
Bobby Kotick said that the console transformed gaming in contrast to every other innovation we’ve seen. The Ex-Activision CEO explains that the introduction of upgrades like real-time 3D visuals evolved gaming.
In a recent episode of the Grit podcast, Bobby Kotick elaborated that PlayStation 1 was the innovation gaming needed to see the biggest growth spurt. It helped the brand legitimize the gaming businesswith 3D graphics and transition to CD-ROMs.
The 3D graphics revolution and gaming genre expansion were only possible with the architecture that PlayStation 1 introduced, influencing future consoles to further innovate in the industry.
He also argues that there is no good hardware innovation as we used to see decades ago. Despite many promises, Kotick is especially disappointed with how VR devices like Oculus have turned out so far.

The Thing That Transformed Gaming Most Was PlayStation, Says Ex-Activision CEO
The former Activision CEO said in an interview that PlayStation 1 is what transformed gaming the most because of its innovative technology.