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The Worst Room of all Time (NSF56k)

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A few of you might remember when I was telling you about my roommate who is so far gone due to drug abuse that he often escapes into his room for weeks at a time and leaves such horrible smells and shit coming out of his room that often we assume he has died. He never does die, of course, but we bet he will at some point. Anyway, even if you don't remember this thread may amuse you.

Anyway, so I borrowed my friends digital camera to take pictures of the evidence he left behind because we kicked him out today. After a huge argument, we called the only family member we know he has (his Aunt) and she agreed to take him in for a few weeks.

This is the havoc left.


This is the floor in front of his bed. Those newspapers are from months and months ago. Scattered papers include random drawings and other shit.


This is his closet. Everything in this closet smells as if he took a piss in it. I'm not exaggerating, it smells like one of them urinals that has been dipped in the sewer. It's fucking grotesque.


This is a close up of the shelf on the desk from the first pic. As you can see, these are old year old milk and glass stained with what we can only assume is chocolate syrup from that bottle. I wish the digital camera was better so you could see the mold and shit growing on the bottom of those glasses.


This is the first time I've been in this room in over two months. I made an interesting discovery in this pile of wood from his disassembled bed. It's a movie that went missing from my collection, Sex and Lucia. I'm guessing he has been using it to masturbate to during his nighttime fantasies.


I went close up to the rug on the floor to show you to kind of stains that he has inflicted upon it. I said in another thread that it is stained with blood and puke from his endless nights of partying and drug use. Here is the proof. Yes, that is a blood and puke stained rug mixed with nasty left over months old chicken and crumbs from bread and other shit.


This is a picture of the floor by the closet. There's tons of plates, and you see that one thing to the side? It's a garbage bag. We made a horrific discovery in there - a big pile of shit wrapped inside a few paper towels. That explains the smell somewhat.


Jeez, that is pretty bad. I have to say it's not that far gone from what I've seen of people's rooms in high school and college, some were even "messier" than this guy's. We're talking knee-deep piles of trash across the entire floor.

But none of them had a blood/puke soaked carpet or a bag of shit in them, so I guess your room mate takes the cake.



If you aren't planning to, I suggest you hire some maid to clean up that room. I know I wouldn't want to touch anything in there I were in your shoes.


Sal Paradise Jr said:
I resent being kicked out like that, ass. I'll be back in a few weeks, and you ain't seen shit yet.

Actually we have seen shit! Literally!


That's an image from another part of the floor. We can only assume it's cat shit, but we don't really know.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
How Long did he live there? Why did yall let it get that bad? You can not possibly tell me you did not know the room was a shit hole. It not your fault, but you do share in some of the responsibilty for letting it get that bad. Soon as you knew he was destroying himself(drugs) and your property, you should have tried to help him, if that was not possible kicked his ass out sooner.


Holy crap, you weren't kidding. No pun intended ;)

Like yeah my room is messy, with PAPERS and stuff. Not SHIT, BLOOD, PUKE, and MOLD.

Man, unreal. So what are you gonna do?


asking dangerous questions
Wow. That's almost as bad as those cat houses inhabitted by crazy old women.
Are there any bugs? I can't imagine there NOT being cochroaches, etc.
Amir0x said:
Actually we have seen shit! Literally!


That's an image from another part of the floor. We can only assume it's cat shit, but we don't really know.

Haha, I wasn't fast enough with the edit. I was going to mention that you literally might find some in my absense.


300chf ain't shit to me
That's fucking disgusting. I honestly don't know how a person could stand to live like that. How did he manage to not get sick from staying in that absolute filth?!

I agree with the suggestion to hire someone to clean that room up. With blood, shit, mold, and all the other fun stuff you found in that room, if you tried to clean it up yourself you could easily end up getting sick or something. That is definitely a job for a professional :(


themadcowtipper said:
How Long did he live there? Why did yall let it get that bad? You can not possibly tell me you did not know the room was a shit hole. It not your fault, but you do share in some of the responsibilty for letting it get that bad. Soon as you knew he was destroying himself(drugs) and your property, you should have tried to help him, if that was not possible kicked his ass out sooner.

We are. We have to pay to clean up this shit, and it's going to be expensive because we're getting it done professionally. A job of this magnitude is no joke.

We do take some of the responsibility. We let it go so long because he was our good friend since intermediate school. Obviously in retrospect we handled it very, very wrong. However, believe me when I said we had NO idea it was this bad. The whole reason we kicked him out today is because we discovered it WAS this bad.

miyuru said:
Holy crap, you weren't kidding. No pun intended ;)

Like yeah my room is messy, with PAPERS and stuff. Note SHIT, BLOOD, PUKE, and MOLD.

Man, unreal. So what are you gonna do?

