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The Witcher 2: Performance Thread [Enhanced Edition Patch - New content & 100+ fixes]

The game runs like absolute crap on my system. On Ultra/1080p, it never gets above 20fps. On Low/1080p, it's 19~30. Unbelievable.

i7 2.2Ghz
GTX 560M 3GB

Running the latest stable driver. Not gonna bother with the beta driver as it screws my Skyrim (and doesn't fix Witcher). FWIW: Skyrim runs 40~60 on Ultra/1080p.

Any tips?

Sounds about right, it's not like that's some kind of supercomputer.
GTX 560M is a rebranded gtx460M which in turn is only half as fast as a gtx460. (so maybe slightly faster than a 8800gt , which is minimum spec card for witcher 2 if I remember right).

It sounds about what you'd expect from a deceptively named laptop gpu.

Solution is buy a desktop (or a 2000 dollar laptop with a 6990M)


Solution is buy a desktop (or a 2000 dollar laptop with a 6990M)

Great, except I didn't come here to ask for guidance on a desktop.

TouchMyBox: my settings are the defaults, except with changing a resolution. (except for Ultra in which I turn off Ubersmabling, Bloom, SSOA)

It runs fine on 720p but that resolution looks muddy and unpleasant, even when mirroring my laptop to my 720p HDTV.

I'm contacting GOG anyway to ask for a refund. I rather wait for the console version than play this unoptimized garbage.

And yeah, it should run fine on Medium-High @ 1080p. The fact that Low is struggling is an evident of the game's fault, not my specs.


Gold Member
And yeah, it should run fine on Medium-High @ 1080p. The fact that Low is struggling is an evident of the game's fault, not my specs.

an ~8800 GT most definitely should not run TW2 fin at medium high @ 1080p. Your GPU is not much faster than it, as pointed out. Good luck with your refund, but you shouldn't expect miracles with lower level hardware.

The console version will likely run at the same performance ~medium settings / 720p / 30 and under fps.


Great, except I didn't come here to ask for guidance on a desktop.

TouchMyBox: my settings are the defaults, except with changing a resolution. (except for Ultra in which I turn off Ubersmabling, Bloom, SSOA)

It runs fine on 720p but that resolution looks muddy and unpleasant, even when mirroring my laptop to my 720p HDTV.

I'm contacting GOG anyway to ask for a refund. I rather wait for the console version than play this unoptimized garbage.

And yeah, it should run fine on Medium-High @ 1080p. The fact that Low is struggling is an evident of the game's fault, not my specs.

You are trying to run one (if not THE) of the most graphical advanced and hardware demanding games so far with a low performance setup on ultra settings and then you complain that it does't work so well? Dear god.


an ~8800 GT most definitely should not run TW2 fin at medium high @ 1080p. Your GPU is not much faster than it, as pointed out. Good luck with your refund, but you shouldn't expect miracles with lower level hardware.

The console version will likely run at the same performance ~medium settings / 720p / 30 and under fps.

The game running under 30fps on Low is not normal, though, or am I wrong?

I'm fine with 720p/30fps since it'll look good. The game appears muddy and unattractive on 720p since that's not the native resolution of my system, even though I'm outputting it to a 720p screen. Seriously, Low/1080p looks better than Ultra/720p. I would have played it right away if it didn't look so ugly. Finished Skyrim today and outputting it to 720p TV isn't bad, unlike Witcher.

Oh well. Sorry for the bitching.


this is why you don't get a laptop with a high res lcd if you use it for gaming. or you know, dont buy one for gaming. now you know, and knowing is half the battle.


The game running under 30fps on Low is not normal, though, or am I wrong?

I'm fine with 720p/30fps since it'll look good. The game appears muddy and unattractive on 720p since that's not the native resolution of my system, even though I'm outputting it to a 720p screen. Seriously, Low/1080p looks better than Ultra/720p. I would have played it right away if it didn't look so ugly. Finished Skyrim today and outputting it to 720p TV isn't bad, unlike Witcher.

