
MS both announced more exclusives and new games than Sony did at TGS.

I agree, sony didnt annouce really much at all at tgs...having said that I think most of these titles are what was expected, I mean its great news for 360 owners.



The Translator
Forza 2 pics at xboxyde


Halo 3 trailer was not ****ing cg btw.
evolution said:
I didn't get a chance to watch the entire stream, but did MS talk about 1080p gaming at all?

I'm confused by the whole 1080p part. I don't think he mentioned any games but said 1080p movies would be in their native resolution. I thought games could be in 1080p while HD-DVD's could not.

These things are important to me
in a decade
What a great time to be a gamer, great games all around. No time to be console exclusive, be happy when MS adn Sony get the price of these badboys down a bit.


Some interesting things about Assassin's Creed is that the game has this huge, open world with no loading. There's AF everywhere, beautifully textured, characters and beautifully rendered.

Man I want to play this game.


People need to stop comparing this to Sony's confrence at TGS. They are 2 completely different things. Not saying Sony has great press confrences or anything but the TGS thing was not a press confrence.


KyanMehwulfe said:
What's with this Marvel MMO? I thought Sony Online Entertainment was making a Marvel MMO already..... Or did they have DC Comics rights?

Sony got the DC rights, Microsoft got Marvel
over component you could do 1080p, but thats like <5 tv's on the market. for the rest of us 1080i will be fine. unless your viewing on >60" 1080p isnt gonna mean much


sonycowboy said:
BTW, did they announce any bundles? (Which sucks for me, but is good for the platform)

hddvd bundle in nov. with king kong hd....and some talk of native 1080p gaming and movies.

i have a feeling MS have soemthing up their sleeves in regards to 1080p because how the **** do you do native 1080p without HDMI.


Amir0x said:
karasu and others, please cut the system wars/system line bullshit for a moment and just enjoy what was announced

I'm no system warrior, but they didn't talk about any of the games I'm interested in. Other than Assassins Creed, which I missed.


I'm laughing at these SDF dudes minimizing the conference due to "multiplatform" games. The way I see it, multiplatform titles only help the 360, and only hurt the PS3.

$60 Assassin's Creed + $300 to $400 360 > $60 Assassin's Creed + $500 to $600 PS3.


CabbageRed said:
I'm confused by the whole 1080p part. I don't think he mentioned any games but said 1080p movies would be in their native resolution. I thought games could be in 1080p while HD-DVD's could not.

These things are important to me
in a decade
Well i know they touched on it at TGS, but I thought they would reiterate here. I hope I can get some answers, I just bought a new tv and want to take adavantage of it
-Rogue5- said:
I liked it.

HA at the "300 cars ON DISC."

Deathcraze said:
"over 300 cars... on disc!"


REV 09 said:
Forza2-over 300 cars "ON DISC" :lol :lol :lol

truffleshuffle83 said:
300 cars on disc :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol peter your on fire

Prince said:
on disk.


mr_nothin said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Shogmaster said:
Peter Moore on Forza 2:

"over 300 vehicles on disc" :lol

Xzbeat said:
Forza 2
350 cars on disk.

Falch said:
hehe Moore on Forza 2:

"with more than 300 cars...on disc"


One after Double Agent is exclusive

m0dus said:
:lol at the on disc comment...

SUP GUYS Can someone tell me what Moore said about Forza on disc?!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
f_elz said:
you don't remember e3 2005
...and YOU don't remember the consequences.

People were initially impressed, but the BACKLASH that ensued when it became obvious that those trailers were mostly fake far FAR outweighed any positives. Those trailers brought the opinion of Sony to one of its very lowest points. E3 2005 was a f*cking disaster in the long run. Killzone 2 is f*cked at this point as a result of that CG trailer. If it EVER shows up, it's going to be slammed into the ground so hard the developers may end up fleeing the company. Even when a game manages to end up looking fantastic (Motorstorm), those CG comparisons continue to crop up and wreck the opinions of those who swear by it. That CG did massive damage (*sigh*) to Sony's rep and they are working to recover.

So, no, it's not OK when Sony uses CG. To make such an ignorant statement really demonstrates your true colors to the masses.


GhaleonEB said:
Why no hardware bundle/price cut? Terrible, terrible move.

We'll see if that's the case in 4 months. And honestly, why would you even care considering you already have a 360. You can make the argument that more consoles sold=more games made, well that's what the conference was about, could you even HANDLE more games being released? The game quality and quantity output is steadily increasing through this year and is just going to be ridiculous in 2007.

Honestly, for a 360 owner, or prospective 360 the future looks incredibly bright and that's the only thing that matters. There's going to be games that hit all of the major genres (aside: the one big omission is the sword action game genre which Sony kills, and that's something I hope MS fixes in the near future without having to wait for NG2), so if you like traditional games in any form whatsoever, the 360 is a fantastic machine. Who cares if some games aren't exclusive, that makes Windows a fantastic platform as well, same with the PS3, the upside is that the 360 is the cheapest alternative where you get the same quality experience :)


Vrolokus said:
I'm laughing at these SDF dudes minimizing the conference due to "multiplatform" games. The way I see it, multiplatform titles only help the 360, and only hurt the PS3.

$60 Assassin's Creed + $300 to $400 360 > $60 Assassin's Creed + $500 to $600 PS3.

There is no $300 360 anymore. I haven't seen a core anywhere in months.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Holy crap at some of the stuff in this thread. God GAF never fails.

Anywho, decent show. I agree too much CG (and too many co-PC exclusives, GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR CONSOLE MS, NOW THAT YOU NEED TO PROVE IT), but it was a great conference, some great titles, some nice announcements, and no real low points. I don't know what else people want. God expctations people have are sometimes so unreal, people need to get a grip on reality sometimes.

