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The pros and cons of starting a LiveJournal

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White Man

I've been toying around with the idea of using a LiveJournal as a sort of commonplace journal. This way, I'd be able to get feedback about my ideas, and it would also encourage me to revise more by giving me possible directions to look in. At the same time, something about the idea makes me nervous about doing it. I'm confident enough in my writing skill, so it's nothing like that.

Anyway, would anyone care to tell me what blogging has done for them? Do you think it's a good idea in general, and do you think it would be a good idea for my specific purpose?

Yay? Nay?


You can customize your LJ so only certain people can read it.

I mostly use mine to keep my friends updated on what I've been up to since we don't see eachother all the time. So it's cool for that. I also use it just for posting stuff I find cool, interesting, or anything I'm excited about...music related, comic book related, whatever. As long as you keep the drama stuff off there, you're good to go. It's a good place holder for your thoughts.


I've been using mine over a simple website blog (aka Chocojournal at GFF) and I really liked the improvements. As for the blogging.. I think it's great to go back and read your journal, because you can forget SO much during your life.

White Man

I'm more interested in using it as a writing exercise. I often have great story ideas that I'll write down in my writing journals, and they'll just sit and stew there because I have no idea where to start without some input. I'm thinking if I posted those ideas online, I might be able to get some input, or at least know for sure if they're worth bothering with.


everytime i think about making a blog/livejournal/whatever, i think about how often i make fun of stupid blogs/livejournals/whatever, and figure that it'd make me a hypocrite.

i'd be forced to change somewhere and change is bad bad bad


I use Xanga, but it's similar. Once you find out what your friend's blogs are, you get excited sometimes to read them and update your own. At least on Xanga, you get obsessed with redesigning your site every so often. It's a lot of fun. Hell, I use my blog to memorize Kanji by staring at one for ten minutes everyday. I suggest you get whatever kind of blog you'd like, although I prefer Xanga.
Chances are you'll post like crazy at first, then completely drop off, and then occasionally come back to it when you feel the need to remember something.

That's my history on the thing.


All my friends use Xanga... but it sucks.
It's just way too restrictive.

I'd suggest for you to post under a different name, so you can get away with posting stupid/random/crazy crap and not have to deal with it. but that's just me.

White Man

Can somebody tell me the differences between all the different blogging sites? It's rather confusing.

And I know blogging is the bane of the internet. I slum around blogs every day looking for comedy gold. I, however, have a legitimate purpose for starting one. And maybe doing so will make me see blogs in general in a different light.
yoshifumi said:
everytime i think about making a blog/livejournal/whatever, i think about how often i make fun of stupid blogs/livejournals/whatever, and figure that it'd make me a hypocrite.

i'd be forced to change somewhere and change is bad bad bad
Change > Hate

I recall once in high school when they planned a "school colors" day, but I didn't want to be a part of such a thing. However, I did want to continue cycling through my big red shirts that were something of a trademark of mine at the time. However, I decided it would be silly to avoid wearing what I wanted to just to be contrary. Similarly, don't avoid making a journal just because you don't want to be at all similar to other people with journals.

As an aside, the word "blog" irks me. Word combination is fine and dandy, but then to just go tossing off letters to make it monosyllabic is ugly. Why not wog? Weblo? Eblo?
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