The Witcher 2: Performance Thread [Enhanced Edition Patch - New content & 100+ fixes]

Woops, forgot this thread existed - crossposting from the Enhanced Edition thread:

So I finished the 360 version, and now I've reinstalled the PC version to check out all the Enhanced bells and whistles with better graphics and whatnot.

Problem is, I'm having hellish stuttering - at least, I think that's what the problem is. I'm not entirely sure, though - my framerate seems to be fine, around 50-60 on High spec, but as soon as I start moving Geralt basically warps around like I'm playing an MMO on 56k or something. It's really strange. I'm also getting a metric ton of shimmering artifacts, which are really quite ugly. Geralt's hair and detailed cloth textures are a constant source of ugly crawling, which is totally distracting and I honestly don't remember it happening the first time I played the game. I'm playing at native res with AA on, so what gives?

My specs are 12GB RAM, AMD Phenom II X4 965 (3.4GHz~), AMD Radeon 6850.

EDIT - I tried the stuttering fix in the OP, no luck.


I have Radeon Pro set to "ForceRefreshRate=30" but it's not working. I can't figure out how to set up a profile in DXtory.

ForceRefreshRate=30 doesn't work for me either, thats why I'm using DXtory. Afaik, you can't manually add profiles in DXtory. Open DXt and start the game afterwards, it should auto-detect the game and create a profile for it.
What has worked for me is limiting the framerate to 30 with Dxtory, and then also setting up a profile in RadeonPro with these settings:

And to get Dxtory to work you just need to leave it running in the background, it will automatically detect the game and apply your settings.

Edit: This is concerning stuttering, by the way.


Has there been any major improvements to performance since this game came out? I couldn't play it the way it ran on my PC (HD4870)


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Can anyone upload an EE savegame right after that Geralt
lifted the curse?
I've encountered this bug:

Wich is apparently caused by an incompatibility between a non-EE save and a EE playthrough. Problem is: I can't go on if I don't turn that damn wheel.

Now I don't know when a patch will come out (if it's gonna come out), so, I need a save... Must be a Iorveth path, and if I may ask, with all the optional mission completed... Maybe with a magic build, but this isn't very important. Thanks to anyone who can help me. :(
Has there been any major improvements to performance since this game came out? I couldn't play it the way it ran on my PC (HD4870)

I've noticed a small performance improvement but based on what I've been reading from others, I don't think the improvements are due to patches. It's more likely that driver updates that I've installed since the last time I played, are the contributing factor.


1920x1080 Ultra, everything on including uber sampling.


1920x1080 Ultra, everything else on but uber sampling off. Damn smart GTX680, instead of giving me higher fps, it just reduced itself's workload and stays cool when challenge is not there anymore.


noticed how GPU2 is faster but cooler? here is why:


Has there been any major improvements to performance since this game came out? I couldn't play it the way it ran on my PC (HD4870)
If you have 512 MB of ram that's probably more of a bottleneck than anything else. I'd have a smooth FPS then stuttering no matter my settings, but an upgrade ironed that out at the worst spot in Act 1
where you get the rose of remembrance.


1920x1080 Ultra, everything on including uber sampling.

1920x1080 Ultra, everything else on but uber sampling off. Damn smart GTX680, instead of giving me higher fps, it just reduced itself's workload and stays cool when challenge is not there anymore.

noticed how GPU2 is faster but cooler? here is why:

You must be able to play any game at any settings at 60fps.
Is there a reason my game looks like it's being run through a sharpness filter? I honestly don't remember it looking this shimmery/gross when it first came out.



Jesus... now I feel like trading in my two 580s for two 680s... lol Must resist urge... just finished paying off the Newegg preferred account.

Any must have mods for? I remember a panel tweaks mod... I can't find it anymore though.


Nothing can be done, it's a limitation of the game engine.

Then why does GAF rave about the graphics and engine like its the 2nd coming? Skyrim and the origional Mass Effect (and its sequals) have far better draw distances than TW2 and that's just staying in the same type of game. If they don't fix it I guess I will never play it.
Then why does GAF rave about the graphics and engine like its the 2nd coming? Skyrim and the origional Mass Effect (and its sequals) have far better draw distances than TW2 and that's just staying in the same type of game. If they don't fix it I guess I will never play it.

I will personally pm you if they release a fix for this issue. If you don't get a pm from me you will know nothing has change.


They know. The thread I started at release got fairly big too. Don't think they intend to do anything about it.

If that is the case consider my support of CDP offically done. I will not be purchasing another product for them. If they know about this and refuse to fix it is just rediculous. If this is the case I seriously don't see how anyone considers them better than companies like EA or Ubisoft.

That might seem harsh but this is year 2000esc programming.


Holy fuck, when I came in and read that I thought there was a more serious problem. Coming in from the gaming budget thread the last thing I want to hold against a developer is a relatively minor graphical failing, stuff like erratic framerates or really screwed up graphical glitches are more important to worry about.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thank you for again reminding us how much you hate the pop-in, as you have been doing for the last week.


Holy fuck, when I came in and read that I thought there was a more serious problem. Coming in from the gaming budget thread the last thing I want to hold against a developer is a relatively minor graphical failing, stuff like erratic framerates or really screwed up graphical glitches are more important to worry about.

