ha, I remember Mort Kondrake obsessed about some "Bush dynasty" thing with Bush's brother and nephew around for the future...
Dick Morris may be a weasel, but he knows what he's talking about, and know the in-and-outs of the Clinton machine like no other person can...
Hillary Clinton is basically going to be knighted, and she has an excellent shot of winning because of her moderated positions and record in the Senate...
Guilliani could also run '08, and he's pretty beloved in NYC obviously.
I think with Hillary she'll get a lot of the female vote, obviously, but there probably will be the "we can't have a woman fighting terrorists!" crowd too, lol.
I didn't see anything about the Clintons, man. I thought you just meant all of NYC.
And I KNOW that Bill is really pissed about this. Remember when he went campaigning with Kerry, and he said that he fulled backed Kerry?
soundwave: Giuliani said that he won't run for anything ever again, and he's content with Giuliani Towers. I believe it was on CNN or something akin to it.