We kicked him out, and we're looking for a professional cleaner for a decent price. That's about all we can do, now. I hope his Aunt gets him help.


Here is the bed. This is what he has been sleeping on forever. We think he turned it over, because the underside is a billion times dirtier.


Some pretzels and Polly-O mozarella wrapper. ugh.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
First off, you need a better camera. My day won't be complete until I see this atrocity in a higher resolution. Olimario has nice camera and we all know how he likes invading peoples' privacy. Just a suggestion.

Secondly, what drug(s) was he on exactly? I mean, weed makes me lose ambition but that's just ridiculous...


Minotauro said:
First off, you need a better camera. My day won't be complete until I see this atrocity in a higher resolution. Olimario has nice camera and we all know how he likes invading peoples' privacy. Just a suggestion.

Yeah, I know. It's my friends camera, I don't have one although I certainly should make the investment at some point.

Minotauro said:
Secondly, what drug(s) was he on exactly? I mean, weed makes me lose ambition but that's just ridiculous...

Well, he was very hard into Ecstasy and Crystal Meth. We don't know what else, but we assume it's gotten much worse in the past few months.


J2 Cool said:
It's ok, you have altoids.


Don't you mean "It's ok, you have Jelly Belly jellybeans"?

My advice: bypass the professional cleaners and go straight to the CDC. But if you do decide to go with the cleaners, get a quote first. I know I personally wouldn't clean that shit up for anything less than $3000. But then again, I'm not a professional cleaner.

Isn't your landlord pissed?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

^ Glad you kicked him to it.

There's no way you should have to live with someone like that. He'd a been gone a lot sooner if it were me.

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
..show him the blueprints. show him the blueprints. show him the blueprints... show him the blueprints. show him the blueprints. show him the blueprints. show him the blueprints....


Uh.. he was your roommate, right? So you lived in that room with him... I would have moved into another one or something.

But yeah, that's disgusting. On my floor I see clothes, shoes, socks, magazines, blankets, and one trash bag (with papers and wrappers in it). For once, I don't feel so ashamed for being such a slob!


Amir0x said:
We are. We have to pay to clean up this shit, and it's going to be expensive because we're getting it done professionally. A job of this magnitude is no joke.

We do take some of the responsibility. We let it go so long because he was our good friend since intermediate school. Obviously in retrospect we handled it very, very wrong. However, believe me when I said we had NO idea it was this bad. The whole reason we kicked him out today is because we discovered it WAS this bad.

We kicked him out, and we're looking for a professional cleaner for a decent price. That's about all we can do, now. I hope his Aunt gets him help.


Here is the bed. This is what he has been sleeping on forever. We think he turned it over, because the underside is a billion times dirtier.


Some pretzels and Polly-O mozarella wrapper. ugh.

I'm curious - what country do you live in that has intermediate school?


DirtyHarry said:
Isn't your landlord pissed?

No, thankfully the only reason we got a deal on the rent here is because my other roommates Uncle is the one who owns this place. We explained the situation to him and he understands, but we do have to front the bill for getting the room fixed up again. Glenn, the one we kicked out, has already agreed to pay for most of it.

Diablos said:
Uh.. he was your roommate, right? So you lived in that room with him... I would have moved into another one or something.

He was my friend :(

DirtyHarry said:
I'm curious - what country do you live in that has intermediate school?

The USA? I went to intermediate school in Pennsylvania.


ImNotLikeThem said:
teh hell is intermediate school? only thing I've ever had was elementary, middle, and highscool... and then "college".

Intermediate is the same as middle school. Over here it was just called intermediate. Grades, er, 6-8 I believe.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
ImNotLikeThem said:
teh hell is intermediate school? only thing I've ever had was elementary, middle, and highscool... and then "college".

intermediate is the 2 years before high school over here. Not that we have many but *shrug*

that mess is terrible. please tell me it was catshit and not human shit in that bag.......
Amir0x said:
Intermediate is the same as middle school. Over here it was just called intermediate. Grades, er, 6-8 I believe.
ah well that makes sense then. Just never heard that term used before. And actually, my town of 2000 people was small enough, we had Elementary that went K-8, then straight into High School. Though somebody I knew had middle 6-9, then HS was 10-12. I guess it's different everywhere.
rip up and discard everything, then spray a mist of bleach in the room. Then let it air out if there's a window. Or, spray bleach first because there's nastiness.

I hope your, now former, roommate gets some help.
Amir0x, as someone who's also had to deal with a roommate who's so dirty and disgusting that it defies comprehension, I feel you're pain...


Who would want to live with anyone who had "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" on VHS? Sheesh, I mean, c'mon! :D
Amir0x said:
Dare I ask for pics? ;)

I planned on it, but never got around to it. But I loved telling friends about it, and having them not believe, only to later how wrong they were when I brought them over.

