
After delaying countless times my attempt at reading The Silmarillion, I've finally finished it a couple of days ago, read it in like, 2 weeks at most.
For years I've heard people saying things like "The Silmarillion is one of the most difficult books out there", "It is too confusing", "It's boring", "Classics like Odyssey, Iliad and Lusiadas are easier than this", and so on; that alone discouraged me to try it, but I also knew that my reading skills needed some development, so I waited until now...
... and wow.
The Silmarillion is probably the best Fantasy book I've ever read and it is amongst my favorite books of all time.
It is not difficult at all to read; it may be a little crowded with names, synonyms, geographical locations and the like, but I didn't feel the need to memorize it al (that index at the end of my edition was very helpful)l; I just read through the story and tried to understand the majority of events. And holy shit, the First Age has amazing stories, it feels like a mixture between the Bible, Greek Mythology and other things; and it is written in a surprisingly objective way, so things never get boring (big chapters like "Beren and Luthien" and "Túrin Turambar" don't drag at all).
Also, other parts like Ainulindale and Akallabeth are so well written that it amazes me that this book is not as recognized as it should be.
Seriously, this book is on another level, it is on par with classics like One Hundred Years of Solitude, IMO.
So, what do you guys think about The Silmarillion?
Morgoth gotta be the greatest sonofabitch ever, fuck that guy!