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The Secret World |OT| Everything is True


You'll miss a ton of story, though.
Haha, yes. I didn't mean to advice to skip everything, it was really weird to revisit later and combined with the Game Issues that I did along the way have a really messy storyline. I just wanted to point out, that it's super easy and a bit more accesible right now.


Well, seems that now they had to push "The Park" and decided to make TSW a P2W game.
I'm extremely disappointed in them, this is a terrible misstep for such a good game.

To clarify: everyone who's buying "The Park" gets a clothing item and a top-level, extremely good amulet. Don't care for the outfit, obviously, but selling top level gear? Scummy.
So sad to see this game going toward the pay to win route. I used to buy FC points now and then to support the game, this won't happen anymore.


I just picked up the Massive Edition on Steam (amazing price for so much content.).

I played the game on launch but stopped playing after entering Egypt because I screwed up my build and had problems killing multiple mobs. Since I'm gonna start a new character I was wondering what the easiest combo of weapons is to do all the story stuff? I think I read something that they nerfed all the content till you enter Tokyo but I still would like an easy (that is still fun ofcourse.) build that also can clear Tokyo without any problems.


I am currentl confused which items and issues I own (because Steam Sale offers). I bought a lifetime subscription back then, should I get all issues for free? I don't have the game installed anymore/yet and can't check.
edit: according to my account site I only have the issues up to issue 7. hmm.


Hello you last standing few. Some info from the financial report:

The Secret World will be relaunched during the first half of 2017.
The goal of the relaunch is to broaden the appeal of the game through:

Redesigned new player experience
Major improvements to gameplay including combat.
Introduction of new retention systems such as daily rewards.
Adjustments to the business model, including allowing
access to the story content for free.

Relaunch activities will begin in late March.
This relaunch has the potential to have a significant
impact in the game and company's revenues


Ho, if they really improve the combat that might be the best thing. I am still in the second part of Egypt but I would love to play this again, maybe with a few friends.


I do not expect something revolutionary but "Major improvements" sounds pretty dramatic.
I honestly would prefer if they would simplify some of the skills and/or merge similar ones. It's just too much. Less skills, but more active usage like charging - let me directly control my main weapons with two buttons - add other skills/buffs by hotkeys.


I am highly optimistic, mostly because any excuse to play this again.

Combat is definitely the weakest part of the game, and any improvements will be welcome. That being said, it is not exactly a car crash or anything.


Looks like we will get some news about the relaunch at the end of the moth.
It was hinted at during the PAX stream for Conan Exiles.


Started blitzing the game since I dread Funcom killing it.

Love Transylvania so far, feels like a mix of Changeling and Vampire.


PSA: if you're trying to run TSW vanilla, Funcom are forcing it to update to SWL.

Be careful. This fix saved me, thankfully:
Alternate approach to fix your TSW installation after an interupted SWL patch of TSW:
1. Goto TSW account page and download the TSW game installer
2. Run, choose custom installation and install to a new folder
3. Close the patcher
4. Move or copy the RDB folder of your original TSW installation into the new folder
5. Run the patcher in the new TSW folder
6. The patcher will now revert back all updates the SWL patcher made to the RDBs
7. Play TSW

Depending on how far the SWL patcher got before you aborted it, this is a lot faster then redownloading the entire TSW client.
(about 30 minutes for me after the SWL patcher downloaded about 1GB)


This whole thing is confusing. They're planning on keeping both versions around, or are they killing off OG Secret World? If they keep it around, will the original one get updates or just remain as-is forever?


This whole thing is confusing. They're planning on keeping both versions around, or are they killing off OG Secret World? If they keep it around, will the original one get updates or just remain as-is forever?

from what I understand is they are treating in like Anarchy online from this point on.

The OG Secret World will continue to exist but will go into what Funcom has called "maintenance mode" - they will continue to patch exploits and bugs (albeit at a slower pace) and will invest all time and future content into TSWL

Funcom is treading water at this point and they are really hoping that this new format will bring new players to the table - I do too, but am not hopeful.

I played AO for over a decade, and put 400-500 hours into TSW before the Tokyo expansion went live.

Personally I think Funcom missed an opportunity with AO (to go PTP versus monthly) and are now thinking/hoping people will micro-transaction TSWL.

I don't get it, their financials are terrible and the decisions they make are very strange. I really loved AO and TSW but am completely uninterested in their conan material.

exiles brought some new money to the table which I hope they use wisely.

AO was one of the best implementations of sci-fi into a mmorpg which did not hold your hand, it had one of the best communities with some of the most intelligent people I've ever interacted with on the internet.

Similarly TSW was a departure from the cookie cutter mmorpgs I was playing at the time. The community was also excellent initially. I was more than excited to hand over for Grandmaster status.

Granted I have not played that many hours of TSWL, the combat is much simpler but the puzzles and pacing from what I have seen haven't changed much - it will be interesting to see if the game can create a buzz or if it just angered the current user-base due to starting characters completely over.


I think they know they crafted this great story and mythos and want to bring more people into it rather than throw it away. I hope it works out for them, but I think those would have been resources better spent on making a console version.


They had the opportunity to make the combat a bit more exciting and the skills more eintertaining, and now they added two more weird mechanics to the weapons. I would have liked sound aiming and execution mechanics instead of what we got with Legends. Kinda refinement but not really.


They need to make holding button repeat the attack asap, spamming my mouse like crazy..
Also I noticed my game's folder ballooned to 50gb since I've had a game for long ass time and decided to reinstall yesterday, just as servers went offline lol. Today they're hammered and going slowly but oh well...


So, a couple questions I'm hoping that can be answered here since they're not clear to me:

1. I own TSW on Steam but have never played. Does that get me anything in this new version? I'm assuming I might have some 30 free days of subscription thing that'd carry over to get me bonuses for the first month...?

2. The Path gives you items in TSW, right? If I were to get around to playing that, would that still give me those items? Would I have to make an original account, redeem them, and then transfer them over or something?
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