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The Suicide Squad |OT| The Sequelboot


I really, really liked this as a superhero film and a movie in general. Sure the characters could have had more depth, but the presentation and plot pacing are to my liking.
I would have bet on Weasel surviving! No one even tried resuscitating it.


I enjoyed the third act a lot, pretty cool payoff.
It really felt like some really fun off brand power rangers fighting a Kaiju.

Davey Cakes

I really, really liked this as a superhero film and a movie in general. Sure the characters could have had more depth, but the presentation and plot pacing are to my liking.
I would have bet on Weasel surviving! No one even tried resuscitating it.
I disagree about needing more depth. If anything, the movie slowed down too much to let characters breathe, which messed with the pacing. When the whole premise is that everyone is disposable, you shouldn't really care about any of them. It should be all about the action, violence, and humor. A rollercoaster ride of ridiculousness.


I watched it last night and enjoyed it a lot. It made me laugh several times and also gave me some feels. At the end it didn't leave a good feeling, it was like truly everyone lost. It truly is an anti-hero movie but I think they successfully show their human side as well. The only character I felt was a bit one-dimensional was Peacemaker and obviously King Shark but that's expected.

We have seen many hero movies in the last few years so it's expected that it gets tiresome and new things need to be tried. Much better than the first movie and I hope it does get a sequel (and also that the game is on the same vein).


This movie had more originality than the last 5 years of Marvel movies. I stopped watching them because the plot structure is literally the same in all of them and if you have seen one you pretty much have seen them all.
Idk how anyone can say a cookie cutter movie like BW was better than this.
If originality is the metric, then you're right, but you're also talking increments here. Suicide Squad didn't bring anything new to the genre. It was barely different from its awful predecessor. I get a sense that this movie scores high more for how much better it is than the 2016 film than where it stands in the comic book film genre. This isn't even the best comic book movie from this director, and his previous 2 entries with Marvel were just as formulaic.

If we're looking for originality, DC's got that with Joker and to a lesser extent, the Nolan films. But that's just the Batverse again. That's all they've proven they can make work. Anyway, I'm still trying to find a reason to give this another watch. It's shorter than the obscenely long Snyder Cut, but I watched that twice without hesitation. I didn't miss anything the first time, and there weren't any wow moments that I feel I need to experience again. It was better than the 2016 for sure, but that was an incredibly low bar to cross, as arguably the worst comic book film other than the F4 reboot. However, there's been a lot of high-quality offerings of late, and this one doesn't stand out among them.

Looking forward to GotG3 though. That's going to be building on 2 great films, so it'll be easier for Gunn to pull from the rest of the MCU in developing a compelling story. I think he did what he could with this property, but it wasn't a whole lot to work with.


Totally agreed. One can just predict how she is going to react/what she is going to say. Its boring and borderline irritating now.

My favorite character was weasel. I mean...yeah he doesnt say anything and isnt in the movie much, but by God was I laughing my ass off at him. The hell is that thing? Goofy looking crazy dog or werewolf or whatever. I was really sad when
it died......kinda
It was always like that, i never understood why people ripped their hairs out for her character except for people who go crazy for skinny blondes.
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I loved it but knowing WB they’ll use the pandemic low box office numbers to conclude they need to meddle more in the future not less. It’s a good extension of the Snyderverse but possibly the last one.
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If originality is the metric, then you're right, but you're also talking increments here. Suicide Squad didn't bring anything new to the genre. It was barely different from its awful predecessor. I get a sense that this movie scores high more for how much better it is than the 2016 film than where it stands in the comic book film genre. This isn't even the best comic book movie from this director, and his previous 2 entries with Marvel were just as formulaic.

If we're looking for originality, DC's got that with Joker and to a lesser extent, the Nolan films. But that's just the Batverse again. That's all they've proven they can make work. Anyway, I'm still trying to find a reason to give this another watch. It's shorter than the obscenely long Snyder Cut, but I watched that twice without hesitation. I didn't miss anything the first time, and there weren't any wow moments that I feel I need to experience again. It was better than the 2016 for sure, but that was an incredibly low bar to cross, as arguably the worst comic book film other than the F4 reboot. However, there's been a lot of high-quality offerings of late, and this one doesn't stand out among them.

