Instead of being intimidated, the panda standing just makes me want to hug it and give it num nums.
^Looks like some good eatin'.
Roll it in flour, get you some hot oil... mmm-mmm.
My heart is always with Bussi.Let's rephrase this and I think you'll find a change of heart:
He took it easy on the guy.
I think that dude is gay, though.I've been drunk lots of times but I've never been so sloshed to try and get in the face of a guy twice my size. That takes a special kind of liquid courage.
Instead of being intimidated, the panda standing just makes me want to hug it and give it num nums.
Someone need to tell to this little fella that doing that only makes him more huggable.
This is why YouTube was invented right here!
In that case I'll share some more!
Did she order the "Chaka from Land of the Lost" or is this like a furry thing?