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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest



Unconfirmed Member
Finished Hearts of Stone's main quest tonight. Had a great time with it. Geralt looks well cool now in his new Ofieri robes,
wielding the Caretaker's Spade for the fun of it

Settled on a half Signs/half Potions build that I'm happy with. Just going to mess around and finish up some contracts now, maybe roam around some of the map that I never really explored.

So ready for Blood and Wine.


I pre-ordered the physical version of Blood & Wine on PC from GAME in the UK on Tuesday, but it has since disappeared from their site and only the PS4 version of it remains. It still shows up in my orders but the link to its shop listing leads to an error page, I contacted customer support and true to GAME fashion, they pretty much said they didn't know what it meant.

I'm hoping it's just some mistake and they'll have it to send out anyway, I didn't have any problems with pre-ordering Hearts of Stone after all. However, does anyone know if the PC version of it is being sold elsewhere in the UK? I really don't want to miss out on those last two decks.
I'm hoping it's just some mistake and they'll have it to send out anyway, I didn't have any problems with pre-ordering Hearts of Stone after all. However, does anyone know if the PC version of it is being sold elsewhere in the UK? I really don't want to miss out on those last two decks.
About that, I haven't seen it listed anywhere in Italy. Last time I got it at Gamestop, and I'm pretty sure it was the day after the announcement.
I hope they'll release it somehow somewhere. I'd hate to miss it.
EDIT: Apparently the preorder (in Italy at least) start on Monday (aka tomorrow), not sure if this info is helpful for others as well.


I am hyped for the new extension. But I haven't played Hearts of Stone. But I guess I can't do it with my Geralt, because If I remember he was only level 24 when I finished the game. I heard as well that the extension is more difficult than the main game.

Is there a way to level quickly? Or should I start a new game with the offered level 30 savegame?
I am hyped for the new extension. But I haven't played Hearts of Stone. But I guess I can't do it with my Geralt, because If I remember he was only level 24 when I finished the game. I heard as well that the extension is more difficult than the main game.

Is there a way to level quickly? Or should I start a new game with the offered level 30 savegame?
IIRC, there's an option to play just the expansion, starting with a pre-built Geralt at the appropriate level.
So, I just watched this behind closed door's presentation at E3 2013. There's no video, only audio, but you can see parts of the early version of "In the Heart of the Woods", over here.

A strange thing, is that they had a whole subplot (that was a main quest) about Geralt tracking the Wild Hunt, which isn't in the game. A lot of people speculated that they recorded the dialogue specifically for this VGX video, but they didn't. It was in that E3 demo. Just like the scene with Dijkstra in the 2014 demo, it was a part of the game at that time, it just got cut.

Geralt: You Bjorn of Dalvik?
Bjorn: Dalvik... is no more.
Geralt: I gotta hear what happened there.
Bjorn: What's it to you? Go! Be on your way,
Geralt: I was following the Wild Hunt, but lost its trail. I was hoping you could help.
Bjorn: Another come to hear the madman's tale? Well, you're out of luck.
Geralt: No one believes your story, right? Took you in like good hosts should, but they don't trust you.
Geralt: Well, that's not me. I might believe you. I've faced the Hunt, got a score to settle with them.
Bjorn: You know nothing. You didn't see what I saw.
Geralt: If you don't want to talk, don't. I just need to know which way the Hunt went.
Bjorn: I saw a long ship, made of the claws of dead men. The wraiths drove everyone to the shore, my daughter too.
Geralt: Naglfar! Which direction did it go? This is important.
Bjorn: East. They flew off towards Hindarsfjall.
Geralt: Thanks for your help.
Bjorn: Tell me, why do you seek them? No man who meets the Hunt, returns to this world.
Geralt: I returned.

EDIT: There's also dialogue with Crach about the Hunt.

