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There are now just six Northern White Rhinos left on earth :(

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Because for far too long the real villains escape prosecution or scorn. Nobody talks about grounding up the ballsacks of Chinese and Vietnamese men to make an aphrodisiac powder...but they and their superstitions are the reason we have 6 northern white rhinos in the world. We have 6 left and they are responsible.

Count how many posts in the thread before mine bothered to toss them any vitriol at all. If people don't place their blame correctly, the most responsible will not be held responsible.

Yes. It's true.

It makes me extremely angry.

It's not fucking traditional medicine, it's boner pills for assholes.


I wonder how much their horn will cost now. If I could get my hands on one and find a way to sell it I'll be set for life.


I wonder how much their horn will cost now. If I could get my hands on one and find a way to sell it I'll be set for life.

They are the most valuable substance on earth.

And your line of thinking is what perpetuates part of the poaching trade.
Humans are an animal. Thus our actions and the selective pressures we place on animals are still natural selection.

If you believe in god/theistic evolution then blame him not us.

I only did biology to high school level, but if I remember right 'natural selection' and 'artificial selection' are terms created to indicate when selection is occuring with or without human intervention. So no, the bolded is just you misusing a defined term.


I only did biology to high school level, but if I remember right 'natural selection' and 'artificial selection' are terms created to indicate when selection is occuring with or without human intervention. So no, the bolded is just you misusing a defined term.

Artificial selection or breeding has nothing to do with this, there needs to be a purpose behind the selection that is oriented towards members of the same species in future generations.
Fuck poachers. They're even worse than paparazzi. I'd go medieval on their asses and poach their asses, see how they like it. Scum.

It's even more infuriating knowing for what they are being poached.


If anything, blame the Jimmy Johns founder, I think at this point he's killed like 18 of these things himself over the years.


So why don't we just blame natural selection for everything? Why stop at animals. We should just keep destroying the enviornment because, hey, nature isn't stopping us.


So why don't we just blame natural selection for everything? Why stop at animals. We should just keep destroying the enviornment because, hey, nature isn't stopping us.

Everyone in this thread is confusing things that do happen for things that should happen.


Natural selection does not govern the deaths of individual people. If I get shot tonight walking down the street, I didn't die to natural selection.

I do not understand this, could you please explain? Wouldn't an individual death caused by individual actions still be the product of natural processes, from a deterministic point of view? Furthermore, wouldn't a global nuclear war be technically the product of individual actions? Or does natural selection only apply when it comes to species-wide extinction?

My knowledge of biology isn't the greatest, so I hope you do not mind.


No I'm not. Why do you get to define what should and shouldn't happen based on some evolutionary pretense?

You're doing it even more. No one here is saying this should happen, they're just saying that as bad as it is it's still natural selection.


Saying it's natural selection is simply the truth, if you distort that into thinking it's an excuse is because you have preconceptions.

Well then if you agree it's just as bad as other people seem to think it is, then what's the point in bringing it up? To give it a name? If that's all you're trying to do, then fine. Some posts here just didn't seem to be going in that direction.


Here are some things I'd like to see applied to control poaching of rhino horns:

- Poison the horns. or render them 'unusable' for powder purposes (some reserves are trying this now). rhino horns are sort of unique in that they are not actually attached to the skull, so there are actually options here that won't harm the rhino. I've seen dyes used for instance.

- Clone the horns. I mean it's just a blob of keratin really. but of course it's not just about the actual material for the buyers, it's about the fact that it's SUPER RARE. if it wasn't rare they wouldn't care. So don't tell them.

- A drone army. not kidding. send out hundreds of drones with cameras and tasers.

It's a very difficult problem financially since there is enormous motivation to sell the horns because of their value, but defending the rhinos from poaching, there's no money in that at all. it's pure benevolence, and some gov't irritation at black market trade, that gets them the security they have now. (which is not insubstantial by the way. I met an anti-poaching guy in South Africa, on the job, this year. Think he was ex Israeli army. Anyways, he had a vest on, couple of shotguns, rifle + sidearm when I met him.)


I'm confused by the title given the last sentence:

Their horns which are valued for traditional medicine.

There was a VICE? documentary about it.

You'd think then a poacher would simply cut off the horn, which does you know, regrow, and not kill the rhino ensuring it will never grow again and eventually there will be none left, leaving you out of business.
It's like a wig maker murdering people to cut their hair, instead of just, like, cutting their hair.


I care about the welfare of animals in regards to physical suffering or cruelty, but not their lives as a concept. I have no problem with a hunter shooting an animal in the head and killing it. I do have a problem if he decides to torture it with a knife first.

As to your second point, it's not whether it effects me personally, rather my species. The comfort, survival, expansion, and well being of humanity is what matters to me over any others. If some randoms species goes extinct so my own kind can have more food or better housing or sustain our growing numbers, oh well.

I also reject your accusation of strawman. The whole point is that, if those species existed today, suddenly the very fact of them existing in 2014 instead of 10,000 years ago would, to some people, instantly confer on them the right to exist in perpetuity, regardless of the inconvenience that causes our kind.

An idiotic and ignorant point of view.


