The XXII Sochi Winter Olympic Games / Ski And Skate Against Hate

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A good five days past and still salty? What's done is done. The rights to appeal the result are open to all member states of the ISU within a certain time frame including Korea and none of them chose to request a review at the time. I don't doubt the Koreans had their own people watching at the time to assess matters and that they didn't is pretty telling that they thought the scoring was fair. Time to move on from this endless 'Yuna was robbed' debate.

Given the toxic nature of a lot of the media coverage (especially coming out of Korea) it does bring into question whether as a nation they're a suitable host for the next games. No country enjoys defeat, but generally a people come to terms with it, but the continued vilification of the Russians has to raise security concerns as regards to the safety and well being of the athletes given the fanaticism of the queen Yuna brigade. I think the IOC should seriously reconsider Munich as the venue.


Maria Komissarova who fell during training in ski cross is now paralyzed from the waist down. The course was pretty fast and challenging and we saw a lot of snowboarders/skiers go down. Pretty sad. Imagine training for years, and then learning that you'd have a chance to represent your country on home soil, and then crashing during a training run and possibly never being able to walk, ski again.


A good five days past and still salty? What's done is done. The rights to appeal the result are open to all member states of the ISU within a certain time frame including Korea and none of them chose to request a review at the time. I don't doubt the Koreans had their own people watching at the time to assess matters and that they didn't is pretty telling that they thought the scoring was fair. Time to move on from this endless 'Yuna was robbed' debate.

Given the toxic nature of a lot of the media coverage (especially coming out of Korea) it does bring into question whether as a nation they're a suitable host for the next games. No country enjoys defeat, but generally a people come to terms with it, but the continued vilification of the Russians has to raise security concerns as regards to the safety and well being of the athletes given the fanaticism of the queen Yuna brigade. I think the IOC should seriously reconsider Munich as the venue.

Lol that's absolutely ridiculous - articles have actually been written about how well they've taken it

Every nation and every nation's crowds react loudly at questionable decisions in big international competitions. The fuming rage even on front pages of newspapers in, say, England when someone's wronged in a World Cup can certainly not be matched by anything during the olympic games, but in figure skating particularly controversies and debate and national grandstanding is the norm, it's happened every winter game.

The people who are still talking about it are figure skating fans. I follow the sport so I'll come across stuff like this in various fora, and the olympic games will be talked about until the next olympic games. Judging in figure skating is always up to debate and changes in its system have happened recently and will happen again, of course these things are going to be debated, especially after the biggest contest the sport has.

I have no idea where your reaction comes from.


The fuming rage even on front pages of newspapers in, say, England when someone's wronged in a World Cup can certainly not be matched by anything during the olympic games, but in figure skating particularly controversies and debate and national grandstanding is the norm, it's happened every winter game.

Please you don't see us putting up petitions at because we feel we're hard done by in the world cup. Nor do you find us dropping on mass to bombard the comments of any article that doesn't subscribe to the 'Yuna was robbed' narrative like this one for instance: -

Forget the fact that the author is an actual professional skater with medals under her belt and understands the criteria of the current scoring system because it's the one that she's been judged under herself, there seem to be innumerable people in the comments trashing her for not knowing what she's talking about, and this sort of barracking seems common place.

There seems to be very little desire to remove the blinkers of conspiracy from the result and instead just simply view the competition as a whole and how each performer scored in relation to their performance in line with the assessment criteria vs increasing hysterical accusations of conspiracy that in large part simply feed into themselves like some ouroboros worm cum circle jerk of indignation that simply reinforces the conviction of wrong doing.


Of course you do. I see excessive '__ was robbed' comments on articles about any controversial sport's decision from any nation, particularly international events. In Vancouver they were far more widespread and plentiful before and after the figure skating e vents than in Sochi.

And there are massive petitions on to deport Justin Bieber- anyone can put em up and they don't mean anything.

Although yes the author of that article does correctly point out the problems with the latest revision of the system where simply stacking difficult separate elements counts the most and not crafting a complete, coherent program. Doesn't explain some of the specific judges specific, significant deviations though.

You're also the only person in the world who would conflate understandable reaction to a controversial decision involving your nation's top athlete with a need for IOC to, in an unprecedented move, reconsider where the olympics are held right before they're about to start. Talk about hyperbole, irrationality and hysteria - you've got them covered.
Maria Komissarova who fell during training in ski cross is now paralyzed from the waist down. The course was pretty fast and challenging and we saw a lot of snowboarders/skiers go down. Pretty sad. Imagine training for years, and then learning that you'd have a chance to represent your country on home soil, and then crashing during a training run and possibly never being able to walk, ski again.
Christ, I'm terrified of not being able to walk ever again even though I can still do what I love without them. Imagine not being able to do what you love most ever again and to lose your main source of income as well AND you can never walk again. I don't envy that person.


