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I watched the discussion, and as much as I might not like what he said, he’s not wrong. Nobody cares enough to do anything tangible about it outside of empty words. Most won’t even do that because they’re more worried about kissing China’s ass. He goes on to make a bunch of empty comparisons to try and justify his position that sound ridiculous. But he’s not wrong. People don’t care about what China is doing to those people.


Snake Oil Salesman
I watched the discussion, and as much as I might not like what he said, he’s not wrong. Nobody cares enough to do anything tangible about it outside of empty words. Most won’t even do that because they’re more worried about kissing China’s ass. He goes on to make a bunch of empty comparisons to try and justify his position that sound ridiculous. But he’s not wrong. People don’t care about what China is doing to those people.

I agree.


The NBA and woke corporations market themselves as the good guys. "We're the group that has empathy. Don't you have empathy? Then join us."

This clip is just more evidence that virtue signaling is utterly vapid. It's not that he's wrong. It's that his ideology is being unmasked.
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