Crach: Greetings, White Wolf. You took your sweet time coming.
Geralt: I was hunting a forktail. Udalryk paid good coin for its head,
Crach: Udalryk!? Hahaha. That tight-fisted bastard. Probably haggled like a fishmongers wife, but we'll not talk in the stables. Come! I shall tell you why I summoned you.
Crach: You've no doubt heard about Dalvik? Whole village burned to ashes, its inhabitants gone.
Geralt: Another border skirmish with Madman Lugos?
Crach: Nay! The sole survivor claims it was wraiths. The Wild Hunt, on a raid.
Geralt: Where's this survivor now?
Crach: His name's Bjorn. Lost his child in Dalvik. Now he lives with his brother, in Farylund.
Geralt: I'll talk to him. Could be over the shock by now.
Crach: Foul times are upon us. Always took the Wild Hunt for a dark vision, a nightmare that fades with the rising son.
Geralt: Gotta go to Farylund. If the Hunt's been there, I might find something that'll get me back on its trail.
Crach: I was hoping you'd stay for the evening feast. As the years go by, I have fewer and fewer mates who'll join me for a drink, and a few old war stories.
Geralt: Another time, Crach. Need to talk to Bjorn as soon as possible.
Crach: In that case, godspeed! And remember, you'll always be welcome in my home.

Udalryk wasn't
mad in this earlier version, which makes sense as originally, Cerys
wasn't in it either. She was going to be Becca / Fake Ciri, Emhyr's consort. It also seems that the entire island of Dalvik got cut, as well as Bjorn being in Fayrlund, and parts of the scene were moved to Velen. Going from that dialogue, it seems that Geralt was originally tracking the Hunt, not Ciri. In my subjective opinion, that was better. The ending of TW2 implied that Geralt wanted to find Yen, and figure out what he did when he was a Rider of the Hunt, and why they were abducting humans. Unfortunately, those particular subplots are never resolved in the final game. This also fits with what was said in the 2013 interview with Game Informer, that the Hunt would not be another ancient evil. They would have had clear motivations, and Geralt would always feel their presence lingering over him.

On a tangent, but originally, Geralt's stamina was going to be used to swim. Considering that the waters of Skellige are so cold, if he was out there too long, he would drown. That sounded so cool, and actually fits with the books as well, where cold and hunger are an issue for him. It also sounds as if the boat would have been susceptible to waves and rough waters. If you went sailing during a storm, there was a greater chance of the boat breaking.

The worst part, is that Eredin almost has more dialogue in the earlier two trailers, VGX and the reveal, than he does in-game. I counted it, it's about 50 words in the trailers, compared to 70 words in-game. Not only that, but it's actually coherent sentences, instead of the one liners he has in-game. These lines also hint that Eredin might have appeared as a spectre, similar to his appearances in TW1.

"We have been here before. We watch your petty world slumbering. You cannot defy the cold from our steel, you can only... surrender."
"White Wolf... at last. I come for her, for the prophecy. Every decision you make will bring devastation. Each choice will lead to a greater evil." -> Great Witcher 1 throwback there.

"I have long awaited this and you, White Wolf."
"Tend to them. We've no time to lose"
"You shan't escape me this time."
"She'll not abandon you"
"You humans are so... impractical" ect.

Even stranger, is that they cut the motion comic epilogue for "In the Heart of the Woods", similar to the motion comics for "Return to Crookback Bog" and "Now or Never". The game heavily implies that you should come back later to see what the consequence of your choice was, but that never happens in-game. Want to know what happens to the village if you help Sven? Spoiler, it's not good.

Geralt's Monologue said:
The Woodland spirit
was dead, and Fayrlund became a village like any other. Soon, the fierce warriors who had once stalked these woods were but a memory, yet it's old quarrels with it's neighbour's flared anew. The day after the feast at [unintelligible], the village was raided. The people of Fayrlund outlived the Woodland Spirit by only three months.

In this IGN video from May 2015, the CDPR devs heavily imply that the flashback scene was there.

CDPR: So you see, the outcome of this quest isn't like,
yeah, we did something good. You kind of had to slaughter half of the villages warriors. That also might have consequences later. If you do some more adventuring, and come back to the place [you will see them].

IGN: What could possibly happen to a village without warriors?

CDPR: Exactly! And, it's not the only village, right? Norse and Celtic mythology inspired places are known to have some sort of rivalry between places. So yeah, who knows what will happen. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The dialogue was perfect. No idea why they cut this either. Man, I would kill to read all these earlier scripts from the Alpha / Pre-Alpha. This dialogue is fantastic. Voice acting is really expensive too. It's odd that so much dialogue went unused. Some one really needs to do a "final hours" look at TW3. Actually, a "final two years", would be better. :p
TW3 had been in pre-production since 2010/2011. Why was the main plot considerably changed two years later, in late 2013/2014, after it was shown off and marketed in earlier trailers?


Unconfirmed Member
Wait, whaa... I must have passed by it without noticing it was lootable :eek: Hope it's still there...