Looking forward to GotG3 though. That's going to be building on 2 great films, so it'll be easier for Gunn to pull from the rest of the MCU in developing a compelling story. I think he did what he could with this property, but it wasn't a whole lot to work with.

I beg to differ, I think this is his best comic book movie till this date and one of the best DC movies. Judging by your other post you were betting it was going to fail when in reality it is being praised and loved by a ton of people. 91% RT score.

Also Joker isn't original at all. The movie is pretty much taxi driver with the joker slapped in.


James Gunn's adaptation was much more creative than David Ayer's Suicide Squad, or at least the theatrical cut of one.

A good balance of absurdity and violence. Nothing groundbreaking, but certainly better writing. Thought it was a bit long, but I enjoyed it for what it was.

The misdirection of the opening act was humorous and a good creative decision imo. A cast that large would've led to poor character development and awkward pacing.
Plus it makes sense given the extremely dangerous mission, it's practically suicide. That opening act really encapsulated that notion.
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Gold Member
Saw it over the weekend and enjoyed it quite a bit.

However from the business side of things, I'm struggling to see where the ~180 million budget came from. I guess it's because they decided to do a lot of practical effects and sets? There was nothing on the screen that popped out to me that declared that this should have been that expensive to make. Outside of Margot Robbie, I don't think the cast would have added to the budget that much either.

But again, fun movie and would recommend checking it out either in the theater, or buy the high end HBO Max for a month.


This movie is like so weird. Like it has better action in it compared to the first one except for the harley quinn fight scene in the first movie and it didn't have weird story elements like me questioning why they have soldiers accompanying the suicide squad ( that really bothered me). I feel the first suicide squad was better filmed and I enjoyed it a lot more. Waller's home base team though was terrible and pretty much destroyed everything they tried to build when creating the badass Waller. Although I enjoyed the movie for the most part but I still have tons of complaints. It was too long, they should have kept it short and bat shit crazy, don't disrespect amanda waller, needed more close ups for the brutal kills( everything was distant or full body shots for kills, made it less intense), I barely remember the music, and the bad guy should have been even bigger at the end( small kaiju), and I wish they spent more time exploring the past history of characters. Maybe splitting this movie in two would have worked best so you killed off the first crew in the first movie and then introduce the 2nd team in the next movie.

Even with all of my complaints I do plan on going back and watching this in theaters since I watched it originally on hbomax. I just feel complicated about this movie it isn't completely bad and I enjoyed it but it also isn't great . I guess I'd give it a 6.5 to 7 out of 10.


My standards are pretty low for comic book movies nowadays but I was surprised I liked it this much, good pacing, story and fleshed out characters for such a movie. Ratcatcher is the soul of the movie btw, great casting there, Elba does a great job as per usual too. I think I'm getting bored of Harley Quinn though, the character has nothing to offer anymore and her "Joker is an asshole" schtick has been done to death now, the movie would pretty much be the same without her, it felt like they added her because they had to.

It's nothing great but certainly a breath of fresh air, especially since I'm really getting sick and tired of capeshit.


Enjoyed it for what it is, the start setting things up was fantastic. Middle was alright but I agree with anyone saying it was too long. I was bored by the end of it despite it looking great, just fell flat for me.

Overall a solid 7/10


Just finished it. I was not impressed.
  • Boring set of characters. Bloodsport is not going to become the new Star Lord. Shark dude and Peacemaker were the best characters.
  • Team A criminally underused. What a waste of casting.
  • The mini-chapters approach had some potential, but they amounts to little more than fetch missions. There needed to have been a mini-boss mid-movie.
  • Not a very funny movie. Sharky was the comic relief. He was enjoyable. Peacemaker deserved more jokes.
Gunn did what he could with the property, but it just makes me wish we had the Ayer Cut that much more. DC trying to ape Marvel's films is a recipe for disaster. I see this ending in disaster. At least the darker tone the Snyderverse attempted gave me something different. Right now, I'm wondering why I continue to waste my time watching DC films, when Marvel movies are so much better. Black Widow shit all over this film, and that was the worst Avenger (next to Hawkeye), and featured 3 supporting characters who were introduced for the first time in that movie. You're not going to out-Marvel Marve, DC. Stop fucking trying.

tl;dr Not a bad movie, but not a good one either. Releasing in the wake of Black Widow was a bad move. This film will be quickly forgotten.

