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The Official X06 Barcelona (360) Summary Thread


I'm wondering what the heck I missed when there were CG trailers for FM2, PGR4 and Halo Wars, no media (or new media) at all for Banjo, new exclusive Splinter Cell, Fable 2, Too Human, and Peter Jackson talking abstractively about something in between games and movies with no media to show, YET, some are hailing this as a great conference.


IJoel said:
I'm wondering what the heck I missed when there were CG trailers for FM2, PGR4 and Halo Wars, no media (or new media) at all for Banjo, new exclusive Splinter Cell, Fable 2, Too Human, and Peter Jackson talking abstractively about something in between games and movies with no media to show, YET, some are hailing this as a great conference.

... what the **** are you even saying


i'd say a well balanced conference all around. microsoft really knows how to entertain and keep you interested.... unlike that "other guy". a little too much halo overload for me, but that's expected given that every console has their cow (read: mario, GT). i'm way more interested in a halo RTS made by the age of empires guys than halo 3 itself (feel free to flame me to hell) because i'm sick of FPS games. so it's great that they're opening up the halo universe in a different genre.

what i do like about MS is that they're experimenting with new interactive entertainment w/ the whole peter jackson ordeal. that was pretty interesting nonetheless. i'm a huge movie buff and i'd love to have more interaction while i watch me some cinema. oh, and i'm hoping marvel universe takes off. city of heroes was awesome so an MMO on the 360 w/ the marvel characters is gonna be some hot shit. exclusive to say the least. solid showing by MS. the 360 is definitely going to be a console with a great future.


Does anybody know when is the conference going to be downloadable?

I'm in Spain, have a decent connection and all I was able to watch was the crappy low-res feed.

And I missed lots of it due to the hi-lo settings switch that I had to do in the beginning. Crap.

I want it know!!


Interesting... great conference, lots of good news.

Aside from the HD DVD announcement, we got zero about pricing revisions, bundles, online plans, new services, etc. It sure seems like MS and Sony are trying to hold their cards close to the vest to keep eachother in the dark with the hopes of being able to one-up the other one. I'm sure (I hope) there are a lot of details here on both sides that will still be revealed.

:lol at the SDF folks trying to spin the conference to be negative.


UncleGuito said:
Wait, so is Bioshock a timed 360 exclusive or fully exclusive to 360 and PC?

sounds to me like a full exclusive.....although im not sure if anyone besides gaf gives a shit :lol

Coin Return

Loose Slot
WTF is up with the comments saying "Talk about milking Halo for all its worth!". Its 1 new RTS game! You wanna see milking, look at Mario, or Street Fighter.


The Amiga Brotherhood
UncleGuito said:
Wait, so is Bioshock a timed 360 exclusive or fully exclusive to 360 and PC?

Well you should never say "fully exclusive" with 3rd part titles (with no involvement of MS), but Bioshock is at the least exclusive for a considerable amount of time. What happens in the furture nobody knows, but for now it's exclusive.


Topped their E3 2006 press conference in terms of Bravo. And to the people who are disappointed, how can you guys be still alive after Ken's keynote? :lol
Great conference, lots of good titles, many exclusives...just so many CG trailers and no word on hardeware price/bundles. Maybe that comes in the Q&A though.

I really liked to see the show, all conferences should be broadcasted. Well, just the interesting ones like this one, before we regret it :lol

Assassin's Creed is hot but is the guy spiderman or what? The horse walk reminded me of Shadow of the Colossus (well, every horse walk will remind me that game forever).

Not much to see on PGR4, Halo Wars and such CG-trailers but hey, game announcements rock, and its better to have a CG trailer than a 2-hour-beta-build ingame scene.


butthole fishhooking yes
Coin Return said:
WTF is up with the comments saying "Talk about milking Halo for all its worth!". Its 1 new RTS game!

Two games in the Halo franchise were announced. The RTS and an undisclosed game set in the Halo universe created by Wingnut Studios.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Um...file me under confused as well. I mean, this all great for Xbox fans (which I assume is the purpose of X06 - to get Xbox loyalists pumped) but when compared to the bigger picture I dont see what the big deal is...?


