Drinky Crow
31 in a month. I'm senile and bitter, which is THE WAY I LIKE IT.
the fuckbjork said:As long as Bish is around, we're all boyish.
Ignatz Mouse said:I turn 38 next month. I remember video games *before* Space Invaders.
miyuru said:19, but I already feel old sorta...
Well, I guess that makes the rest of you guys feel worseMy bad!
mrklaw said:there are quite a lot of us old fuckers on here. Makes me all warm inside (or is that the cocoa?)
I'm a few years your senior, but yeah, I know what you mean. We've hit the age where the things of our early memories have become "retro". I was looking forward to this decade, because I knew the 80s would be back. :lolmiyuru said:19, but I already feel old sorta...
Pimpwerx said:Hey, gaming's been around a long time now, so since a lot of us have seen it from the start, I figured there'd be a lot of older folk on here. There were some 40 and 50 year olds on here in the past. You know what I notice is that I don't pay attention to birthdays anymore. I kinda ignore them, each one just marks passing time. I forgot my birthday this year until my dad told me. For most of the Summer I was telling people I was 27, b/c I actually thought that for a while. :lol Maybe I'm not getting old, just senile. PEACE.
DCharlie said:lol. So i played football today.
I've been hammering the gym, and i was able sprint around like a mad man for the entire first half. In the second half i actually started thinking - this is the fittest i've felt in my entire life, despite being almost 30.... we are playing a university side, and i'm more than holding my own fitness wise.
ball comes through - i flick it to my strike partner... i put in a dashing run for the return ball - about to kick the ball...
*pop* .... goodbye hamstring! (Or at least a serious pull)
f*cking F*CK.