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The sea was angry that day my friends...


Gold Member

Jerry Seinfeld reveals the whole golf ball/whale element of that episode of Seinfeld wasn't in the script originally and they added it just before filming. He gave the speech to Jason Alexander right before they filmed it, and he memorized it and nailed it in one take. The look on Jerry's face was disbelief that he was nailing it perfectly live in front of the audience.

They also got the Titleist OK at the last minute.





Flashless at the Golden Globes
its cool but we have known this since the dvd came out 20 years ago lol

it is by far the best monologue written on the show and jason delivers it like a champ with no rehearsal and only an hour to memorize. however, the scene was written the night before by jerry and larry who were laughing their asses off. that detail changes every time he tells that story, but it doesnt matter. their writing is genius and jason just elevated it to GOAT tier.

big props should go to Julia Dreyfus who ruins every single take in the show and yet somehow managed to hold it together despite looking right at Jason. they never shot this scene again. just imagine if she had ruined the first take.


Not nearly as timeless or quotable as Seinfeld. Comedy Central will run Seinfeld reruns on the weekend and I can turn it on and just binge them and never be bored.
Oh, I think its still timeless, but definitely less quotable. I can binge Frasier but not Seinfeld.


The American sitcom peaked with Seinfeld. Nothing since can match it.
In 2013, I'd never seen Seinfeld. I knew about it but not seen one episode or even a clip. I guess it was on British TV at a time I was doing something else. I saw the all season DVD boxset sitting by the TV in the company apartment and I said to the (American) manager that was staying there at the time. "I'm borrowing this, I've never seen it". To which she replied,

"I am so jealous of you right now, I wish I could watch it all over again for the first time"

She was right....
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