So I've noticed this about myself over about the last 2 years or so. Just as a point of reference I'm in my late 30's.
When I say say "nothing", I mean sit around and watch TV and basically get nothing accomplished. When I was in my 20's that was a perfect day for me. Now that I'm in my late 30's I just cannot do that anymore. I feel like I have wasted a day. Really, the only time I watch TV is before bed. Same thing with playing video games, or surfing the net. Maybe like an hour or 2 a day. I always feel like I need to be doing something. You would think it would be the opposite, that as you get older you want to do less, but in my experience that has not been the case. Does anyone else feel similar?
When I say say "nothing", I mean sit around and watch TV and basically get nothing accomplished. When I was in my 20's that was a perfect day for me. Now that I'm in my late 30's I just cannot do that anymore. I feel like I have wasted a day. Really, the only time I watch TV is before bed. Same thing with playing video games, or surfing the net. Maybe like an hour or 2 a day. I always feel like I need to be doing something. You would think it would be the opposite, that as you get older you want to do less, but in my experience that has not been the case. Does anyone else feel similar?