I always use Witcher Sense for a quick scan of the area after a fight :)

It's a decent weapon with a cool bonus effect. Looks a bit ridiculous on Geralt's back, compared to a nice master crafted sword, but I felt like a wee change.


I can't believe I've played this game for so long and still don't know... how do you manually draw a weapon? Sometimes Geralt gets in a fight and he doesn't withdraw his sword for quite a while and I'm just using my fists. And no, I'm not talking about a fist fight but actually fighting monsters. I'm playing on PS4.
I can't believe I've played this game for so long and still don't know... how do you manually draw a weapon? Sometimes Geralt gets in a fight and he doesn't withdraw his sword for quite a while and I'm just using my fists. And no, I'm not talking about a fist fight but actually fighting monsters. I'm playing on PS4.

Left and right on the dpad.


Getting back to it and just wandering around the map hitting up all the unknown markers since it seems like a practical way to build up and level up.

... Man though, I wonder if I'm just torturing myself sticking with Hard. It's not combat I particularly enjoy, though it is satisfying to try to figure out what tools to use to aid in success. I suppose when the game inevitably gets too easy it will at least make it that much more satisfying, versus curbstomping the whole way through.
In preparation for blood and wine I went ahead and finally started hearts of stone. It's been so long since I played the main game that if took a bit to get back into the groove. Something I'm noticing from all of the other games I've played since then is how often I dodge/sidestep now thanks to souls borne lol
Anyone else notice Geralt targeting the fucking horse during combat with the latest version? It seemed to do it without mods, but I'm not positive. It's annoying when I'm trying to fight a monster, and Roach seems to be the better target.


Unconfirmed Member
Something I'm noticing from all of the other games I've played since then is how often I dodge/sidestep now thanks to souls borne lol

Yeah, and the best thing is you're not just stuck rolling around everywhere. In this game, depending on the situation, you can roll or sidestep. There's a separate button for each!

It's genius!!


Just picked up this game because it was $30 on Amazon.

Hated the first game.

Disliked the second game.

Loved the first book.

Despite this, I figured it was worth a shot with all the praise.

Anything I should know about this game, given my weird perspective on the series?


Just picked up this game because it was $30 on Amazon.

Hated the first game.

Disliked the second game.

Loved the first book.

Despite this, I figured it was worth a shot with all the praise.

Anything I should know about this game, given my weird perspective on the series?


I didn't max out Delusion until much later in the game and it has its benefits. You can avoid paying gold from people.


I've finished Hearts of Stone and now I can't wait for Blood and Wine.

Exceptional good quests in the expansion. Hail to the king CD Projekt Red.


I've finished Hearts of Stone and now I can't wait for Blood and Wine.

Exceptional good quests in the expansion. Hail to the king CD Projekt Red.

I just hafta ask.... does the DLC acknowledge your romance choice? How exactly does DLC handle romance???


Just picked up this game because it was $30 on Amazon.

Hated the first game.

Disliked the second game.

Loved the first book.

Despite this, I figured it was worth a shot with all the praise.

Anything I should know about this game, given my weird perspective on the series?
Don't approach the combat like it's a Souls game, because that seems to be what a lot of people did last year; some couldn't even seem to see past that. :p Completely serviceable combat that folks were calling absolutely horrible.

There have been a number of write-ups since the first OT about how to make proper use of your two dodging methods, light 'n strong attacks, and Signs. I wouldn't be able to put it as eloquently, but don't be the type that just casts Quen and starts swinging away until it pops.

Out of curiosity, what did you dislike about the second game?

I just hafta ask.... does the DLC acknowledge your romance choice? How exactly does DLC handle romance???
It doesn't matter what decisions you've made in that regard, or the choices you're able to make throughout HoS.
Story of HoS is completely separate.

It doesn't matter what decisions you've made in that regard, or the choices you're able to make throughout HoS.

Not entirely correct. A decision you make in HoS will carry over to B&W. I'm assuming it will be whether you
romanced Shani, or not. Maybe she'll show up at the vineyard.
However, internally, she isn't counted as a valid romance partner, like Triss or Yen, so she doesn't effect either of those two romances. The game does keep track if you did the deed with her, though.

Related to that, whether you completed the base game or not, will also effect B&W in some way.

Just picked up this game because it was $30 on Amazon.

Hated the first game.

Disliked the second game.

Loved the first book.

Despite this, I figured it was worth a shot with all the praise.

Anything I should know about this game, given my weird perspective on the series?

