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The student who came back to life

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I mean, it all depends on how you define the states of death and life. This is kind of like natural cryogenics.

I believe it is a species of Georgian frog that allows itself to be completely frozen over and thaws in the spring starting from the heart, in semi compartmentalized fashion.

You could say it is dead from winter to spring. It can come back to life because the anti freeze prevents its cell membranes from bursting, and it must thaw in some really low metabolic state. I could be wrong on the antifreeze, but I'm pretty sure it isn't dehydrating itself.

As long as you can prevent structural damage from occurring past a certain point and thus cell death, no reason why someone who is in a stopped (dead) state can't come back to life.
Shit, I die at least once or twice a day. Everything gets dark, I lost consciousness...scary stuff, but then its just like I'm alive again, only its hours later.

Nightmare fuel. Seriously.
Dying isn't what scares me, its losing contact with the people I love forever.

Then make the most of them while you're here! Thing with death is that it won't be an eternity alone. Well, it is, but there is no perception of it. It just is.

Until we all wake up in 1000000000000000000000000000 billion years and it turns out our brains were in the cloud. And we're put in a sick as resort with jetskis. Or something.


Junior Member
Remember, "nothing" is by its nature not an experience to had. It isn't locked in a black room for eternity nothing, it's just like before you were born. Your system of memories was nothing, then there was an experience of something, and then you die and you drop back into nothing. It's not scary, it's just the nature of it all.
Yeah, what we're generally concerned with is information death.
Wikipedia said:
Information-theoretic death is loss of information within a brain to such an extent that recovery of the original person becomes theoretically impossible. Information-theoretic death is an attempt to define death in a way that is permanent and independent of any future medical advances, no matter how distant or improbable. Because detailed reading or restoration of information-storing brain structures is well beyond current technology, it is generally not of practical importance in mainstream medicine,[1] though it is of great importance in cryonics, where consideration of future technology is important.
Dude's lucky as fuck. He dodged the reaper.


Shit, I die at least once or twice a day. Everything gets dark, I lost consciousness...scary stuff, but then its just like I'm alive again, only its hours later.

did you know that your conciousness actually ceases to exist when you close your eyes? When you wake up again, your brain boots a copy of your former self and stored memories. Thus, you die and are reborn every single day!


Don't You have a hearbeat while in a coma? He wasn't comatose going by what the story says.

I don't think there is any coming back from when your heart stops completely. Once it stops you are dead.

Although defibrillators in movies look like they do that, they don't. They are used for cardiac arrest. Which is probably what happened here. Which...

http://www.alsg.org/fileadmin/_temp_/Specific/Ch06_CA.pdf said:
These arrhythmias are less common in children but either may be expected in sudden
collapse, those suffering from hypothermia, poison by tricyclic antidepressants and with cardiac

Is probably what he was suffering from. Abnormal heart rhythm and might have been very slight.


May contain jokes =>
I don't think there is any coming back from when your heart stops completely. Once it stops you are dead.

Although defibrillators in movies look like they do that, they don't. They are used for cardiac arrest. Which is probably what happened here. Which...

Hearts restart all the time from asystole/flatline (which is one type of cardiac arrest, not a separate entity), though you are correct that defibrillators don't do anything for it. Epinephrine, however, does in some cases. In addition, focusing on correcting underlying disease if possible can also cause hearts in asystole to start pumping again.
did you know that your conciousness actually ceases to exist when you close your eyes? When you wake up again, your brain boots a copy of your former self and stored memories. Thus, you die and are reborn every single day!

Technically, if that's the case, that isn't you. That's Person A dying and Person B coming out thinking they're A. And since I didn't die yet, I guess we're on to person Z.9999 by now.

Everyone interested in consciousness and how existential it can get should play SOMA by the way. Fun little adventure that makes you think.


Technically, if that's the case, that isn't you. That's Person A dying and Person B coming out thinking they're A. And since I didn't die yet, I guess we're on to person Z.9999 by now.

Everyone interested in consciousness and how existential it can get should play SOMA by the way. Fun little adventure that makes you think.

right, you are correct. I just picked this up from a radio interview about consciousness the other day. It's sort of a fun little theory that makes you think, the problem here being that you can't prove if Person A ever stopped existing

also, I didn't know Soma deals with this topic, been on my wishlist for a while


Junior Member
Technically, if that's the case, that isn't you. That's Person A dying and Person B coming out thinking they're A. And since I didn't die yet, I guess we're on to person Z.9999 by now.