Anyways, hopefully lots of in game footage rolls out soon. I wanna see new videos of some of this stuff.

And mother****ing :lol @ the Gears comments.
This console is seriously lacking of great beat them all such as devil may cry or god of war. And where the **** is RE5 ? Is he not supposed to be release in march 2007 ?
Vrolokus said:
I'm laughing at these SDF dudes minimizing the conference due to "multiplatform" games. The way I see it, multiplatform titles only help the 360, and only hurt the PS3.

$60 Assassin's Creed + $300 to $400 360 > $60 Assassin's Creed + $500 to $600 PS3.

But, they likely wont' be the same games. Almost all multiplatform games seem to be looking better on the PS3. Not enough to make you buy the system, but if you have both, I would think the Xbox fans would do what they did the last time and buy the best version.

All in all, 3rd party games won't be the differentiators or cause someone to buy one system for another. It's going to be about the exclusives and Microsoft sewing up Bioshock, expanding the Halo universe, a new PGR, a new Banjo, and the rest of thier first party lineup are defintitely causing some noise.
FoxHimself said:
SUP GUYS Can someone tell me what Moore said about Forza on disc?!

if your serious it was one of peters many digs at the ps3...this pertaining to buying gt:hd and having to microtransact for every car instead of them coming with the game


rastex said:
We'll see if that's the case in 4 months. And honestly, why would you even care considering you already have a 360. You can make the argument that more consoles sold=more games made, well that's what the conference was about, could you even HANDLE more games being released? The game quality and quantity output is steadily increasing through this year and is just going to be ridiculous in 2007.

Honestly, for a 360 owner, or prospective 360 the future looks incredibly bright and that's the only thing that matters. There's going to be games that hit all of the major genres (aside: the one big omission is the sword action game genre which Sony kills, and that's something I hope MS fixes in the near future without having to wait for NG2), so if you like traditional games in any form whatsoever, the 360 is a fantastic machine. Who cares if some games aren't exclusive, that makes Windows a fantastic platform as well, same with the PS3, the upside is that the 360 is the cheapest alternative where you get the same quality experience :)
1) I'm a 360 owner and want the system to be successful.
2) I'm in business as a career and follow the industry from that perspective.
3) I'm a backseat quarterback and think not doing a bundle is a bad idea.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
FoxHimself said:
SUP GUYS Can someone tell me what Moore said about Forza on disc?!

Exactly what people said. He said Forza 2 will be blah blah racing sim, so awesome, etc, with over 300 cars... on disc.

It was a jab at the GT:HD "info" about DLing cars and having very little on disc.

Funny thing, me and Vyse were talking, and we both said "Haha, nice jab/funny Moore", and right at that moment he smirked and said thank you. Perfect. :D
I wouldn't be suprised if we don't get word on holiday bundles during the conference or moving forward in the weeks ahead, but anyone holding out for a price cut should forget about it. The 360 is priced well when you compare it to both the Rev and PS3. It's going to sell well this holiday season at the current price, and MS knows it.

I've also seen comments on people asking for info on their online strategy. Well, go log on to Live. There it is. What more do you need to know? It's been spelled out for some time. During the conference we may get more info on the Fall update, and new enhancements to the content on Live, but really, there isn't much we need to see on this front right now. Sony has A LOT more explaining to do, and I'm guessing if there are enhancements to Live it'll be done to trump something Sony has going on their system.

This show was a good way to kick off the conference, showing off some great games coming out for the system. We always want to see more, and we're always wanting game play and not CG, but sometimes a game just isn't ready to be shown yet, and the announcement of it's existance is all you need to know for now.

There are plenty of other games in development besides these, and we'll hear about them over the next few days, but some things that we're looking for just aren't going to be there. Lionhead has already said that we should enjoy the shots of Fable 2 we've already go, because that's the last we'll see of it for a long while. They're clamping down and staying quiet this time, learning a valuable lesson from last gen. Bungie is similarly quiet on their stuff, preferring to save it for the right time, and probably not wanting Halo 3 to steal any thunder from Gears of War. As for RockStar and GTA IV. If you follow the industry, you know they don't show shit, until they are good and ready. Period. And they don't care of you're MS, Sony, or whoever. They'll show it when they are ready. That's just the way it is.


GhaleonEB said:
My thoughts exactly. Waaaaaay too much CG. But the actual announcements rock.

1) Halo Wars
2) Bioshock exclusive
3) Next Splinter Cell exclusive
4) PGR4
5) Banjo something
6) Some weird shit with Peter Jackson and Halo and Bungie PJ was babbling about

Why no hardware bundle/price cut? Terrible, terrible move.

MS is'nt stupid they know Sony held back some shit till oct and they are doing the same.


Chili Con Carnage!
dark10x said:
...and YOU don't remember the consequences.

People were initially impressed, but the BACKLASH that ensued when it became obvious that those trailers were mostly fake far FAR outweighed any positives. Those trailers brought the opinion of Sony to one of its very lowest points. E3 2005 was a f*cking disaster in the long run. Killzone 2 is f*cked at this point as a result of that CG trailer. If it EVER shows up, it's going to be slammed into the ground so hard the developers may end up fleeing the company. Even when a game manages to end up looking fantastic (Motorstorm), those CG comparisons continue to crop up and wreck the opinions of those who swear by it. That CG did massive damage (*sigh*) to Sony's rep and they are working to recover.

So, no, it's not OK when Sony uses CG. To make such an ignorant statement really demonstrates your true colors to the masses.

Sony tried to sell that stuff as in game, using a load of loopholes and bullshit, thats what caused the backlash, also that was the unvieling of the ****ing console. We already know what 360 can do, the line up was more important than how its presented, as long as its presented honestly. And the lineup looks bloody good on paper (or CG).
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