why do you think he deserves jail time? it's essentially a victimless crime, just a collosal waste of resources and time.
Taxpayer money. Time and effort wasted on a crime that didn't exist. Using power and influence to encourage blame on groups of people based on lies. Abuse of postion to gain benefit from a social perspective, even if it's not monetary.
You admit it is waste of resources and time. Would you be impressed if your report was delayed or treated as a lower priority because of an attention seeking liar?
Wouldn't you want to discourage multiple instance of lying and similar behaviour? It was an orchestrated web of lies deliberately engineered to provoke a response, gain sympathy and broadcasted to boost his own narcissism. That takes a sustained effort of fuckery and disregard for being a decent human being.
He is a cunt and jail time is more tham warranted, given his pathological lying and inability to recognise his mistakes.