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They just wacked the South Korean

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El Papa

ABC News and Fox news are reporting that they just wacked the South Korean Hostage. Bastards.


CAIRO, Egypt June 22, 2004 — An Iraqi militant group has beheaded its South Korean hostage, the pan-Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera reported Tuesday.

The channel said it had received a video tape saying he has been executed.

Sears Presents

Kim Sun-il, 33, who works for a South Korean company supplying the U.S. military in Iraq, was abducted last week, according to the South Korean government.


Console Market Analyst
How is this news to anyone?

The more headlines they get, the more fear they create, the more innocents they'll kill.

El Papa

Apperantly the kidnappers went back on an extension for negotiations. Dirty bastards.

BAGHDAD, Iraq — A South Korean businessman held hostage in Iraq was beheaded Tuesday, in spite of promises of an extended deadline on his execution, according to Al-Jazeera television.

Kim Sun-il (search ) had been held hostage by suspected Al Qaeda-linked abductors, who originally said they'd kill him Tuesday but then extended that deadline during negotiations, according to Ahmed al-Ghreiri, an employee with the NKTS security firm that is acting as an intermediary.

But his captors apparently changed their mind and executed Kim anyway, Al-Jazeera reported.

No other information about Kim's beheading was immediately available. He is the third kidnapping victim killed in that manner in the past two months.

Earlier Tuesday, the Seoul (search) government said it would evacuate all its citizens working for businesses in Iraq by early July.

NKTS official Kim Hyun-taek had said the captors have asked to negotiate with company president Choi Sung-gab, who will leave for Iraq as early as Wednesday afternoon.

The Muslim extremist captors had originally threatened to kill the 33-year-old Kim if the South Korean government did not cancel its planned deployment of 3,000 troops to Iraq by early Tuesday.

But the president of NKTS, which supplies the bodyguards for Jordan's royal family, said Tuesday that they'd dropped that demand, Reuters news service reported.

Reuters reported that the Web site for the JoongAng Ilbo newspaper quoted NKTS president Choi Seung-gap as saying Kim's kidnappers had put forth new demands that Seoul was willing to meet.

Choi wasn't specific because he didn't want to rattle the negotiations process, according to Reuters.

"It is highly likely we will see a resolution because in Iraq they have a good impression about South Korea," said Choi, who made the comments to South Korean reporters on Tuesday.

The South Korean government said Tuesday it will evacuate the last of its 22 nationals in Iraq by early next month. Most work for South Korean companies that supply the U.S. military, said Commerce, Industry and Energy Minister Lee Hee-beom.

Kim, who works for a trading company in Baghdad, was believed to have been kidnapped about 10 days ago. A videotape broadcast by the Arab TV station Al-Jazeera showed him pleading for his life.

"We have checked through our business partner in Iraq five or six times and we are sure that he is still alive," Kim Hyun-taek said earlier Tuesday. "The fact that they are willing to negotiate with our president shows that the situation is optimistic."

He said the go-between was not allowed to see Kim Sun-il in person.

The kidnappers claimed to be from the Monotheism and Jihad group led by Jordanian-born terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (search), who is believed to have ties to Al Qaeda (search).

The recent abductions and attacks appear aimed at undermining the interim Iraqi government set to take power June 30, when the U.S.-led occupation formally ends.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.




Dear God I can only hope soon


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Sooo fucked up :(
Goreomedy said:
How is this news to anyone?

The more headlines they get, the more fear they create, the more innocents they'll kill.

Exactly. If it was about negotiation they'd make requests that might actually be looked at as an option.


Fucking assholes. This shit is just getting ridiculous. These workers are supposed to be inside secure compounds - how the fuck are they getting kidnapped? Are they not being protected (i.e with guards or other means) when they are outside the componds? If not, that is gross negligence on the part of the companies sending them there!


Goreomedy said:
How is this news to anyone?

The more headlines they get, the more fear they create, the more innocents they'll kill.

The whole theory extremists hold too is that the West and its allies are just soft and weak, the sight of blood will scare them away.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Not sure what to do. I mean, alot of people are there helping re-build and get life back to where it should be in the region. I am sure the majority of people there appreciate the work the foreigners are doing. But you have the little pockets of a-holes with their attacks and kidnappings. I don't know, how can you punish/deter the a-holes while not punishing the very people who are supporting you?


dskillzhtown said:
Not sure what to do. I mean, alot of people are there helping re-build and get life back to where it should be in the region. I am sure the majority of people there appreciate the work the foreigners are doing. But you have the little pockets of a-holes with their attacks and kidnappings. I don't know, how can you punish/deter the a-holes while not punishing the very people who are supporting you?