I could write a whole thesis on the shit that was in the fridge. All I can say is think about the dinner scene in the second Indian Jones movie, and times that by 100.


FortNinety said:
I planned on it, but never got around to it. But I loved telling friends about it, and having them not believe, only to later how wrong they were when I brought them over.

I could write a whole thesis on the shit that was in the fridge. All I can say is think about the dinner scene in the second Indian Jones movie, and times that by 100.

ugh. That too sounds awful.


triste said:
oddly enough, I've seen worse. Still, gross.

Does that mean I lose the title of having witnessed the "Worst Room of All Time" (tm)?

But seriously... how much worse can it get? I'm trying to imagine the horrors of such a room!


look at what I discovered...


An empty bottle of liquid codeine hybrid lying next to one of my old torn drawings. Why does he have one of my drawings? What the fuck...


And, hey, what do you know... underneath a giant pile of blankets in his second closet I found a box FILLED with my missing movies. I really should have just suspected this fuck had them. Now I am pretty pissed.

Here's the other box I found earlier with the missing videogames...

I found most of them, only like three more missing. So I don't know whether he was selling them for drug money or not or if that was his intent.



demon said:
JESUS. Who the fuck WAS this guy?

Nuts...but he was my friend, and I guess I just handled this wrong. I should have got him help years ago. I guess I knew if I got him help I would have to get myself help (at the time he was starting to get bad I was still hardline into drugs too), but for that selfish reason I never pursued it. I was selfish.


Well, now I'm not hungry any longer. I hope you're pleased with yourself.

Amir0x said:
Nuts...but he was my friend, and I guess I just handled this wrong. I should have got him help years ago. I guess I knew if I got him help I would have to get myself help (at the time he was starting to get bad I was still hardline into drugs too), but for that selfish reason I never pursued it. I was selfish.

Sorry dude, but that's horsecrap. There are plenty of people who can responsibly handle recreational drugs(meth is pretty dangerous tho, and I have never fucked around with it, thank you very much). Occasionally eating some pills and groping your friends will not lead to that kind of trainwreck unless the potential for it was already inside the person. The drugs are not to blame, the person is.


meth will do that shit to you, some of those houses where meth addicts live are fucking putrid, 100 times worse than this. I'm talking about decomposing pets and shit because they either were to lazy/fucked up to feed it or had no money. The people themeselves aren't much better looking. Of course I've only seen that sort of stuff on Discovery channel and shit but I've been to a couple of meth addicts places that were gag inducing. That said, most of the people, or rather the vast majority of people I know that have tried meth never ended up like that.


max_cool said:
meth will do that shit to you, some of those houses where meth addicts live are fucking putrid, 100 times worse than this. I'm talking about decomposing pets and shit because they either were to lazy/fucked up to feed it or had no money. The people themeselves aren't much better looking. Of course I've only seen that sort of stuff on Discovery channel and shit but I've been to a couple of meth addicts places that were gag inducing. That said, most of the people, or rather the vast majority of people I know that have tried meth never ended up like that.

I love Gattaca...

...oh, and yeah. I know what you're saying. But just... having it in your home it feels so startling. Really, a wake up call. I hope my other roommates who are also heavy into drugs wake up and see the signs. I see them having similar personalities in terms of how easily they get obsessively addicted to things.

Raoul Duke said:
Sorry dude, but that's horsecrap. There are plenty of people who can responsibly handle recreational drugs(meth is pretty dangerous tho, and I have never fucked around with it, thank you very much). Occasionally eating some pills and groping your friends will not lead to that kind of trainwreck unless the potential for it was already inside the person. The drugs are not to blame, the person is.

Man, haven't you ever seen my defenses of drugs? I'm not blaming drugs directly. I'm saying that his personality was conducive to this sort of wildly out-of-control drug addiction, and that I should have seen it earlier rather than later. I feel guilty because I got him into drugs for the most part (although not meth), and whatever kind of person he was the drugs did NOT help foster him into a responsible, healthy adult.

For what it's worth, you can read my great essays on Ecstasy use in some other threads ;)
Yup having done some hardscore drugs as well I can easily say that some people will end up like this. I consider myself a very lucky person sometimes.
max_cool said:
meth will do that shit to you, some of those houses where meth addicts live are fucking putrid, 100 times worse than this. I'm talking about decomposing pets and shit because they either were to lazy/fucked up to feed it or had no money. The people themeselves aren't much better looking. Of course I've only seen that sort of stuff on Discovery channel and shit but I've been to a couple of meth addicts places that were gag inducing. That said, most of the people, or rather the vast majority of people I know that have tried meth never ended up like that.

Yup meth aka Tweek is easily becoming one of the most used drugs around here in Southern California. I've seen a lot of friends OD or get sent to rehab on that shit.
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