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The Terminal List - Prime Video, Chris Pratt (Bourne-like)


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I had it queued for watching but then read how after the first three eps or so it loses steam. Guess Jeff's health problems messed up the production.

I just finished episode 6. The pace definitely fell off hard after episode 3. It feels like they padded out the plot to get some extra episodes in. Still not a bad show, but the first two episodes were the strongest for me so far.
I'm on episode 7, have been watching it with the wife that last two weeks. I don't like to binge stuff, feels like some of the impact is lost when you just plow through a show.

I'm absolutely loving it. I read that it was trashed by reviewers and last night I ended up going to RT to see what they had said, LMAO. I shouldn't be surprised but it's funny all the same. The show is great, just fun action with enough elements to make you want to see the bad guys get taken out.

I love the pacing too. I've been worried a few times that the show was gonna drag certain things out but it moves forward at a great pace. The end of the episode we watched last night was awesome. No spoilers but the one where James is on a hill. The way the episode ends was so great. I'm glad it put up great numbers. It's obvious why reviewers knocked it but I won't get into that.
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Finished it last night, great show.

Nothing mind blowing, just solid action and and easy to root for. Who doesn't love seeing corrupt assholes get taken out by a Navy Seal? lol.

Ending was kind of a bummer, earlier in the season I had an inkling that they might go that route but I thought they handled it well. MAJOR SPOILERS. I was just hoping that if there's a season 2, James and Ben would keep at it with taking out corrupt fools. Ben was an awesome character and definitely redeemed himself.:messenger_loudly_crying:

edit- Just read that Chris Pratt was paid 1.4 million per episode. Good for him, such an easy paycheck. He did a great job but his stuff wasn't all that physical. Just looked cool doing it for the most part.
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Gold Member
edit- Just read that Chris Pratt was paid 1.4 million per episode. Good for him, such an easy paycheck. He did a great job but his stuff wasn't all that physical. Just looked cool doing it for the most part.
Wha, whaaaa? He is in a major action scene in like EVERY episode! You think those fight scenes and shooting sequences are easy to slap together or that he has a body double doing all of it?

While 1.4 mill/ep is pretty crazy, his name undoubtedly got some clicks. I'm just curious if they will keep him and for how long, or maybe get a new action actor to play Reece each season?
Wha, whaaaa? He is in a major action scene in like EVERY episode! You think those fight scenes and shooting sequences are easy to slap together or that he has a body double doing all of it?

While 1.4 mill/ep is pretty crazy, his name undoubtedly got some clicks. I'm just curious if they will keep him and for how long, or maybe get a new action actor to play Reece each season?
I'm not implying he did a bad job but it was mostly just tactical stuff that looked cool. A few CQC scenes and the forest episode was more physical but outside of that, I bet it was probably an easier filming process than some of the other stuff he's done. Not trying to knock his performance.

Paycheck was well deserved, super entertaining show. edit- the negative reviews from critics...so damn funny, I read a few more today for fun. Just so much butthurt and it's so obvious why they gave it bad reviews.
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Gold Member
YAY! Though I was kinda hoping they would adapt some of the earlier books since s1 kinda set that up. But I'll take it, enjoyed both seasons.

Not sure I would call Reacher a "technothriller" but it was damn good. The trifecta of James Reece, Jack Ryan, and Jack Reacher could only be boosted by a re-re-(re?)-boot of Dallas if only for the "Who shot J.R.?" joke.
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