Fell asleep during Black Widow.


I give it a 8 out of 10 for the brutal but creative violence and action scenes. I ended up liking Peacemaker a lot more than I expected. Didn't care much for the rest of the "team". Harley also seemed a bit too "normal" in this one. Also disliked the rat lady. Like the flame guy in the first one she plays the role of the overpowered Deus Ex machina character.


Gold Member
What the fuck at the Polkadot man backstory, that was gnarly.

Also holy shit at Bloodsport's helmet, that shit is S-tier. Really enjoying this so far, great flow and the jokes are often solid.

Fox Mulder

Good god this was infinitely better than the first one. I love King Shark in the Harley Quinn cartoon, but he was good here too. Nice to just watch a fun DC movie that doesn’t suck ass.

James Gunn is amazing.
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This movie is far better than the first. Personally I love Harley Quinn and Margot is perfect as her, but I hated Birds of Prey. Anyway, I think she's good here though a bit underused. In the previous film she had great chemistry with Deadshot, in this one she's more of a wildcard. I think they diminished her role somewhat, perhaps to give everyone the same screen time or because of BoP being a turd.

The opening act was great, I liked the Weasel. Then it becomes a bit messy with the only part I liked being the liberation of Flagg. Its from the second half onward I absolutely enjoyed this movie.
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Biggest Trails Stan
Just finished it. I was not impressed.
  • Boring set of characters. Bloodsport is not going to become the new Star Lord. Shark dude and Peacemaker were the best characters.
  • Team A criminally underused. What a waste of casting.
  • The mini-chapters approach had some potential, but they amounts to little more than fetch missions. There needed to have been a mini-boss mid-movie.
  • Not a very funny movie. Sharky was the comic relief. He was enjoyable. Peacemaker deserved more jokes.
Gunn did what he could with the property, but it just makes me wish we had the Ayer Cut that much more. DC trying to ape Marvel's films is a recipe for disaster. I see this ending in disaster. At least the darker tone the Snyderverse attempted gave me something different. Right now, I'm wondering why I continue to waste my time watching DC films, when Marvel movies are so much better. Black Widow shit all over this film, and that was the worst Avenger (next to Hawkeye), and featured 3 supporting characters who were introduced for the first time in that movie. You're not going to out-Marvel Marve, DC. Stop fucking trying.

tl;dr Not a bad movie, but not a good one either. Releasing in the wake of Black Widow was a bad move. This film will be quickly forgotten.
It was a boring ass movie. Same with Black Widow


This was so much better then the first one. Freaking love the black guy in it. Great actor.
The shark was also nice, harley was a bit a weakspot here but still acceptable.

Enjoyed it until the end. Want more of it.
The only thing I don't like about the movie is Waller's quirky subordinates. After being knocked out with a golf club, I was totally expecting her to gun them down at the end like in Ayer's SS

But I now know that they're going to be in the Peacemaker series, so that explains why they live... for now.

Great Hair

Not sure why the decoy team was needed? Remove them and the main team has more enemies to kill. Expected more from that anti-climatic fight with that Monster. Don´t care about the "real" ending with that fugly two legged weasel.

Definitely better than the 2016 one, that´s about it.
Ocean Crying GIF by Jacob Graff
sad animation domination GIF by gifnews


I was surprised how much I liked it after how terrible DC movies have been outside of Batman. Really loved the characters, wish some of them had stuck around a little longer.

I read that initially there were a lot more Harley-centric scenes that cut out to make the movie shorter, which makes sense since it's a pretty long movie and most of the Harley sidequest stuff isn't extremely relevant to what the other characters are doing aside from a few things. All in all I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope they get Gunn back for the next one.

Scotty W

Amazing that they have done 3 films to try to establish this franchise. Think of all the great cancelled series, and yet this one hets 3 tries.

In any case, the series seems doomed, if James Gunn can’t survive his latest scandal.