Obviously you give in to redneck logic and nuke the entire country to punish the minority of insurgents. Seriously, I have noticed that some retarded rednecks seem to think a nuclear bomb can solve any solution, these people shouldn't be allowed to vote in our elections.


bionic77 said:
Obviously you give in to redneck logic and nuke the entire country to punish the minority of insurgents. Seriously, I have noticed that some retarded rednecks seem to think a nuclear bomb can solve any solution, these people shouldn't be allowed to vote in our elections.

lol joek's on you I dun voet


neptunes said:
but see it's not that easy, the aftermath would be beyond our immagination.

could even start anoter war.

"Disaster beyond belief" would be the correct terminology. You nuke a major population center and you can kiss the relative peace and security that you experience goodbye forever. On top of that you can bet your ass that the price of a barrel of crude would be well over $100 bucks and we WOULD have to go to war in order to preserve our way of life, we just wouldn't have a choice. Either that or walk miles to work every day :)


Phoenix said:
"Disaster beyond belief" would be the correct terminology. You nuke a major population center and you can kiss the relative peace and security that you experience goodbye forever. On top of that you can bet your ass that the price of a barrel of crude would be well over $100 bucks and we WOULD have to go to war in order to preserve our way of life, we just wouldn't have a choice. Either that or walk miles to work every day :)

Not to mention that it makes absolutely zero sense to nuke an entire country that we are OCCUPYING. No one made us invade Iraq, there was no pressing urgency, and they obviously didn't put enough planning or effort in how to stabilize the country afterwards. If they did maybe none of this would have happened. Like I said though, at the end of the day we didn't have to be in Iraq and we have to own up to some of the problems that are surfacing there because of that decision to invade. It has been over a year now since the war ended and the security situation has gotten a lot worse in that time. Hopefully someone can figure out a solution and bring some stability and security to the nation. And someone brought up the point before, but it bears repeating. How on earth are these people being abducted so easily? Is it gross negligence in their security or are they being sold out by Iraqis they thought they could trust?


Honestly, don't go to work in a war-torn country. Some people are going there b/c it offers great financial reward. Well, it also offers great risk too. Live by the sword, die by it. I really have little remorse for people who get themselves caught up in shit like this. The people I feel sorry for are the Iraqis who have no choice and are stuck there in a war between two groups of assholes. PEACE.


Pimpwerx said:
Honestly, don't go to work in a war-torn country. Some people are going there b/c it offers great financial reward. Well, it also offers great risk too. Live by the sword, die by it. I really have little remorse for people who get themselves caught up in shit like this. The people I feel sorry for are the Iraqis who have no choice and are stuck there in a war between two groups of assholes. PEACE.

That is cold. I always feel bad for everyone except the leaders because they could have always found another way other then going to war. Since Iraq doesn't have a leader though........


keep your strippers out of my American football
Pimpwerx said:
Honestly, don't go to work in a war-torn country. Some people are going there b/c it offers great financial reward. Well, it also offers great risk too. Live by the sword, die by it. I really have little remorse for people who get themselves caught up in shit like this. The people I feel sorry for are the Iraqis who have no choice and are stuck there in a war between two groups of assholes. PEACE.

Some people are going there simply because they want to help the Iraqis, regardless of the risk. Some people want to do what they feel like is the right thing. Everyone going to help is not just looking at financial reward.


You now belong to FMT.
my boy went over there to do some chef stuff.. he is on some compound in Saudi arabia, he said it is 10 times worse than what we see on our cable channels and although he is protected by some huge walls or whatever, the people throw shit over trying to just hit people and also try to lure people out with material things and women


They should build a sand-arc and take 1 female and 1 male from Iraq and blow up the entire country... and while the arc is trying to make its way through the desert... BLOW IT UP!


belgurdo said:

Dear God I can only hope soon

You'd destroy an entire country, including its mostly innocent population, just to get to a couple of extremist terrorists ? How very... rational. The innocent civilians in those countries (like Iraq and Saudi Arabia) are just as much victims of these extremists as the Western hostages are... Now throwing nuclear bombs : that's extreme !


You now belong to FMT.
honestly we need an all out army run again... when we were blowing shit up every 5 seconds you didnt hear all this, now that we laid back a little , these guys know our foot patrol teams are not built for it, so they are going to keep messing around and killing 3 or 4 here and there, behead a couple innocents here and there.......either go full force or get the fu*k out , all this pussyfooting is only making for good news ratings....

