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The Passion OWNED, Shrek 2 becomes #1 film of 2004, Mel Gibson Cries....

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Wolfy said:
I hope Mel Gibson makes another Chicken Run

Leathal Weapon


Of course The Passion of the Christ has made $608,513,044 worldwide, while Shrek 2 has only made $383,843,997.
Trevelyon said:
Stop pussifying around Gibson and make my damn FURY ROAD bitch!

Sniff dont even say these movie words, im pissed about Gibson, now that he has all the money he seems to leave Miller genius in the shadow......2 years ago this movie was at full steam, now no word about it......


This is pretty surprising news. I don't remember Shrek 1 making this much noise, but it seems it probably did afterall.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
the clip MTV showed of blade: trinity looked atrocious. i'm not pumped for that film at all. i really hate ryan reynolds, and he doesn't fit into the series' style one bit. maybe the trailer can change my mind, but right now i'm thoroughly disappointed thus far.


The MTV clip was obviously edited to hell and back, and had no blood, cg, or anything.

Not a representation of the final film, I don't even know why they had it.

Shrek 2 doesn't deserve any honor except for maybe crappiest movie that I paid 7 bucks to see. That movie was an abomination. While watching it I realized that if this symbolizes the standard for which animated movies are to be judged and modeled then I would have to give up watchng them. It was God Awful. Weak Plot. Horrible Dialouge. No real charater progressions, crappy jokes, cliched characters...and to top it off..the animation wasn't impressive...in the least.


Chicken Run is a great little movie...if I wasn't 75% sure The Emperor's New Groove released in 2000, I'd also call it my favourite animated film of the year, but I have to give the film with the last great villiany sidekick, Kronk, its due.


is this the news means of advertisment?

reading the thread and putting a related ad at the bottom?

EDIT: efralope exit and enter the thread again.
Wolfy said:
Ted, you fail.

I Failed to find any enjoyment out of Dreamwork's latest animated film. But honestly. Anyone who liked it...tell me why? Give me a reason why it was worth 1.5-2 hours of your life. After the movie was over what would you sum up as being good? My problem was that i couldn't list a damn thing.
neptunes said:
is this the news means of advertisment?

reading the thread and putting a related ad at the bottom?

EDIT: efralope exit and enter the thread again.

Google ads base themselves on whatever is in the text on a page. If we talked about leather for 10 posts, then the bottom ad would be about leather.


I think that's the same google technology that they have with GMAIL. They're gonna scan key words from your mail (this thread) and post an ad basing on it.


Scalemail Ted said:
I Failed to find any enjoyment out of Dreamwork's latest animated film. But honestly. Anyone who liked it...tell me why? Give me a reason why it was worth 1.5-2 hours of your life. After the movie was over what would you sum up as being good? My problem was that i couldn't list a damn thing.

I personally thought the animation was amazing, and a few of the gags were hillarious (Bob Barker/Knights being the two I constantly laugh at to this day). But, I agree with the weak plot, and the lack of any character development in the least. I guess my problem is that you would have been able to have Shrek 3 right after Shrek, and there would be no trace of Shrek 2 other than Puss in Boots. Nothing else in their universe has changed, and that's a little frustrating. Successful sequels have to let characters grow to avoid form being the same movie with different gags. Shrek 2 ended up a parody, however funny in my mind, of itself, not of so many other movies.


Mugen said:
I think that's the same google technology that they have with GMAIL. They're gonna scan key words from your mail (this thread) and post an ad basing on it.

I totally forgot about GMAIL (though I know someone beta testing it)

This is disgusting.


Scalemail Ted said:

Shrek 2 doesn't deserve any honor except for maybe crappiest movie that I paid 7 bucks to see. That movie was an abomination. While watching it I realized that if this symbolizes the standard for which animated movies are to be judged and modeled then I would have to give up watchng them. It was God Awful. Weak Plot. Horrible Dialouge. No real charater progressions, crappy jokes, cliched characters...and to top it off..the animation wasn't impressive...in the least.
I agree with most of that.. but it was still better than The Passion ;)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Passion OWNED, Shrek 2 becomes #1 film of 2004, Mel Gibson Cries....

Call me crazy, but I don't think Mel Gibson gives a shit (even if you were actually being serious). I believe him when he says he made the movie because he is a Christian and he felt the story needed to be told this way. Now granted, it's his view of the events but in the end that's neither here nor there. Money was not the motivating factor when he made the film. And like someone else said, The Passion had made much more worldwide.... and that's with an R rating!!!

It's all good though, because in less than 2 weeks Shrek 2 will be owned by Spiderman 2.


Did you read my post? (in case you didn't catch my comments before the movie came out)... I think it's great Mel Gibson did this and from what I hear it's a great movie (religious or otherwise)...


being watched
tracky_dacks said:
He's making what? I thought Mel was in the process of making another sequel to Mad Max next.

Mad Max IV is like Indy IV - I'll believe it when I actually see it.
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