I saw Jazz on "Women's Extreme Wrestling" this past week on The Sunshine Network (Florida sports channel). If you want to see some embarrassingly bad wrestling with a bunch of silent, pale perverts in the crowd... I think it comes on at 3 AM Saturday nights/Sunday mornings. They must have the same production crew as ECW did, because they use a lot of the same graphics, angles, etc. and they use ECW Arena for shows.
Rey d. Angle, Orton. I think they give Rey his crack at the WWE Title. I hope they don't, because I don't want to see a midget as world champ. I guess it doesn't matter to me much, because I don't watch SmackDown much anyway. I've turned on Rey during his time in WWE. I don't like that he's become a roided out little musclefuck who can't do half the things he used to be able to (granted, he's been wrestling forever but he's only 31 or so). I'm glad the ECW fans gave him shit for his crappy match at One Night Stand last year and for his stupid 619 move. I'd much rather he wrestle in the cruiser division where he belongs instead of bringing bigger guys like Angle and Big Show down for having to sell to his scrawny ass.
Triple H d. Cena. This one seems like a toss-up to me. I don't think Triple H will lose three straight WrestleMania main events, and I REALLY want him to win (only because he's not Cena), so I'll pick him. On the other hand, I don't think they'd have both world titles change hands and I'm fairly certain Angle won't retain. I'll be more interested in the result and the crowd reaction than I am the actual match.
Shawn d. Vince. He has to after all the screwing, doesn't he? It's a shame he's being wasted in a match with Vince at WrestleMania, especially if he's serious about "dialing it down" after WrestleMania.
RVD d. Flair, Shelton, Finlay, Lashley, Hardy. I'd rather see Flair win, but whatever. They'll have his run at the world title program one way or another. One thing's for sure. One of the SmackDown guys won't win. Too bad this is the only inter-promotional match.
Foley d. Edge. Another toss-up, but I think Foley is due to get over for once. Then Edge will get all pissed that his WrestleMania streak was ended and the feud will continue. Maybe. I don't know. Both guys deserve to win the match. Foley hasn't gotten over in a while. Edge is the best thing going on Raw right now, but WWE already dropped the ball on his big chance, didn't they? I didn't think the build-up for this match was too good, even though both guys really tried with their promos and the situation they were given. The Foley getting really mad thing might be wearing thin on me. I hope this match steals the show, because Edge deserved to be main-eventing the Raw side of WrestleMania with the momentum he was on.
Taker d. Henry. There's no way they'd waste his streak on this, is there? Please be brief. It should be about as good as Taker and Bossman in the cell.
Chris Benoit d. JBL. I think Benoit will win just because they'll have title changes elsewhere in the show. Benoit... another guy wasted on a poor opponent at WrestleMania this year.
Boogeyman d. Booker & Sharmell. I guess Boogey will win. They really like putting him over it seems. He beat JBL in about two minutes at a PPV for goodness sake. Make Sharmell eat some worms, please.
Trish d. Mickie. Trish has had the belt over a year, so I wouldn't be surprised if she lost. I think it makes more sense for Mickie to be chasing Trish's title than vice versa.
Carlito and Masters d. Big Show and Kane for the tag titles. I've been waiting for Big Show and Kane to lose the tag titles since January. I didn't think they'd keep them this long, especially when Triple H was feuding with Big Show. I think Carlito and Masters could use the boost of a big WrestleMania win.
Candice d. Torrie Wilson. Bathroom break time. It's nice they have two women's matches booked for WrestleMania, but no Cruiserweight match. Way to spotlight this crap that would be better used for filler on Raw anyway.
MNM gets snubbed, I guess. Maybe they'll be on Heat.