Lil' Dice

Volt said:
You'd destroy an entire country, including its mostly innocent population, just to get to a couple of extremist terrorists ? How very... rational. The innocent civilians in those countries (like Iraq and Saudi Arabia) are just as much victims of these extremists as the Western hostages are... Now throwing nuclear bombs : that's extreme !

Hey, it worked on Japan.....


Nice logic.. and when we were full-out hundreds of civilians die. Oh wait.. those are not western civilians so they don't count..


Lil' Dice said:
Hey, it worked on Japan.....

Except for the fact that the real war had already been won by then (which obviously isn't the case with the much adverted War On Terrorism), and that Japan was using it's own national army against American (and other) targets. No country's army is currently at war with the US, so chucking nuclear weapons at them would really be the worst possible excuse for a solution. In fact, the whole world would turn against the US at that point..


GAF's Bob Woodward
This is guerrilla war. You can't fight it with a regular army as if the enemy was a state army or the like. The people calling for nukes are........well...I'll refrain in order to remain polite. The US etc. opened pandora's box going into Iraq. I'm not saying they shouldn't have got rid of saddam, but a can of worms certainly has been opened. It now needs to find a way to deal with it..and unfortunately, there is no easy short term solution.

edit - entertaining the idea of nukes...well, put it this way, if they were used, the US would quickly lose any allies..indeed the rest of the world would likely turn against the US. In fact, it'd probably spark WWIII, in the medium term. There'd be a far stronger argument for effecting regime change in Washington than there ever was for regime change in Baghdad.

Poo Poo

If I were South Korea, I'd pull out all Korean citizens from the area and send twice the number of troops as retaliation for the killing.


If I were South Korea, I'd pull out all Korean citizens from the area and send twice the number of troops as retaliation for the killing.

Yes. The South Koreans would love this.... :rolleyes: PEACE.


This is war. This is what war is. There's nothing glorious about it. These barbaric acts are what happens when the embedded reporters go back to their New York appartments, the CNN camera crew closes up shop, and goes back to showing videos of floods in rural Nebraska.

People act like this is something new. It's war. It was happening in World War 2. It has been happening throughout time.

Humanity is a vicious thing.....


It's time to roll peace keepers in and let Iraq become the new Iraq. The US has got to get out of there or there will never be peace. AS long as any government in Iraq is backed by the US you will never have peace.

Poo Poo

Pfft.. but they can't just pull their armies out because of these incidents. The only thing that does is tells the terrorists that this sort of thing works. I am all against the war and stuff, but now that it has happened, the "coalition" has to leave without the aid of terrorism chasing them away.


who are you gonna nuke exactly? you dont know the location of these terrorists, and you cant just go aorund nuking afghanistan, iraq and saudi arabia. then china will nuke america. and america will nuke china and so forth.
why dont they start torturing the terrorists they have captured and release videos of that? that could work.


it's times like these when the world's solipsists are feeling guilty about having such warped imaginations


I wonder who's more f***ed up, the terrorists who killed a completely innocent human being, or those on this board suggesting that we kill millions of innocent human beings.

Shall we let these posters and terrorists live in their fantasy world where killing is "best approach" to solving problems?

Or maybe we can get lucky and they'll kill each other off. :D

I've said it before and I'll say it again...the US has to step up security for these guys. Or at least come to a solution where each national would be protected by members of their national army. So this person and other South Koreans would be protected by a dozen of their soldiers.


Fight for Freeform said:
I wonder who's more f***ed up, the terrorists who killed a completely innocent human being, or those on this board suggesting that we kill millions of innocent human beings.

Shall we let these posters and terrorists live in their fantasy world where killing is "best approach" to solving problems?

Or maybe we can get lucky and they'll kill each other off. :D

I've said it before and I'll say it again...the US has to step up security for these guys. Or at least come to a solution where each national would be protected by members of their national army. So this person and other South Koreans would be protected by a dozen of their soldiers.

I agree about the security. Our government has totally failed thus far in giving any sense of security in Iraq. And Iraq is our problem because we invaded them for no good reason, so we have to stay (though I am sure we will weasel out of it) and fix the mess we created. They are talking about creating a democracy, well you can't have a democracy or any sort of civilization without security.
Our response yet again is to bomb a populated neighboorhood with air-mounted ordinance. Every innocent civilian killed or injured in this manner is a victim of collective punishment, and the pilot of the plane and those who ordered him to give the airstrike (and on up the chain) should be tried for war crimes.

Why on earth can't we use special forces on the ground with the Fallujah Brigade or something instead of BOMBING A FREAKING NEIGHBOORHOOD.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED or something. Yuck.
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