It's looking like each of the three console maker's conferences will easily be a step-up from last year, which is surprising.
Microsoft: Halo 4, Gears of War Prequel, Ryse, South Park (?), Tomb Raider (?), Harry Potter Kinect (?), other third party games, applications, and Kinect galore.
Sony: Last of Us, Playstation Battle Royale, GOW:A, David Cage's new game, Sly, Soul Sacrifice, Gravity Rush, other third/first party surprises
Nintendo: Wii-U and 3DS awesomeness
It's crazy how we can basically shape what Sony and Microsoft's conferences are going to hold yet we basically know nothing about Nintendo's.
Anyways, consider EA and Ubisoft are also holding conferences on Monday, I am almost more excited for the 4th over the 5th. Almost.