Everyone interested in consciousness and how existential it can get should play SOMA by the way. Fun little adventure that makes you think.

But your system of memories is the imprint of your experience that you cue into to remember who you are. There is no consistent "You" that exists. The only reason you think you are You is because your memories from past experiences dictate that. Eastern philosophy has always had this at its core, that there is no real you as you believe there to be, and neuroscience now confirms this as well. The You that you associate with through thought is just that, a thought.


Tears in the rain
Remember, "nothing" is by its nature not an experience to had. It isn't locked in a black room for eternity nothing, it's just like before you were born. Your system of memories was nothing, then there was an experience of something, and then you die and you drop back into nothing. It's not scary, it's just the nature of it all.

I'd much rather exist in a dark room forever, than not exist at all.


Has someone made a Return of Jafar joke?

Is it appropriate to make one?

Crazy story. Can't imagine what the family response would be like.
The Toronto Star recently published a much more detailed article about this: This Queen’s student froze to death on a Kingston pier. Here’s how he came back to life

A year ago, cloaked in the darkness of a frigid January morning, this is where Jafar chose to end his life. Two days before his 21st birthday, Jafar was found at early light — shoes off, coat over his face, an empty prescription sedative bottle nearby — without vital signs.

“Vital signs absent means dead,” says Julie Socha, one of four Frontenac County paramedics who rushed to the scene.

Engaging and intelligent, Jafar had been studying physics courses at Queen’s in hopes of getting into engineering. That plan began to unravel just weeks before he quietly left the off-campus house he rented with friends. He’d placed a goodbye note on his desk and, a stickler for details, banking instructions so his housemates wouldn’t miss a bill payment.

Then he walked 10 minutes to the pier.

On that sub-zero morning, Jafar lay in a snow bank. His body was starting to freeze. His core temperature would later be recorded at 20.8 C — about 16 degrees below normal. Hypothermia occurs when a person’s core temperature dips below 35 C, a condition often caused by exposure to cold weather or water immersion.

The death appeared to be an intentional overdose to the paramedics, who promptly initiated CPR. But how the young man died was a medical puzzle for Kingston General Hospital emergency teams to solve:

Did Jafar die from an overdose, then get cold? Or did the drugs only render him unconscious, then he died because he became so cold?

“There’s actually a difference,” says Kingston General cardiac surgeon Andrew Hamilton.

Amazing job by the team of professionals that worked so hard to save him.
So there was nothing while dead? religious people are going to hate this article.

Just like you remember nothing before you were born....that's what we head back to when we die. I don't know about you, but I find that strangely comforting. All burdens/stresses are gone. You basically fall asleep but never wake up nor have any dreams.
Just like you remember nothing before you were born....that's what we head back to when we die. I don't know about you, but I find that strangely comforting. All burdens/stresses are gone. You basically fall asleep but never wake up nor have any dreams.
The concept of death Is my worst nightmare :'( I know it's a part of life but still. It depresses me a lot when I think about it.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I like to think of death as an eventual end to all of my worldly anxiety. Or just a comforting feeling. If I cease to exist, then it won't matter what death feels like.

Not to sound nihilistic or anything like that. I still treasure my life and the lives of others, but thinking about death that way helps to not be afraid of it. After all, fear of death is just an instinct.

Eternal existence is a little dodgier in my mind. I'd love to have a long life if the world doesn't turn to complete crap and if I'm not a total vegetable, but sometimes the pressure put on us just by the merit of being born as humans is too much to bear. I feel like I've got to make something "meaningful" of this existence, yet pushing towards that is like swimming upstream. I don't know if more time would help. But I'm very young, I don't know much.



I don't want to not exist. If so, then why the hell do we force offspring into existence just for it to be permanently ripped away once again in less than a century's time?
Because life is a wonderful gift that everyone deserves. While having children can be seen as inherently selfish, at the end of the game you're creating this child to give him the chance to have and live a wonderful and loving life and leave a mark on the world.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Because life is a wonderful gift that everyone deserves. While having children can be seen as inherently selfish, at the end of the game you're creating this child to give him the chance to have and live a wonderful and loving life and leave a mark on the world.

That's a more romantic version of 'because it's a biological imperative.' It's not inherently selfish either.
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