I really enjoyed the game. Visually it was stunning and the combination of the visuals and the all real-time engine added a lot to the experience in my view, as did the quality of the virtual actors, voice acting, music and the like. Presentation-wise this is top-notch. EDIT: I really liked the characters in the game too, all of them, which is unusual. I thought they were all well drawn, but left more to explore in future games. Excellent.
Gameplay was solid if uninspiring third-person shooting, and it's fair to criticise this for a lack of innovation, but frankly I'm not sure what anyone was expecting to see. I can't recall the last innovation I saw in the genre; TLOU introduced light rpg elements, but that wouldn't really fit with this story and it was refreshing to have something more grounded in reality and not finding weapon boosts, upgrades and the like mid-level.
The story I liked a lot, particularly the overall setting and back-story. Happily it doesn't scrape to the bottom of the barrel to produce the plot and there's lots of scope to explore this world more fully in sequels - fingers crossed we get to seem them because although the game has issues there's lots to enjoy here, and more importantly lots to build on.
RAD certainly need to re-evaluate elements of their IP, but I am already excited about what a sequel might bring. It needs co-op though to my mind - something like Uncharted 2 co-op would be perfect, with a squad of Knights on co-op missions/infiltrations or against all comers. That might not be to everyone's tastes but I loved the feature in U2/U3 to a lesser extent. It could also take the form of a L4D-style Vs mode, or something different, but I think co-op at least is well suited to the game - competitive, yeah sure, whatever.
I hope for and look forward to playing more of this universe and I hope the game does well, despite some in my opinion overblown criticisms.