I care about the welfare of animals in regards to physical suffering or cruelty, but not their lives as a concept. I have no problem with a hunter shooting an animal in the head and killing it. I do have a problem if he decides to torture it with a knife first.

As to your second point, it's not whether it effects me personally, rather my species. The comfort, survival, expansion, and well being of humanity is what matters to me over any others. If some randoms species goes extinct so my own kind can have more food or better housing or sustain our growing numbers, oh well.

I also reject your accusation of strawman. The whole point is that, if those species existed today, suddenly the very fact of them existing in 2014 instead of 10,000 years ago would, to some people, instantly confer on them the right to exist in perpetuity, regardless of the inconvenience that causes our kind.

I've seen a lot of stupid posts on this forum over the years, but this one takes the cake as the most simple-minded post I've ever seen.


You'd think then a poacher would simply cut off the horn, which does you know, regrow, and not kill the rhino ensuring it will never grow again and eventually there will be none left, leaving you out of business.
It's like a wig maker murdering people to cut their hair, instead of just, like, cutting their hair.

There was a person who obtained rhino horns that way by cutting it off a few spaces above the base ensuring a continous supply.

But poachers usually cut off the entire horn (more value) which would require mutilating the rhino in the process.


I've seen a lot of stupid posts on this forum over the years, but this one takes the cake as the most simple-minded post I've ever seen.

Your inability to articulate even the most basic argument in your drive-by post would tend to indicate a pretty strong case for projection.
Your inability to articulate even the most basic argument in your drive-by post would tend to indicate a pretty strong case for projection.

Well the thing here is that the rhino horns aren't helping improve the quality of human life. They aren't useful as food, shelter, or medicine. It is needless slaughter.

And also horns can be obtained without having to kill the rhino.
In the sense of "natural selection", of course. In the sense of what people consider acceptable behavior, of course not.

"Natural selection" is the disappearance of species that are unable to adapt to their surroundings, or are replaced by improved species.

So, how is what's happening anywhere close to "natural selection"? Are you going to argue that they are going extinct because those Rhinos lack a skin capable to deflecting bullets?
"Natural selection" is the disappearance of species that are unable to adapt to their surroundings, or are replaced by improved species.

So, how is what's happening anywhere close to "natural selection"? Are you going to argue that they are going extinct because those Rhinos lack a skin capable to deflecting bullets?

Because humans are a part of nature. The poachers in a very real sense represent a selective force.

You keep confusing this statement with "they should be able to adapt."

Natural selection can and has led to extinction. Species have been unable to cope with selective pressures before humans existed.

Warning: I am not saying this is a good thing

BTW your definition is wrong. Or please post which biology textbook or paper you got it from.
Because humans are a part of nature. The poachers in a very real sense represent a selective force.

You keep confusing this statement with "they should be able to adapt."

Natural selection can and has led to extinction. Species have been unable to cope with selective pressures before humans existed.

Warning: I am not saying this is a good thing

Even if you count humans as a part of nature, it's still not natural selection.


I guess me saying that I don't find this extinction to be good and that humans can and should prevent it is excusing it. Huh.

I wasn't specifically calling you out, but since you brought it up:

Humans are terrible

Tons of species went extinct before humans even existed. Blame whatever diety you think is behind the evolutionary process if you hate extinction so much. And humans are part of nature too so this is still natural selection.

That sure sounds like an excuse to me.
Exactly. I've been saying that left and right.

You haven't said that a single time. Not one single time in this entire thread have you said that, I even just went back and looked at all your posts just to make sure. What you have said left and right is that killing other animals isn't "natural", using a definition of natural based on socially accepted norms.

So, with all that aside, I'm going to eat crow. Note that this is not an admission that you are right, because you are not right. Whether or not something is acceptable behavior has nothing to do with whether or not it's natural selection. AllIsOneIsNone, on the other hand, is right.

After doing my own research, I found this, which ultimate convinced me, and then this to further cement the idea.
Exactly. I've been saying that left and right.

You posted "you are saying this is good?????!!!" and reaction gifs. Stop patting yourself on the back.

Natural selection is a process relating to heritable variation and adaptation. Humans killing a rhino for their horns has nothing to do with that.

Horn size is a heritable trait. I imagine there could be a mutant rhino without a horn. Humans uniting for horns would select for rhinos with smaller horns or without horns. The rhino evolved from a hornless ancestor btw.

This is actually a current hypothesis with elephants. It seems populations are converging on smaller and smaller tusk sizes in response to poaching. Or in short, natural selection. http://www.sabisabi.com/wildfacts/functional-evolution-in-animals

Two Words

I am speaking a bit out of this specific case here. I never get the worry over extinction outside of the context of ruining a natural ecology. Species go extinct all the time. Assuming their disappearance doesn't have a negative impact on the environment, why does it matter?

With that said, none of that is meant to defend poaching in any way.


You haven't said that a single time. Not one single time in this entire thread have you said that, I even just went back and looked at all your posts just to make sure. What you have said left and right is that killing other animals isn't "natural", using a definition of natural based on socially accepted norms.

You posted "you are saying this is good?????!!!" and reaction gifs. Stop patting yourself on the back.