Decent and fun movie for sure. Definitely better than the first Suicide Squad movie. But I wouldn't be lying if I said if I was tired of Suicide Squad, mostly Harley Quinn in general. This is what, like, the 4th movie with the Suicide Squad I have seen and five movies featuring Harley Quinn. I really really don't get the obsession with Harley. She is easily has become the most annoying character to come out of DC. I'm practically over this shtick.


I enjoyed the third act a lot, pretty cool payoff.
It really felt like some really fun off brand power rangers fighting a Kaiju.
It was pretty much a turn based attack where each person got to do their thing.
Idris killed the grunts, polka dot immobilized the boss, rat girl did a summon, and harley did a finishing limit break to kill the boss.

Not sure why the decoy team was needed? Remove them and the main team has more enemies to kill. Expected more from that anti-climatic fight with that Monster. Don´t care about the "real" ending with that fugly two legged weasel.

Definitely better than the 2016 one, that´s about it.
Ocean Crying GIF by Jacob Graff
sad animation domination GIF by gifnews
Agreed that it was anti-climatic with the monster. Like the fight scene was just so weak. I was expecting everyone to be working together and going at the boss repeatedly but it was like you attack, now you attack, and now finish him.


I disagree about needing more depth. If anything, the movie slowed down too much to let characters breathe, which messed with the pacing. When the whole premise is that everyone is disposable, you shouldn't really care about any of them. It should be all about the action, violence, and humor. A rollercoaster ride of ridiculousness.
Yeah, the slowest part of the movie were PLOT. It's best when it's being dumb and moving forward.


It was pretty fun, I liked the characters and it had a good mix of action and humor. Definitely better than the first one and felt about in line with what I expected from a James Gunn directed suicide squad.
Would probably rank it above GotG2 but under 1.

Also the rat girl was cute.


Amazing that they have done 3 films to try to establish this franchise. Think of all the great cancelled series, and yet this one hets 3 tries.

In any case, the series seems doomed, if James Gunn can’t survive his latest scandal.

I know the date is recent enough but wasn't this reported ages ago?

Scotty W

I know the date is recent enough but wasn't this reported ages ago?
Afaik, it was just edgy tweets a few years ago. Imo, he didn’t deserve to get fired for what every comic was doing in 2008. But this party goes way too far past the bounds of good taste.


Afaik, it was just edgy tweets a few years ago. Imo, he didn’t deserve to get fired for what every comic was doing in 2008. But this party goes way too far past the bounds of good taste.

No this came up in the Cernovich cancellation as well. Posobiec is just trying to get attention using that.
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Afaik, it was just edgy tweets a few years ago. Imo, he didn’t deserve to get fired for what every comic was doing in 2008. But this party goes way too far past the bounds of good taste.
Ah OK, just remember seeing it before and must have been when they went after Gunn. Must be resurfacing now as they're going after the singer from mindless self indulgence. Had no idea he was involved with grooming a 15 year old. Then again he's in a bunny costume in the pic. Only skimmed the court documents, they're fairly lengthy.


Ah OK, just remember seeing it before and must have been when they went after Gunn. Must be resurfacing now as they're going after the singer from mindless self indulgence. Had no idea he was involved with grooming a 15 year old. Then again he's in a bunny costume in the pic. Only skimmed the court documents, they're fairly lengthy.

It's resurfacing now because Gunn has a movie out and they're mad that their cancellation didn't stick so they're trying again.


It's resurfacing now because Gunn has a movie out and they're mad that their cancellation didn't stick so they're trying again.
That's pretty pathetic considering the fact he has nothing to do with the case. Tried finding the court documents again but must have seen them buried in the sea of tweets. Be curious to read them when I have time but that pic is included as part in a small section of a very lengthy filling.

Fox Mulder

the To Catch a Predator pedophile themed party with pictures was part of the stuff he got fired for.
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the To Catch a Predator pedophile themed party with pictures was part of the stuff he got fired for.

Yea and that didn't stick, so they're resurfacing it to try again especially since there's a new (shit) CEO at Disney.

Expect them to try it twice more. Once before the Guardians holiday special in December 2022, and then again right when Guardians 3 releases.
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