Oh well. Sorry for the bitching.

That makes no sense. Your Display is 720p and it looks better in 10080p? Downscaling, ok, but it shouldn't be sharper because of it. The game looks kinda muddy sometimes because of all that blur and DOF going on, maybe this is what you see. I own a 1080p Bravia and the game looks just fine in 720p. Just less sharp, as you'd expect.


this is why you don't get a laptop with a high res lcd if you use it for gaming. or you know, dont buy one for gaming. now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
If you don't have an advice, no need to play the broken record. If I want a desktop, I'll buy a desktop. I have many reasons not to get one, and trying my best with a capable laptop.

That makes no sense. Your Display is 720p and it looks better in 10080p? Downscaling, ok, but it shouldn't be sharper because of it. The game looks kinda muddy sometimes because of all that blur and DOF going on, maybe this is what you see. I own a 1080p Bravia and the game looks just fine in 720p. Just less sharp, as you'd expect.

Yeah, it looks awful on 720p, whether on my 1080p laptop screen or 720p TV. I rather play it on Low/1080p than Ultra/720p. Not just the sharpness, but even the textures themselves look heavily blurred and the details are lost. It's less apparent with Skyrim, but smacks me on the face with Witcher 2. It runs 35~60 on Ultra/720p, so I'm not sure why it won't run on the lowest settings @ 1080p.


This game runs super smooth for me. Have a problem though.

The shadows look really blotchy and blurred to death. They don't look natural and I don't think they look very good. Like the shadows in the UDK.

Is this normal or is there something wrong with my game? please help.


I have sometimes a weird soundeffect in the game. Dialogues for example soemtimes have a heavy echo. Like...you are talking in a big hall or something. Any idea?


Haven't touched this game since around patch 1.2

Have any of the notable mods listed in the op stopped working with 2.0?

Infinite Jest

Neo Member
Hey guys! I picked up this game a couple of weeks ago from Amazon (Gabe didn't seem to want to give me the $16 deal amazon did) and have just gotten around to playing it. From what I've seen, it's definitely one of the most beautiful games I've ever played with extremely visceral combat (+1). Anyway, I've noticed some thing that others have probably mentioned.

-I notice that there is a bit of judder running a smooth 60 fps, especially with mouse movements and running next to large, detailed objects. Not a big deal but a pain in the ass none-the-less. I tried the "anti-lag" file fix and that didn't seem to do anything.

-I've noticed this weird thing with what I think are shadows. There appears to be some kind of grid on his face, something I've heard referred to as dithering in other games (I'm looking at you, Just Cause 2). It mostly seems to happen in darker areas (see screenies). Is there any fix for this is was this just some shitty shortcut?

(no grid)



-Also, I haven't done any tweaks yet outside of NVCP and launcher settings (and getting rid of that nasty menu mouse lag, for the most part). Are any of the file tweaks worth it?

Here is my launcher config:

I'm running a gtx 580 @ 920 Mhz and a 2500K @ 4.3Ghz (shitty overclocking chip).

I guess if anyone else has any suggestions for my set-up/situation, that would be great. I'm loving this game already.

EDIT: I just realized those screenie uploads are really low res and you can;t even see what I'm talking about. I'll get around to get good shots up later.


You can get rid of those shadow artifacts by enabling Ubersampling, though you'll also get rid of your 60FPS I guess. As far as the stuttering goes - yeah, that's just how TW2 rolls I guess.


Shadow dithering is very common in games that have dynamic time-of-day cycle. Is there a example of a this type of game with good shadows? At least they have supersampling option for future playtroughs...

Oh, and stuttering fix posted on previous page worked for me, thanks for posting it!

Infinite Jest

Neo Member
Shadow dithering is very common in games that have dynamic time-of-day cycle. Is there a example of a this type of game with good shadows? At least they have supersampling option for future playtroughs...

Oh, and stuttering fix posted on previous page worked for me, thanks for posting it!

I looked at the thread in that stuttering post; does that apply to nvidia cards too or only ATI?

