I'm on episode 7, have been watching it with the wife that last two weeks. I don't like to binge stuff, feels like some of the impact is lost when you just plow through a show.
I'm absolutely loving it. I read that it was trashed by reviewers and last night I ended up going to RT to see what they had said, LMAO. I shouldn't be surprised but it's funny all the same. The show is great, just fun action with enough elements to make you want to see the bad guys get taken out.
I love the pacing too. I've been worried a few times that the show was gonna drag certain things out but it moves forward at a great pace. The end of the episode we watched last night was awesome. No spoilers but the one where James is on a hill. The way the episode ends was so great. I'm glad it put up great numbers. It's obvious why reviewers knocked it but I won't get into that.