canova said:Were these Winter Olympics the best ever?
Divvy said:*sheds a tear*
So much for SFU professors being instructed to treat these two weeks as if they never occurred! Apparently some students were told that they could speak to someone if they were expected to study during the break. But of course it wouldn't amount to anything.Firestorm said:Well we had two weeks off during the Olympics and apparently my profs wanted us to do two weeks worth of work in that time. God this week is going to suck.
2020/2024 =)canova said:Now I kinda wish Toronto won that summer Olympic bid.
Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver all have their Olympics. Toronto, Canada's largest city, still got nothing. I'm feeling a bit jealous
Brinbe said:2020/2024 =)
But seriously, we'll get it eventually, if the Pan-Am games go off well enough.
WINNER: The Canadian people
These Olympics began poorly. There was a lack of snow. There were events that had to be rescheduled. There was the tragic death of luger Nodar Kumaritashvili. There were embarrassing Opening Ceremony gaffes and the dumb decision to hide the Olympic cauldron behind high chain-link fencing. And Canadas bold medal goals stumbled out of the gate.
But a funny thing happened. The people kept cheering. The athletes kept trying. And the Olympics, which too often are about a cold bureaucracy, about rules and arguments and pumped-up nationalism, somehow returned to the people. So what if the plans were going bad? There was no need to give up. Lets grab a drink and watch some halfpipe.
A week into the games, with everyone still wringing their hands, a Canadian skeleton racer named Jon Montgomery came out of nowhere to win a gold medal. It was the epitome of unexpected excellence. Afterward, he walked through the streets of the mountain village of Whistler, still holding his helmet, with a television camera rolling. Unprompted, a passing woman handed him a pitcher of beer. Without breaking stride, he grabbed it, chugged it and the entire mood seemed to change.
It was a purely Canadian moment. It was perfect.
The people kept flooding the downtown streets and the mountain squares. Without tickets, they gathered to watch on giant televisions. They celebrated victories. They shared tears of disappointment and mourning. They rallied behind their hockey team and their bobsledders and their snowboarders and anyone wearing the red and white. Night after night they found something to go wild about. They just wanted to be a part of it, a part of something bigger than themselves, a part of the unique heights where spirits can soar when enjoyed in a group.
It wasnt just here or up in the picturesque mountains. The video images came of bars going crazy in Toronto and Timmins, in Calgary and Charlottetown. Suddenly this country that had never embraced the enthusiasm of the Games the way some others have was showing the world how its done. Impromptu singings of the national anthem rang through the streets late at night, at karaoke bars, at curling matches.
You cant wash away the tragedy of the luge track, but outside of that, you cant stage a better Olympics. The city is beautiful. The venues are modern. The transportation is efficient. But this wasnt about logistics. In the end its the people that power the movement. The Canadian people pushed these games back from the brink of disaster and right off into history.
TheQueen'sOwn said:Looking forward to the winter olympics in Ottawa in 2042.
KernelPanic said:Don't think we got the terrain here for that, would be hilarious to watch Alpine Skiing on Pakenham or something :lol
I was not aware of this.Socreges said:So much for SFU professors being instructed to treat these two weeks as if they never occurred! Apparently some students were told that they could speak to someone if they were expected to study during the break. But of course it wouldn't amount to anything.
Socreges said:So much for SFU professors being instructed to treat these two weeks as if they never occurred! Apparently some students were told that they could speak to someone if they were expected to study during the break. But of course it wouldn't amount to anything.
StoOgE said:Can we dock the Canadians some medals for actually putting nickelback into the closing ceremonies?
I believe NBC cut out after Neil Young.jamesinclair said:Im really confused here.
Reading this thread, people mentioned nickleback, simple plan.....
Um, WTF did my affiliate do because we didnt see any of that? Just about a billion marriage ref commercials and then a very sloppy cut to the marriage ref show...
Firestorm said:I believe NBC cut out after Neil Young.
Firestorm said:I believe NBC cut out after Neil Young.
NBC cut away to show The Marriage Ref and local news and then came back after that hour to do the REST of the Closing Ceremony.jamesinclair said:Im really confused here.
Reading this thread, people mentioned nickleback, simple plan.....
Um, WTF did my affiliate do because we didnt see any of that? Just about a billion marriage ref commercials and then a very sloppy cut to the marriage ref show...