Infinite Jest

Neo Member
So it turns out I the file I had downloaded wasn't even in the bin folder. It does seem to smooth things out a bit, though there is still occasional hitching. My only issue now is that when I have that d3d9.dll file in the bin folder the on-screen display for Afterburner won't show up. Does anyone know why this happens and a way around it?

Infinite Jest

Neo Member
So it turns out I the file I had downloaded wasn't even in the bin folder. It does seem to smooth things out a bit, though there is still occasional hitching. My only issue now is that when I have that d3d9.dll file in the bin folder the on-screen display for Afterburner won't show up. Does anyone know why this happens and a way around it?

Anyone? I haven't had any luck.

The Hermit

The game runs like absolute crap on my system. On Ultra/1080p, it never gets above 20fps. On Low/1080p, it's 19~30. Unbelievable.

i7 2.2Ghz
GTX 560M 3GB

Running the latest stable driver. Not gonna bother with the beta driver as it screws my Skyrim (and doesn't fix Witcher). FWIW: Skyrim runs 40~60 on Ultra/1080p.

Any tips?

I have the same laptop . Kinda sad reading your impressions, I was expecting to play Witcher 2 after Skyrim...
I am kinda shocked that Skyrim and even Crysis 1/2 can run decently on that system yet the Wichter 2 struggles.


So it turns out I the file I had downloaded wasn't even in the bin folder. It does seem to smooth things out a bit, though there is still occasional hitching. My only issue now is that when I have that d3d9.dll file in the bin folder the on-screen display for Afterburner won't show up. Does anyone know why this happens and a way around it?

Why do you need that onscreen display folder? What does it do?


I was running this game superbly as long as I disabled uber sampling, that seems to cut the framerate in half. I also didn't really notice the difference.


I'm saying that when I add the "fix" file to the bin folder I can no longer use the Afterburner OSD in-game to display my GPU temp/load/VRAM usage.

I do understand that. But what's the problem. Why do you need that? D3D Overrider doesn't work with the fix as well, I think that's normal for DX9 wrapper files. Same is true for FXAA injector etc. Don't ask me why though.


Sometimes I can see mad flickering in the game as soon as I move the camera around. Some sort of texture flickering I guess, no idea. Other stuff which is very detailed like the chainmail Geralds wears in the beginning is flickering as well. Any ideas?

Infinite Jest

Neo Member
Sometimes I can see mad flickering in the game as soon as I move the camera around. Some sort of texture flickering I guess, no idea. Other stuff which is very detailed like the chainmail Geralds wears in the beginning is flickering as well. Any ideas?

I'm having the same issue. It is really showcased by some shadows and, for instance, the siege tower in the beginning of the game with the floor full of guys in armor.


I'm having the same issue. It is really showcased by some shows and, for instance, the siege tower in the beginning of the game with the floor full of guys in armor.

Like this?

Check the video. In the video it's far less pronounced than on my TV. In the video it looks almost like white flickering, but that isn't the case, it's just the texture which is flickering, there is no shift in color or whatsoever. So that video is not 100% accurate. It's less noticable on my monitor than on my tv. The TV is far biggher though, maybe that's a reason, don't know. It's almost not noticable on my monitor but not gone.


Any ideas? Depending on the area etc. it's more or less noticable, but it seems to be always there. Someone out there with the same problem?


2nd video:


*from the other thread*

It's basically like...the whole game starts flickering as soon as you start moving. It's perfectly calm when you stand still. Depending on the area, it's more or less pronounced. In the case of the videos it's very pronounced. There are other areas where I barely notice it (or don't notice it at all).


Thrakier I just want to say you are not insane and I know exactly what you mean about the "one o'clock" stuttering. With the fix at 30fps (though it might just be because vsync refuses to work for me when i use it) the game runs perfect on my 5850, 8gigs ram, 2500k 4.3ghz, but without the fix, with vsync on theres a strange judder at the exact same view point in the game.
I managed to finish it without too much hassle when the game was release but i decided to give it another play through after getting fed up of similar frame skippy performance in skyrim (go figure huh) and it seems even worse with this new 2.0 patch.
So unless theres a way for vsync to work with this fix, i think I'm settling for 30fps, no vsync for my second playthrough :/.


