Smiles and Cries
Found some Wii U related stuff. Nothing huge but still interesting.
Evergeek Media Inc., from their Linkedin page:
So a confirmation Wii U will provide content/services to read stuff while drinking your in café in the morning before going to work. Dat Project Café.
Judobaby Inc. in on board! : /
Can't wait to know what they've in... Oops! Forget.
And the last, The Awesome Game Studio (TAGS), a new Indian studio which will be at E3. From their Linkedin profile:
From their FB page an environment teaser for their next game. Possibly the Wii U one >
And a teasing img, from their next console game as well >
About the studio:
Ouch... I get a lot of do not want vibes from all of this... its good to know but nothing I would beg for
good job finding the bits of info though