Humans that slaughter other animals for their horns for proven bullshit medicines, that the general public and law forbid and prosecute is not natural selection.

No. It is not. No matter how many times you try and summarize it, that's not how natural selection, works.

Exactly. behavior that humans dally in of this heinous nature is not natural. Taking horns, and tusks, and skins for shit like pelts and rugs is not natural.

No animal can can develop a defense for man's weapons. So all animals should die? Fuck plants to. We don't need them. More condos and mini-malls, please....

...Unless guns start growing our my hands, us slaughtering defenseless animals (literally the whole animal kingdom is at our mercy) is not natural. We aren't killing them for sustenance. We aren't killing them for survival.

... so. Either the both of you can't read a lick (which based on the thread and where we ended up on the subject, I am inclined to believe that is the case), or you are really just not comfortable with being wrong on the internet. Either way, you are only doing yourself a huge fucking disservice.

Hey, it's just natural selection.

Two Words


... so. Either the both of you can't read a lick (which based on the thread and where we ended up on the subject, I am inclined to believe that is the case), or you are really just not comfortable with being wrong on the internet. Either way, you are only doing yourself a huge fucking disservice.

Hey, it's just natural selection.
Why exactly aren't the conditions humans put onto other species a part of natural selection? Are we not a part of nature? I'm not trying to argue it being natural selection means we aren't accountable. I just think us changing the environment or over hunting is natural selection in the same way animals can over hunt or destroy an environment for other species.

... so. Either the both of you can't read a lick (which based on the thread and where we ended up on the subject, I am inclined to believe that is the case), or you are really just not comfortable with being wrong on the internet. Either way, you are only doing yourself a huge fucking disservice.

Hey, it's just natural selection.

Nowhere do you explain why it isn't natural selection, other than just shouting it isn't because it is humans. As if we weren't a part of nature.

So provide scientific definitions and logical reasoning. Or don't and keep yelling and getting mad that I find the death of these rhinos just as abhorrent as you but don't consider humans to be separate from nature.


Why exactly aren't the conditions humans put onto other species a part of natural selection? Are we not a part of nature? I'm not trying to argue it being natural selection means we aren't accountable. I just think us changing the environment or over hunting is natural selection in the same way animals can over hunt or destroy an environment for other species.

It's simple. The conditions we are speaking of (killing rhinos for horn "medicine"on the black market) aren't part of nature. We don't need these horns in any way, shape or form to live. They don't even improve life a little bit.

Nowhere do you explain why it isn't natural selection, other than just shouting it isn't because it is humans. As if we weren't a part of nature.

So provide scientific definitions and logical reasoning. Or don't and keep yelling and getting mad that I find the death of these rhinos just as abhorrent as you but don't consider humans to be separate from nature.

So now it's I did say it, I just didn't post any sources? Gotcha. I was also under the assumption mistakenly common sense would take it from there. Sometimes when the obvious is stated out loud, nothing else needs to be said. Again, a mistake on my part. Also, I'm not angry. Are you?
It's simple. The conditions we are speaking of (killing rhinos for horn "medicine"on the black market) aren't part of nature. We don't need these horns in any way, shape or form to live. They don't even improve life a little bit.

That isn't the definition of natural. Humans are a part of nature. We are animals. Our behaviors and desires are thus natural. These desires and behaviors can be bad, but they are still natural.

Dolphins kill babies for fun and also rape. Is that unnatural because it doesn't improve their life? Dolphins don't need to do those things to live either.
You posted "you are saying this is good?????!!!" and reaction gifs. Stop patting yourself on the back.

Horn size is a heritable trait. I imagine there could be a mutant rhino without a horn. Humans uniting for horns would select for rhinos with smaller horns or without horns. The rhino evolved from a hornless ancestor btw.

This is actually a current hypothesis with elephants. It seems populations are converging on smaller and smaller tusk sizes in response to poaching. Or in short, natural selection. http://www.sabisabi.com/wildfacts/functional-evolution-in-animals

At this point it's just down to a semantic issue. Biodiversity and natural selection cannot exist without each other. But natural selection refers to a very specific genetic process of combining two sets of genes together through reproduction, mixed in with some random mutation, and then specific genes win out over time. So if the question is "Is the very specific and well-defined act of humans killing white rhinos natural selection?" then the answer seems to be no, because the specific act of murder does not involve reproduction.

On the other hand, the results of that action will certainly affect natural selection going forward, because a species (or subspecies, to be more precise) going extinct will affect overall biodiversity, which in turn feeds back into natural selection. But if we consider two alternate phrasings of the original question:

1) Did the rhinos become extinct as a result of natural selection?
2) Will the extinction of the rhinos contribute to the process of natural selection in the future?

Then the answer to both questions seems to be yes. In the first case, everything is a "result" of natural selection, even if only indirectly. The rhinos were not able to adapt quickly enough to grow smaller horns, for example. One way in which they might have done this would have been if they bred with other rhinos which had not had such coveted horns, and then (through natural selection), their horns may have started becoming less prominent.
As much as it sucks, there will be another thousand or so species that we lose this year. And the next year. And so on. It is what it is.
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