Thrakier I just want to say you are not insane and I know exactly what you mean about the "one o'clock" stuttering. With the fix at 30fps (though it might just be because vsync refuses to work for me when i use it) the game runs perfect on my 5850, 8gigs ram, 2500k 4.3ghz, but without the fix, with vsync on theres a strange judder at the exact same view point in the game.
I managed to finish it without too much hassle when the game was release but i decided to give it another play through after getting fed up of similar frame skippy performance in skyrim (go figure huh) and it seems even worse with this new 2.0 patch.
So unless theres a way for vsync to work with this fix, i think I'm settling for 30fps, no vsync for my second playthrough :/.

I don#t have this problem anymore on a nvidia card without the fix...


Any suggestions for an ATI Radeon 5770? It's getting 10 fps @ medium/1080p, according to a friend. He's absolutely certain he should be able to get 30 or so at those settings. Is he right?


Gold Member
Any suggestions for an ATI Radeon 5770? It's getting 10 fps @ medium/1080p, according to a friend. He's absolutely certain he should be able to get 30 or so at those settings. Is he right?

It's not a Mac or laptop is it? Those have the 5770M sometimes. Otherwise yeah, 10fps doesn't sound right... upgrade to a newer version perhaps, turn off AA / uber / make sure nothing is being forced in drivers etc.


It's not a Mac or laptop is it? Those have the 5770M sometimes. Otherwise yeah, 10fps doesn't sound right... upgrade to a newer version perhaps, turn off AA / uber / make sure nothing is being forced in drivers etc.

Desktop PC, AA and uber are off. He's playing the 5770 ini by boobphysics (the one from OP) @ 1080p and getting 18 fps.


Gold Member
Desktop PC, AA and uber are off. He's playing the 5770 ini by boobphysics (the one from OP) @ 1080p and getting 18 fps.

The game is helped a bit by a faster quad core CPU, maybe that could explain a little? Either way, I'm not really sure, maybe try deleting the .inis entirely and let the game generate fresh ones, use the game's launcher setup tool and disable a bunch of stuff if need be, DOF, Bloom (this I'd do regardless), SSAO, Motion Blur, v-sync, so you at least have a starting point to know if things are getting worse or better when tweaking, you can also test a lower res I suppose. Unfortunately some people's performance does fall outside of expectations from time to time, and I've yet to see a common culprit.
I looked over the OP and I didn't see any mention of my problem. Sometimes during cutscenes and sometimes during game play, people will pop in after a camera angle change or disappear. Not the main actors, people in the background. Is this normal and is there anyway to fix it?


That AMD renderAhead fix works wonderfully on my 5850, but it also seems to make it impossible to run the game vsync'd. Always something.


I looked over the OP and I didn't see any mention of my problem. Sometimes during cutscenes and sometimes during game play, people will pop in after a camera angle change or disappear. Not the main actors, people in the background. Is this normal and is there anyway to fix it?

No that's just the way they created those cutscenes. It doesn't happen often.


Junior Member
In response to the thread title, my Wii probably wouldn't be as dusty if I didn't have so much on the other platforms. I actually have a pretty sizable Wii backlog.


Was pleasantly surprised to see how my system ran this on max. It ran like utter shit, but not quite as utterly shitty as I'd expected.


I'm planning on starting a second playthrough in the next couple of days, I booted up the game today after downloading patch 2.1. I was averaging around 15-20 FPS on the auto-detect settings (high). Is this what I should be expecting? I don't remember it being this terrible during my first playthrough. Also, the sound gets really choppy after a bit.

GPU: GTX 260
CPU: i7 860
Resolution: 1920x1080

EDIT: I tried it on low settings. Barely reaching 30 FPS, averaging ~23. This seems odd to me. Shouldn't the decrease from High -> Low settings mean a bigger jump in FPS?
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