It's not a minor issue. It completely breaks immersion and makes the game unplayable for many. I keep brining this up because not everyone is experiencing this on the witcher forums, so I am hoping someone will find a fix.
No one has found a fix for it when you brought it up last week and the subsequent days there after. We'll PM you when someone figures something out you can stop bringing it up every day.
If people and objects are popping in within 5 feet of you, I'm not experiencing the same issue. There is certainly pop in and general LOD issues but at a much farther distance. It's only really noticeably if I'm looking for it or in a few specific problem areas.
It's unplayable. When people/objects pop in less than 5 feet from me and breaks the immersion that is unplayable.

My PC is a chunk of shit and the pop in is very minor for me. I'm almost certain it's to do with how much video memory you allocate to the textures, so maybe you should look into changing that.


My PC is a chunk of shit and the pop in is very minor for me. I'm almost certain it's to do with how much video memory you allocate to the textures, so maybe you should look into changing that.

I have maxed it out, I have made all suggested changes to the config.ini file, and the issue remains. To the post above this that is my entire point, the issue isn't happening to everyone so its not an engine issue. Therefore that has to be a fix.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
I have maxed it out, I have made all suggested changes to the config.ini file, and the issue remains. To the post above this that is my entire point, the issue isn't happening to everyone so its not an engine issue. Therefore that has to be a fix.

There isn't any pop-in to me, at least not on people and scenario object.
In cap 2 the grass spawned at 3 meters from Geralt, and it wasn't so good, but with that beautiful around me I didn't cared.
Refusing to play such a game just for a bit of pop-in is just unbelievable.
Running the game with the 'High' config mentioned in the OP on an i7 930/GTX 560 Ti PC and an HDTV at 720p/3D and getting massive stutters in open areas and cut scenes. The moment I disable 3D, I don't have any issues whatsoever, even with the resolution at 1080p.

I'm guessing it's more taxing for the GPU to render the same geometry twice at 720p than it is to render the game without 3D at 1080p. Is anyone else getting frequent stutters specifically when running the game in 3D?


I'm having a weird problem, first off here's how my configurator looks, different then others.
I have GOG version downloaded it recently and patched it fully.

Problem is if I change any setting in configuratior from auto detect one it will make my graphics look like this:

Any! I tested it a lot and put rain for example which I know doesn't happen and same things happens. I'm not happy with auto detect ones, I want to remove/change some things and it looks fine there but if I change anything this happens.

I have amd 4870x2 with latest drivers, tried turning off catalyst ai and that did nothing. My cpu is Q9450 at 3.2GHz and 4gb ddr2. It worked fine a while ago but I reinstalled it since then and a lot of patches and EE came.

Finished witcher1 this morning and hoped to continue playing but... :\
And what's the general consensus, kb+mouse or controller, which is better?

Edit: Reinstall fixed it.


It's unplayable. When people/objects pop in less than 5 feet from me and breaks the immersion that is unplayable.
No it isn't. What you have is a game that is not fun to play because of pop in. You do not have an 'unplayable' video game, because you can still play the game to completion were you to look past the pop in. Unplayable would require the game to crash when you got in game, and it doesn't do that. So no, it's not unplayable.


So at the advice of many here I decided to bite the bullet and ignore the pop in and start a new game. First thing I noticed in the tutorial is that there were some graphical issues where textures were flickering (the best way I can put it) in Geralts when talking to the injured guard. I then saw it on the wall before going into the arena, and then again on one of the tatoos on one of the people in the prologue.

Mind you this is the only game I have this issue, so I don't think its my card or system. Any ideas how to fix this?
Is there any way of getting the game to use the 360 controller without having to go into the options every time the game starts?

I haven't run into this. Do you start the game with the controller on?

Assassin's Creed worked that way. If the controller wasn't on when the game started you had to enter the options to switch input devices.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So at the advice of many here I decided to bite the bullet and ignore the pop in and start a new game. First thing I noticed in the tutorial is that there were some graphical issues where textures were flickering (the best way I can put it) in Geralts when talking to the injured guard. I then saw it on the wall before going into the arena, and then again on one of the tatoos on one of the people in the prologue.

Mind you this is the only game I have this issue, so I don't think its my card or system. Any ideas how to fix this?

Either your game/hardware has serious problems, or what your noticing is z fighting, which happens in a lot of games. I remember some flickering on those buff mercs in the prologue section, which was indeed z fighting. You'll have to snap screenshots of other stuff before I can tell if it's the game, or your hardware.

Comparison shots of the pop-in will also give us an example of the specific pop-in you're talking about. EG: Everyone has bad pop-in with the high LOD grass, which only renders ~3 meters in front of Geralt. But, outside of typical LOD stuff, I haven't noticed anything bad with people or objects. This is supposedly a community fix that returns the grass to the way it looked pre-EE. The LOD issue remains but the grass blends in more naturally because it is darker. I haven't tried myself, I just saw it posted on their forums.

I haven't reached Chapter 2 in my EE play through so I've never experienced the highlighted grass pop in.


It's unplayable. When people/objects pop in less than 5 feet from me and breaks the immersion that is unplayable.

Rubbish.. Decals seem to pop in at roughly 20-30 virtual feet.. People seem to pop out at the 50-60 feet range... 5 feet? Grass yeah 5 feet sounds about right for grass pop'n.
I haven't run into this. Do you start the game with the controller on?

Assassin's Creed worked that way. If the controller wasn't on when the game started you had to enter the options to switch input devices.

The wired controller's on and it works in the main menu but when I load a game save and go into the actual game, it stops working and I need to go into the control menu using the mouse and keyboard and switch to the controller.
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