By first book, I assume you mean first short story collection, The Last Wish, and not the first novel, Blood of Elves?

Anyway, Sword of Destiny and The Tower of the Swallow are the ones I think are the best.

Did you read the first book before playing the first two games? What didn't you like about TW2? The way it handled politics was absolutely incredible, especially if you've read all the books, and know who the characters are.


Don't approach the combat like it's a Souls game, because that seems to be what a lot of people did last year; some couldn't even seem to see past that. :p Completely serviceable combat that folks were calling absolutely horrible.

There have been a number of write-ups since the first OT about how to make proper use of your two dodging methods, light 'n strong attacks, and Signs. I wouldn't be able to put it as eloquently, but don't be the type that just casts Quen and starts swinging away until it pops.

Out of curiosity, what did you dislike about the second game?

It doesn't matter what decisions you've made in that regard, or the choices you're able to make throughout HoS.

Not entirely correct. A decision you make in HoS will carry over to B&W. I'm assuming it will be whether you
romanced Shani, or not. Maybe she'll show up at the vineyard.
However, internally, she isn't counted as a valid romance partner, like Triss or Yen, so she doesn't effect either of those two romances. The game does keep track if you did the deed with her, though.

Related to that, whether you completed the base game or not, will also effect B&W in some way.

By first book, I assume you mean first short story collection, The Last Wish, and not the first novel, Blood of Elves?

Anyway, Sword of Destiny and The Tower of the Swallow are the ones I think are the best.

Did you read the first book before playing the first two games? What didn't you like about TW2? The way it handled politics was absolutely incredible, especially if you've read all the books, and know who the characters are.

I mean The Last Wish, the short story collection. I really enjoyed the audiobook. I just picked up Sword of Destiny too, so that is good. I listened to The Last Wish after bouncing off Witcher 1, but before playing Witcher 2.

What I didn't like about the Witcher 2 was mostly the combat, and how clunky the game felt in general. I liked everything else about it, but I got about 6 hours in and decided to put it down. I was playing on PC without a controller, so that might have been part of it for me, I grabbed Witcher 3 for PS4.

I'm a bit concerned about the combat for this game, but it seems to have a wide enough appeal that I'll be able to stomach it.
I mean The Last Wish, the short story collection. I really enjoyed the audiobook. I just picked up Sword of Destiny too, so that is good. I listened to The Last Wish after bouncing off Witcher 1, but before playing Witcher 2.

What I didn't like about the Witcher 2 was mostly the combat, and how clunky the game felt in general. I liked everything else about it, but I got about 6 hours in and decided to put it down. I was playing on PC without a controller, so that might have been part of it for me, I grabbed Witcher 3 for PS4.

I'm a bit concerned about the combat for this game, but it seems to have a wide enough appeal that I'll be able to stomach it.

Keyboard and mouse is vastly superior for TW2, at least, in my opinion. I get that point, TW2 has a lot of Euro-jank. I love that game though.

Strangely, the 360 version of TW2 plays better with the controller. I don't know why they didn't add those controller improvements to the PC version.

TW3 is great with any controller, on the PC or consoles, so you shouldn't have any issues there. The combat is also very different in TW3. It's objectively more... polished (simplified? I don't know what the word is), but they removed the combat preparation mechanics from TW1 and TW2, and the traps from TW2. Some people didn't like them, I thought they were interesting, and would have liked to have seen them improved and expanded in TW3. I'm probably the only person, but I liked the idea behind the potions in TW1 and TW2. It just needed better implementation.

What are your PC specs by the way? I'm thinking that you maybe you should have gone with the PC version of TW3. I hear the PS4 version still has performance issues. I don't own a PS4, so I don't know 100%.

Enjoy Sword of Destiny! :)
I can't believe a mod wasn't made that removes all the auto path following junk from Roach. It's a nightmare trying to ride him, as he pulls all over the place, trying to get to a road. I mean...really fucking annoying. Like what were they thinking annoying. Are they going to make a racing game that is impossible to go in a straight line? :p


I can't believe a mod wasn't made that removes all the auto path following junk from Roach. It's a nightmare trying to ride him, as he pulls all over the place, trying to get to a road. I mean...really fucking annoying. Like what were they thinking annoying. Are they going to make a racing game that is impossible to go in a straight line? :p

Unless its a long distance... I usually just run as Geralt. Lol Roach can be quite the hassle to control. He's very stiff.


