Horse Armour
That used to happen to me before the EE
I'm on the EE patch.
That used to happen to me before the EE This is supposedly a community fix that returns the grass to the way it looked pre-EE. The LOD issue remains but the grass blends in more naturally because it is darker. I haven't tried myself, I just saw it posted on their forums.
I haven't reached Chapter 2 in my EE play through so I've never experienced the highlighted grass pop in.
The one thing I'd like to see a mod for is the cool down on the medallion. I think the cool down is pointless. Let me spam the shit out of it.
Either your game/hardware has serious problems, or what your noticing is z fighting, which happens in a lot of games. I remember some flickering on those buff mercs in the prologue section, which was indeed z fighting. You'll have to snap screenshots of other stuff before I can tell if it's the game, or your hardware.
Comparison shots of the pop-in will also give us an example of the specific pop-in you're talking about. EG: Everyone has bad pop-in with the high LOD grass, which only renders ~3 meters in front of Geralt. But, outside of typical LOD stuff, I haven't noticed anything bad with people or objects.
Is there any solutions to the shadow dithering?
I'm having really poor performance for some reason, my PC:
HD 6970 x 2 (crossfire)
i5 2500K @ 3.4Ghz
8Gb ram
Getting like 20-30 fps when looking in to the crowd of people fighting in the first level. If I turn away I get around 150 fps.
First I thought maybe the game is just so demanding but then I tried low settings and I was getting like 40 fps which is ridiculous considering the PC i have.
Anyone with similar specs able to achive stable 60 fps at the first fight with king Foltest?
First thing that always comes to mind when someone is getting poor performance on a high-end system is ubersampling but if you turned down the settings to low and are still having performance issues than ubersampling isn't the culprit. If you are getting poor performance on low settings, that would suggest a CPU bottleneck but I would have thought that a i5 2500K, even at a stock clock speed wouldn't be an issue. There was a crossfire driver update ages ago, so as long as you're not using extremely old drivers that shouldn't be an issue.
Is there a way to disable the intro cinematic in the game? The game freezes for at least 30 seconds everytime I skip it when I boot the game up.
Try deleting (or moving) the savegames.
I had like 200 save, I moved all the old save to another directory (I don't want to lose them, so I didn't delete them) and kept only a few, the newer, and the boot after skipping the cinematic and when opening the menus became instant.
It seems that savegames managing for CDProject is a bit difficult, lol.It worked, thanks.
I had to do the same thing when playing the 1st Witcher as well, thought they would have resolved this issue for the second game.
A bit late to the party. But I bought Witcher 2 EE from GOG a few days ago. (40% sale + DRM free)
This is one beautiful game. Pure eye-candy.
I ran everything maxed @ 2560x1600. With Ubersampling enabled, frame rates were essentially halved, it seemed. However, with occasional drop below 60fps, the game was smoothly playable.
I've toggled ubersampling on and off and I had hard time noticing any differences. But at 1600P, I'm guessing I probably won't notice Ubersampling because what it does is add a very extreme high quality level of AA (read SSAA) so being that I'm at 1600P, the image lines are already so sharp and defined it really can't get a whole lot better than that.
Also this game gave me the highest record on GPU temp so far (~95C) wow.
Quad-SLI scaling seems to be excellent. Utilization on all 4 GPUs were always hovering around 95~99%.
Just picked this up during the Steam sale and I'm having an issue:
The game is extremely choppy and it looks like it's skipping frames every second and catching up to the action. It's as if I'm missing a whole set of frames every second. Any ideas? I can get 50+ fps in fraps with relatively high settings and 60+ with everything turned off, but the problem persists in all instances. Thanks.
2500K / 560ti / 8GB RAM
Edit: I think the stuttering fix may have worked...
Hmm, I have similar specs (i5-2320, 560ti, 8GB RAM) and the game is very smooth at 1080p with most things turned up - 40-60fps usually.
One thing that alleviated stuttering for me on my old computer was limiting the frame rate to 30fps. You can do this in Nvidia Inspector or with programs like Dxtory or Bandicam.
The stuttering fix in the op seemed to work.
On another note, has anyone else using the 360 pad noticed it takes multiple prresses of the A or directional buttons in certain menus (such as the LT menu) to engage something? Is this normal?
Also, my training seems to be bugged. It keeps asking me to spend my points in training but I already have. Sigh.
Yes, it was discussed recently in the official nVIDIA forums and Guru3D forums. ManuelG said they could reproduce this stuttering problem and the fix was coming.Btw, if any Nvidia owners are getting worse stuttering than usual, revert back to the WHQL 301.42 driver, any later beta drivers have introduced new stutter.
Hey guys, a few questions:
1. Where are my save files stored? I have a million saves and deleting one by one at the menu takes forever.
2. I'm not quite sure this is a bug but a couple of instances when Geralt has the option to get busy with a lady or two () he automatically turns them down without giving me the option to accept or deny. According to the online Prima guide I should be able to make the decision. Is it just me?the succubus, the elf I saved from the burning building
Thanks. there a program I can use to see what fps I'm getting from this game?
1. Use the Witcher 2 Save Manager. It makes deleting a bunch of saves super fast. Just make sure you know which ones you want to keep first.
2. Sounds like you've got a censored version. I know for sure that Australia had a few of the sex options removed, but there is a file you can add to your Witcher 2 directory to add those options back in, download that here.
Cheers, although the save game manager can't see my Witcher 2 save files.
All in good spirit:Anyone? I really want to play but this stuttering makes it impossible
Anyone? I really want to play but this stuttering makes it impossible
Same, can't find the fila anywhere.
If I can run it on this, what's the best optimization? If not, any recommendations on things worth buying to upgrade this, or is it a bottleneck scenario?