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The Queen is back. Polygon: The Anita Sarkeesian Story, 10 Years of Feminist Frequency


I thought her first couple videos were okay. Simplistic, but okay. Then she started get hired by AAA game studios. There are plenty of female artists and designers with actual skills looking to for a way to break into the industry, but they hired her for what purpose exactly? Shit like that pisses me off.
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Let's all not forget this classic image.



Gold Member
As someone who also went to SMC i can tell you they really try and drill ideologies into your head in classes only semi related, i pretty much kept my mouth shut when i took classes. I remember i had two semesters of history with a teacher who was a good teacher but it was pretty evident in the second class that everytime we talked about about the rise of socialism or communism she would always slip an aggressive tone of how it has been misunderstood or was misappropriated by the soviet union. Not to mention the ever popular "the democratic socialist way is doing things correct" but we have been taught red menace ideologues. It wasnt always direct but always there in tone. I just kept my mouth shut , got my good grades and moved on.

The main area of the campus was filled daily with ideology booths about every oppression you can imagine. I remember my anthro teacher, who was cool, but i remember when talked about the incest taboo...he gave a ..i kid you not..30 minute trigger warning talk about the subject before talking about. I didnt even realize thats what it was until about ten minutes in but after constantly repeating "we are going to talk about something that i know has failed some of you, a taboo that may have not happened in your life", i started to realize what was going on and it got a to a point where i was just internally saying to myself...lets get to the lecture already.

Anyway didnt realize she went there....made me remember how that place was.
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Kagey K


Also in Polygon: "The fascist subtext of Attack on Titan can't go overlooked"

Even when humanity is faced with an ultimate attack they’d rather turn in each other then the real evil in front of them.





I feel bad for her because I think she truly believes what she is saying.

But I also feel somehow offended by the fact she thinks she has been influential to the industry to the point that female leads in modern games would have not happened if it wasn't for her.

Seriously, the only people that care about what she says are her supporters and us.

In my opinion, the industry would be the same if she decided to follow a different career.


The aot theme is not new, it was active 2 years ago too. Thanks for reminding and contributing Polygon.

I feel bad for her because I think she truly believes what she is saying.

But I also feel somehow offended by the fact she thinks she has been influential to the industry to the point that female leads in modern games would have not happened if it wasn't for her.

Seriously, the only people that care about what she says are her supporters and us.

In my opinion, the industry would be the same if she decided to follow a different career.

Video game industry took influences from the movie industry during the PS3 era, when CGI became more advanced and was closer in resembling movies. Not because of a single YouTuber. VG script writers are certainly not that incompetent.

For someone who studied communications she is very uncommunicative, both in her YouTube channel, twitter and blog. Even before the harassment. How can you do this, yet remain influential? Sounds like a fake exit poll.

For someone who talks in the UN with Zoe Quinn, that's an odd stance to have for a medium that went almost full digital and relies on social media.


I feel bad for her because I think she truly believes what she is saying.
If she believed what she was saying she wouldn't have to purposefully misrepresent arguments and take things out of context.
As someone who also went to SMC i can tell you they really try and drill ideologies into your head in classes only semi related, i pretty much kept my mouth shut when i took classes. I remember i had two semesters of history with a teacher who was a good teacher but it was pretty evident in the second class that everytime we talked about about the rise of socialism or communism she would always slip an aggressive tone of how it has been misunderstood or was misappropriated by the soviet union. Not to mention the ever popular "the democratic socialist way is doing things correct" but we have been taught red menace ideologues. It wasnt always direct but always there in tone. I just kept my mouth shut , got my good grades and moved on.

The main area of the campus was filled daily with ideology booths about every oppression you can imagine. I remember my anthro teacher, who was cool, but i remember when talked about the incest taboo...he gave a ..i kid you not..30 minute trigger warning talk about the subject before talking about. I didnt even realize thats what it was until about ten minutes in but after constantly repeating "we are going to talk about something that i know has failed some of you, a taboo that may have not happened in your life", i started to realize what was going on and it got a to a point where i was just internally saying to myself...lets get to the lecture already.

Anyway didnt realize she went there....made me remember how that place was.
What is SMC?
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck offffffffffffff noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....

Just when it seemed like she was finally fading into obscurity, now this.

But it won't work Anita, the 2010s is ending, she will be forgotten in the 2020s.

Xaero Gravity

I'm starting to think CummyPanda has fantasized about some of us and Miss Sarkeesian gettin' jiggy wit it more than a handful of times 🤔
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"The queen is back". Dear fucking god. She is one of those self appointed opportunistic bottom feeding leeches.

