Finally, it's coming.
AICN said:While Walter Hill has nothing to do with Tony Scotts re-make of The Warriors, (Whats worse, says Hill, neither does producer Larry Gordon), he is more occupied in giving my entire blessing to a new, special edition DVD version putting much of his original concept - missing material and ideas - back into this first street gang movie.
So is this the directors cut?
You could call it that although in many ways its changed very little. The film was designed to be a comic book come to life and tell a futuristic story and due to my inability to get along with the studio they exorcised all of that. So we have restored that intention and that idea. Also, there were a lot of optical effects that got lost.
Did you have all this stuff at home studios are notorious for junking, losing or even selling off such footage, arent they?
Yes, they are. Some of it has been re-created, some of it I had a record of from back then.
One thing he cant retrieve. A planned narration agreed to, but nver recorded by... Orson Welles.
The DVD is due out in September or October.
As for Scotts re-mould, Hill says he did his version of Warriors and certainly doesnt have any ambition to make it again. If somebody asked my advice about what to do and not to do, Id be happy to give it. Then, choosing his words with care, he adds: I do think the idea that the project has been taken away from the producer is a lousy deal. Larry Gordon found the project, developed the project, brought it to Paramount as a partner and made a successful, profitable movie of it. The idea that 25 years later, or whatever its been, he is dismissed is, I think, shamefully wrong.
As a director, youre hired to do something. I did it. I did the best I could - and left! But I didnt own it.
The producer is a friend of mine, so obviously I feel strongly. I certainly dont think that the treatment of him has been in the best traditions of Paramount Studios.
In another sense, its none of my business... but as long as youre asking!