Of course you do. I see excessive '__ was robbed' comments on articles about any controversial sport's decision from any nation, particularly international events. In Vancouver they were far more widespread and plentiful before and after the figure skating e vents than in Sochi.

Mobilized to this degree?

And there are massive petitions on to deport Justin Bieber- anyone can put em up and they don't mean anything.

So can we take that as a tacit acknowledgement that the entire petition is ill conceived and a devoid of objectivity over idolization?

Although yes the author of that article does correctly point out the problems with the latest revision of the system where simply stacking difficult separate elements counts the most and not crafting a complete, coherent program. Doesn't explain some of the specific judges specific, significant deviations though.

It's not problems, it's how they system is designed to work. Under the 6.0 system there was no way to account for bias. With the new one the breakdown in terms of how the scores are arrived it is much clearer, and nationalist bias should be weeded out by the safeguards.

You're also the only person in the world who would conflate understandable reaction to a controversial decision involving your nation's top athlete with a need for IOC to, in an unprecedented move, reconsider where the olympics are held right before they're about to start. Talk about hyperbole, irrationality and hysteria - you've got them covered.

Try staying on topic versus letting your personal animosity boil over in future. No one likes a bore, lease of all one who starts throwing around personal judgments in lieu of a convincing counter point. I'm happy to talk subject. Less happy to put up with that sort of drama.


Paralympics starting. 45 countries. 700 athletes. Biggest ever.

More of that Russian Opening Ceremony craziness on now.


CBC has 300 hours of coverage. Mostly during the day, not live.
Sledge hockey is fun to watch. The skiing and snowboard races are cool too.


A good five days past and still salty? What's done is done. The rights to appeal the result are open to all member states of the ISU within a certain time frame including Korea and none of them chose to request a review at the time. I don't doubt the Koreans had their own people watching at the time to assess matters and that they didn't is pretty telling that they thought the scoring was fair. Time to move on from this endless 'Yuna was robbed' debate.

Given the toxic nature of a lot of the media coverage (especially coming out of Korea) it does bring into question whether as a nation they're a suitable host for the next games. No country enjoys defeat, but generally a people come to terms with it, but the continued vilification of the Russians has to raise security concerns as regards to the safety and well being of the athletes given the fanaticism of the queen Yuna brigade. I think the IOC should seriously reconsider Munich as the venue.

Oh man, I just saw this post. Almost as good as your work in the Ukraine thread. Молодец.


Oh man, I just saw this post. Almost as good as your work in the Ukraine thread. Молодец.

Let's not bring the issues from that thread here.

On a related note, how many people here will watch the Paralympics? I hope the athletes there get as much support as possible in light of the events. The good thing is, there's now more exposure than ever before for the Paralympians.


Will CBC be streaming live online? (Edit: yes they are.) If so, I'll try to catch the early and late hockey and curling games. My sleep schedule is like right in the middle of Sochi's day.


Supposedly Canada is playing Great Britain right now in curling? CBC webcast is just showing USA versus Slovakia. I switched over to alpine skiing, and I gotta say, props to the visually impaired skiers, they got guts.


First gold for Canada, woo ... *crickets*

I don't suppose they have a broadcasting team there to cover it now, do they?

It seems like their team arrived late or something lol. There was no commentary during the first 2 days, but so far day 3 is being covered.


Subete no aware
I guess no one cares, but the closing ceremony had a whole Tetris sequence which was pretty fun, culminating with a great sequence with a dude climbing up a rope to spell out I'm Possible.

Of course, all of this is just weird in the context of Russia basically annexing Crimea and Putin being celebrated by the Paralympic Committee for putting on the "best games".


I guess no one cares, but the closing ceremony had a whole Tetris sequence which was pretty fun, culminating with a great sequence with a dude climbing up a rope to spell out I'm Possible.

Oh cool, I'll have to go back and watch this. I pretty much only watched curling in the latter half of the Paralympics, that was it.

Edit: Tetris Theme A! Yeah!

Edit2: Mission fucking Impossible are you kidding me this is AWESOME

Is it aired on TV? I never saw any coverage.

I don't think NBC or CBC covered it, no. I've just been watching online.
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