Roach is definitely the "my destination is far off and I'm fine following the roads for it" option. And even then Roach can be frustrating!


Getting back to it and just wandering around the map hitting up all the unknown markers since it seems like a practical way to build up and level up.

... Man though, I wonder if I'm just torturing myself sticking with Hard. It's not combat I particularly enjoy, though it is satisfying to try to figure out what tools to use to aid in success. I suppose when the game inevitably gets too easy it will at least make it that much more satisfying, versus curbstomping the whole way through.

Unless you're playing on Death March difficultly for the achievement it wouldn't matter if you adjust it. Just go with what's fun for you, and increase it if the combat gets too easy.


Roach is definitely the "my destination is far off and I'm fine following the roads for it" option. And even then Roach can be frustrating!

I usually go off road with Roach. Lol. That's prolly my only complaint about Witcher 3 so far is that sometimes I feel like everything that's playable feels like a tank EXCEPT Ciri. Geralt feels like a tank, so does controlling a boat and controlling Roach. Ciri is like the only character who doesn't feel sluggish. But I quickly get over the controls because of how awesome the story is and how I love player choice.


I usually go off road with Roach. Lol. That's prolly my only complaint about Witcher 3 so far is that sometimes I feel like everything that's playable feels like a tank EXCEPT Ciri. Geralt feels like a tank, so does controlling a boat and controlling Roach. Ciri is like the only character who doesn't feel sluggish. But I quickly get over the controls because of how awesome the story is and how I love player choice.

Not sure if you're already using it, but you can change the control method for Geralt in the options to 'alternative'. It's not perfect but it's snappier than the standard.
mother of god

I decided I wanted to make wolven armor since I've been playing with fully upgraded mastercrafted bear armor this whole time.

Spend the last hour gathering the parts, got up until superior. Didn't feel like getting the mastercrafted tonight, so I went to upgrade the armor so far.

So yeah, since I haven't been gathering materials or money since I got bear armor, I didn't have nowhere near enough shit to build this armor lmao. And I only have like 2k crowns left.

I was curious to make another armor set, but fuck actually gathering every single freaking ingredient/material to build this shit again, i forgot just how much of a pain it was when I made bear gear.

Lucky enough I love full bear gear I just wanted to try out a new one, now I don't have to.


So, I've picked this up again after beating it at launch and not playing since. Always intended to play the 2 dlcs back to back so I've held off HoS, but with the announcement of BaW I thought it was as good a time as any to jump back in. Picked up the expansion pass, downloaded 30 gig (!!) of patches, dlc, and expacs and away I went. I still want to play the xpacs back to back so I fired up a new game on death march to tool around in the meantime. I'm not sure I'll beat it in the next 2 weeks, but either way I'll likely use my original file for the expansions.

After 6 or 7 hours I'm up to the Bloody Baron quest, so pretty happy with progress, but so far it reinforces the thought I had when I beat it, that this may be the best damn game I've played in around 30 odd years of practicing the hobby. There's just so much detail everywhere and the worlds massive, but it all feels so handcrafted. Sure the combats not best in class, especially after DS3 and going through Bloodborne again in the last month or 2, but it gets the job done, and sometimes when all the stars align it can be pretty fun. I'm going to try more of a sign orientated run this time, which is what I wanted to do originally, but it ended up being more sword fightery, so hopefully that makes things more interesting.

I also kinda fucked up and didn't simulate the witcher 2 save so I'm going all default world state. I was going to restart, but I figured I may as well see what the default is, and I always have my other file with my choices.

One question regarding not simulating -
Letho: alive or dead?
One question regarding not simulating -
Letho: alive or dead?

He gets the axe if you don't simulate, unfortunately. Same with
Aryan and Sile
. You can test it yourself, I could be wrong. Go to Lidenvale, and begin "The Fall of the House Reardon". If you don't see him, he's dead.



I didn't max out Delusion until much later in the game and it has its benefits. You can avoid paying gold from people.

I disagree. I've never found myself short on money (level 30 with about 35k rn), but I always can use more XP. And I've found that options that cost money usually reward me with more XP.
All right I need a fast way to make money, don't mind glitches or tricks, any recommendations? I want to at least have 50k before Blood and Wine comes out.

I had spent so much on fully upgrading my armor in the base game I'm now poor as fuck

edit: nvm did the glitch, now I won't struggle for money.

Mo money, mo witchin


He gets the axe if you don't simulate, unfortunately. Same with
Aryan and Sile
. You can test it yourself, I could be wrong. Go to Lidenvale, and begin "The Fall of the House Reardon". If you don't see him, he's dead.