Originally Posted by UncleGuito:
Wait, so is Bioshock a timed 360 exclusive or fully exclusive to 360 and PC?

Blame! said:
sounds to me like a full exclusive.....although im not sure if anyone besides gaf gives a shit :lol

Yea so now Bioshock can go back to looking meh to the SonyOnly boys.


Prine said:
gotta agree with Gears of War being a little boring.

That might be because it was a video. I have a feeling yelling at you over LIVE to "hurry up and chainsaw that summa-bitch over there!!!" might increase the appeal of what I saw exponentially.


Coin Return said:
WTF is up with the comments saying "Talk about milking Halo for all its worth!". Its 1 new RTS game! You wanna see milking, look at Mario, or Street Fighter.

Or Metal Gear Solid, currently being milked so hard Snake is actually in the Mario version of Street Fighter. :D

Great stuff out of this conference. Looking forward to just about everything shown.


not bad... splinter cell is xbox exclusive again, banjo is on the way... halo wars is coming and pgr4 is finally announced.

good show indeed.


Really I think the show totally delivered. There wasn't a landmark, mindblowing announcement but the new info that came out is great for MS and 360 owners. The lineup of exclusive games is extremely impressive.


urk said:
Two games in the Halo franchise were announced. The RTS and an undisclosed game set in the Halo universe created by Wingnut Studios.

Yeah, well, come back after they've announced 5 more spinoffs before you can really call that "milking" in this day and age.
hehe, I cant wait to about a years time when we will be playing all these games, and not busting off about conferences...e3...tgs...then this...best conference ever..the new games announced seem great for those who owna 360 and are into these established franchises though...bioshock is the biggest exclusive there, something new and fresh

assassins creed looks great dammit



I think the reason why most of us were satisfied by this conference is the pacing. Even though they didn't have one megaton announcement (after all, Halo Wars was heavily rumored, and Banjo had no footage whatsoever), they managed to keep the crowd entertained with solid games. I also liked Peter's humor.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Very VERY disappointing, but somewhat expected. :( Damn it, Bungie, I need MORE. I wish they would have at least touched on something Halo 3. That, along with Bioshock and MGS4, is at the top of my most wanted list.


140.85 said:
Um...file me under confused as well. I mean, this all great for Xbox fans (which I assume is the purpose of X06 - to get Xbox loyalists pumped) but when compared to the bigger picture I dont see what the big deal is...?

This WAS part of the big picture. they are going strong, have alot of great looking new games coming out, some nice exclusives to differentiate their platform, and some sweet additions to established franchises and their online service. There's not much more to "get" as to why this is a big deal, IMO. :)


Gears of War looked so f*cking boring.

Hey lets take cover. Hey lets shoot. Hey lets hide on the other side of this statue so that the stupid alien can't hit me. Also the va is a ****ing POS. The aliens and those dudes sound like sooooo generic and BORING.

It did look pretty good though.

The best game was obviously Assassin's Creed. I loved the interactivity with the environment (reminded me of the movie yamakasi) and it looked like a lot of fun and it had great art.


It wasn't really a bad conference, it just wasn't really mind blowing. I think after Sony's strong showing @ TGS people were expecting MS to show a lot of new surprises, and big guns ( halo 3 ) Way too much CG, which can backfire as we've seen with Sony, and too many third party non exclusives sown for my taste. Again, not bad.....just not great. One thing I will say Is it's F'n awesome that they are putting stuff on the Marketplace already.


Bud said:
Gears of War looked so f*cking boring.

Hey lets take cover. Hey lets shoot. Hey lets hide on the other side of this statue so that the stupid ''alien'' can't hit me.

Also the va is a ****ing POS. The aliens and those dudes sound like sooooo generic and BORING.

It did look pretty good.

I just wanted to say, enjoy the responses you're about to get :lol

It looks like it will be a blast, actually. and that scenario in COOP looks like it would be fun as hell, IMO.
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