StoOgE said:Can we dock the Canadians some medals for actually putting nickelback into the closing ceremonies?
Many of my friends also have midterms or papers due. My point was that SFU had SAID they wouldn't treat the two weeks as a study break, but that's exactly what the profs did anyhow.bardia said:God I wish UBC was like that....I have midterms this week when I return :lol
Warm Machine said:BTW, the anti olympic folks are probably at their hemp store right now crying bitter tears that their homeless bretheren ddn't get their free waterfront condos.
Socreges said:Many of my friends also have midterms or papers due. My point was that SFU had SAID they wouldn't treat the two weeks as a study break, but that's exactly what the profs did anyhow.
MetatronM said:NBC cut away to show The Marriage Ref and local news and then came back after that hour to do the REST of the Closing Ceremony.
bishoptl said:this is fucking insane :lol
Warm Machine said:BTW, the anti olympic folks are probably at their hemp store right now crying bitter tears that their homeless bretheren ddn't get their free waterfront condos.
SpectreFire said:I didn't notice any of them out and about since the opening ceremony. I guess they were too chicken to protest in front of thousands of people who'd dare to argue otherwise, and wouldn't be at all afraid of their intimidation.
Warm Machine said:I don't think most people realized how all the parts of the olympic machine were going to work together and how big the Olympics really are to the world. The last two weeks plus have been stellar. I kept telling people, remember how shit you felt about Canada during our showing at imagine hosting it and winning at the events. That pride is worth the cost and the effort and the discomfort of the road to hosting the games.
When people wake up tomorrow here in Van and the games are not in full force people are going to miss them so much. The vibrancy of the celebrations and the day to day anticipation of our efforts will be gone and regular life will take over.
firehawk12 said:I'm kind of curious as to how VANOC will spin the financials. I mean, Toronto is stuck for the shitty Pan Am or Commonwealth games (can't remember which one) in 2016 and I'm afraid that's going to bankrupt an already impoverished city.
Hell, by that time, I think public transit in Toronto will cost 5 dollars a trip and all the Libraries will be privatized. :lol
firehawk12 said:I'm kind of curious as to how VANOC will spin the financials. I mean, Toronto is stuck for the shitty Pan Am or Commonwealth games (can't remember which one) in 2016 and I'm afraid that's going to bankrupt an already impoverished city.
Hell, by that time, I think public transit in Toronto will cost 5 dollars a trip and all the Libraries will be privatized. :lol
firehawk12 said:Lord knows Canadians probably don't care about the Pan Am games, let alone any potential tourists and media outlets.
jamesinclair said:It was bad enough that NBC split the closing ceremony in two without telling anyone.
And then on top of that they cut off Alanis to interview steve holt and lindsay vonn, AGAIN.
But that wasn't enough. They didn't even bother to air the closing music act (the hip hop), they just cut to outside the stadium with more interviews.
Warm Machine said:Its one of those "If you build it they will come" things. No one cares until it is actually going on. I swear most of Vancouver didn't know shit until two weeks prior until the cards hit the table and someone yelled "GIN"
Feep said:I fucking love the Olympics. I loved Beijing (despite the controversy), and I loved Vancouver. Can't everyone see how awesome we are when we get along?
NetMapel said:We the volunteers, fondly nicknamed "Smurfs" due to our bright blue uniform, thank you all for your participation. I am glad that the majority of people seemed to have enjoyed the game
You mean the fantastic competition where two neighbors performed well above their expected levels and essentially swept the games? Yeah. Haven't met a single person who wasn't happy for Vancouver and Canada today.firehawk12 said:You mean in spite of the US vs Canada stuff? :lol
She wouldnt have won without her medicines. Marit knows very well she wouldnt have had much to show without her helpers, neither against me, nor the other women, Kowalczyk tells the Polish site Wirtualna Polska.
Kowalczyk, who took silver in the Womens Individual Sprint Classic, and bronze in the 15km Pursuit, alleges Bjørgen takes asthma drugs because she feels threatened.
Bjørgen has chosen to brush the criticism aside, claiming Kowalczyks statements just show shes a bad loser.
Theres a difference between asthma and blood doping. I wouldnt have benefitted from the medicine if I werent an asthmatic anyway, the Norwegian tells VG.