In the UK something like Piers Morgan, Katie Hopkins or Tommy Robinson. Plenty of stupid public to consume her garbage to keep bringing her work.
You really all need to stop clicking on these sites, They do these posts to get the traffic but that traffic is not from people that agree with it (because if that was the case it would not pay the bills)
They really on you lot to pay the bills and do this on purpose, not for SJW reasons or anything but just to get clicks.

They are the worst as they truly do not believe what they type but they need the hate hits.


Anita hit the wall harder than a 10-ton truck. I wonder if that’s what happened to its face.


You really all need to stop clicking on these sites, They do these posts to get the traffic but that traffic is not from people that agree with it (because if that was the case it would not pay the bills)
They really on you lot to pay the bills and do this on purpose, not for SJW reasons or anything but just to get clicks.

They are the worst as they truly do not believe what they type but they need the hate hits.

No one's clicking on it, just laughing at it.


Anita hit the wall harder than a 10-ton truck. I wonder if that’s what happened to its face.
All jokes aside, I honestly think she looks cute and should really have my/a dick in her mouth to lighten up the mood a bit.
These people cannot accept "no" for an answer. Not respecting any boundaries, or actively seeking to resist any constraints on their behaviors or desires. Like any full-blown narcissist, they lack any trace of conscience. They are the bullies at school, or the bullied actively seeking revenge, the passive aggressive co-workers, the fake rebels, the cunning priests and politicians, or "world improvers" like her. Their "truth" must become yours as well, and if you refuse to accept it, or take it into consideration you're their enemy. The concept of the individual is something foreign because they refused to be one themselves, and all they do is compensate with a huge inflated, one might say explosive ego. If you criticize them they will start to boil inside, and use any tactic to overpower the critic - as long as the manipulator is proven right - having the last word. As long as people are willing to feed that ego, they won't break down and back off.
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They are trying very hard to make her popular again aren't they.

In all seriousness, it won't succeed. Obviously her name is tarnished among people with a brain, but these days there are plenty who lack any ability to think. But even those people don't need her. She has 1 cause, 1 single agenda. Women in gaming. No one gives a fuck about that any more, because you don't need a genuine cause to be outraged.

All you need is to point to a TV show with white actors and say "problematic". A videogame with a man on the box art, reinforcing the patriarchy. Well reasoned arguments aren't required any more, not that Anita had any of those to begin with. She knows it too, that's why she's going after all these corporate consultancy gigs. I've another theory too, I think she's burned through her money a lot faster than anticipated. She didn't think the well would run dry, and spent it hosting those shitty panels, flying in her idiotic friends.

When you've got Polygon trying to resurrect you, you know you're fucked. She's gone, this is just the corpse twitching.


It's actually quite an interesting article. I don't agree with her but it sufficiently explains why she does what she does:

- No interest in videogames.
- Radicalized left-wing political theorist.
- Studied cultural communications and focused her masters thesis on female representation in popular media (Star Trek)
- Got into games randomly because of the inclusion of former Gamespot writer

Finally, the change to Feminist Frequency is about her own aspirations. Sarkeesian isn’t a YouTuber or a journalist or even an academic. She’s an activist


Guess she’s hurting pretty bad for work right now... it’s a good thing the boys at polygon were there to help her out
My very first thought. She's asking for money pretty much everywhere.



It's time to find a real job, anita.

Did anyone else remeber Friends, when chandler goes to see a shitty play and the girl is like, "Chapter 1: My first Period"
That's "The Vagina Monologues" iirc.
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I used to believe this is how the Internet worked, but if it used to be the case, it isn't anymore. These people have no problem making up their own reality to keep their base perpetually fighting what they believe to be injustices. You can ignore them and give them as little ammo as possible and they'll still go to any length to paint anyone and anything they disagree with as "the problem."

The best thing you can do is point out their insanity to anyone who asks and let them destroy themselves from the inside out. Anita as an example has already burned tons of bridges in the gaming industry which is why she's so hard up for PR right now. Her relevance in the last several years has drastically decreased even though she's never left the public consciousness of these kinds of debates. Toxic people will always be their own undoing, even if it takes longer than any of us would hope.

Yeah I think people are getting bored of it too. It's very much an underhanded tactic to appear relevant but I think most people are happy to ignore it and get on with their lives. If you go to work all day and come home then you don't really want to spend your evenings fighting injustices of intersectionality in fucking videogames. Maybe in 2013 but less so now.

She should probably just go into academia if she cares that much.
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