Bummer. Sorta suspected as much. This time I'm def not killing
either, so lucky i don't give too much off a shit about trophies.

Also, as amusing as the
scene was, I should probably go back to plan A and stick with Triss. Besides, antagonizing Yen is just too damn fun some times
Question everyone:

I played Witcher 3 on release upto a point somewhat late in the story until it lead to a progress-halting bug on a major quest. I just gave up and decided to wait until all the DLCs were released before I decided to go back into it.

I'll be free from finals soon so I thought I'd wait until Blood and Wine is released, but apparently that's a stand-alone DLC and not even part of the main game? I knew that the story would be it's own thing and not really tie into the main story but if there is no connection between the two, then I might as well start playing the main game again soon.

My question is, should I wait until Blood and Wine's release before starting a new game or can I start now and not really be affected by it?


Question everyone:

I played Witcher 3 on release upto a point somewhat late in the story until it lead to a progress-halting bug on a major quest. I just gave up and decided to wait until all the DLCs were released before I decided to go back into it.

I'll be free from finals soon so I thought I'd wait until Blood and Wine is released, but apparently that's a stand-alone DLC and not even part of the main game? I knew that the story would be it's own thing and not really tie into the main story but if there is no connection between the two, then I might as well start playing the main game again soon.

My question is, should I wait until Blood and Wine's release before starting a new game or can I start now and not really be affected by it?

I'd say don't worry and play the game now, the story is separate, plus you need a well developed character in the expansion. No reason to wait with the base game IMO.


Just played a few hours of this, definitely having more fun than I did with the first two.

The text on console is pretty small though, I'm not missing an option to increase the size, am I? It's manageable at least, unlike some games.


So I gave the game a third try and seems to finally be clicking with me.

I have a question though...I just got to Velen. Am I severely under leveled or something? I'm 3/4 the way to level 4.The first mission is to travel to an Inn and it's recommended that I'm level 5, and the other 2 that I have are like level 15+.

I thought I did all I could in White Orchard. I went to all over the ? marks, and did the quests on the board...
So I gave the game a third try and seems to finally be clicking with me.

I have a question though...I just got to Velen. Am I severely under leveled or something? I'm 3/4 the way to level 4.The first mission is to travel to an Inn and it's recommended that I'm level 5, and the other 2 that I have are like level 15+.

I thought I did all I could in White Orchard. I went to all over the ? marks, and did the quests on the board...

That's fine. I hit up every point in White Orchard and end up at level 3. I'd recommend you continue doing main quests to level up more, then branch out and do whatever you want after gaining some levels. The main quests in the game are the ones that throw experience at you.


That's fine. I hit up every point in White Orchard and end up at level 3. I'd recommend you continue doing main quests to level up more, then branch out and do whatever you want after gaining some levels. The main quests in the game are the ones that throw experience at you.


The main quest has a recommended level of 5 though. That's why I was wondering if I was under leveled.

The main quest has a recommended level of 5 though. That's why I was wondering if I was under leveled.

In general, if it shows up green, it's fine to do. The levels are kinda wonky in the game (quests and gear). After a while you'll start acquiring a ton of quests at once, and you'll level past some of them, but the way main quests give you experience, you'll always be OK to keep progressing in those.


In general, if it shows up green, it's fine to do. The levels are kinda wonky in the game (quests and gear). After a while you'll start acquiring a ton of quests at once, and you'll level past some of them, but the way main quests give you experience, you'll always be OK to keep progressing in those.

cool, thanks!


Just played a few hours of this, definitely having more fun than I did with the first two.

The text on console is pretty small though, I'm not missing an option to increase the size, am I? It's manageable at least, unlike some games.

I have it on PS4 and the text is kinda small but I just sit close to my TV to see it better . Lol
So I gave the game a third try and seems to finally be clicking with me.

I have a question though...I just got to Velen. Am I severely under leveled or something? I'm 3/4 the way to level 4.The first mission is to travel to an Inn and it's recommended that I'm level 5, and the other 2 that I have are like level 15+.

I thought I did all I could in White Orchard. I went to all over the ? marks, and did the quests on the board...

I used to be under leveled until some experience heavy side quests helped me out.
if you think text is small now you don't even wanna know how BAD it was when it first released. Like I wear glasses and I was straining my fucking eyes to read that shit.
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