The Olympics give me good fuzzy vibes guys. Just saying.
Feeling it.
"Nothing stops this groove, Daddy-O.""Lifetime Ruler Putin is going to kill me if I stop"
Do we (USA) still do that thing where we're the only country not dipping our flag to the host country? I mean that shit was awesome when we did it to Hitler but now it's just embarrassing...
the Russians met mosesWhat's this the bible story?
Do we (USA) still do that thing where we're the only country not dipping our flag to the host country? I mean that shit was awesome when we did it to Hitler but now it's just embarrassing...
Screw Putin.
They skipped over a lot of stuff
Feeling it.
AbsolutelyIf there is one thing Russia has no lack of, it's timeless classical music.
Where is Ivan Drago
Haha niceAHA
The Windfish is Russian.