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They just wacked the South Korean

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belgurdo said:

Dear God I can only hope soon

GuntherBait said:

I can't figure out which one of you disturbs me more, the guy that came up with the shittest idea ever, or the one who said AMEN to it.


College Dropout said:
This is war. This is what war is. There's nothing glorious about it. These barbaric acts are what happens when the embedded reporters go back to their New York appartments, the CNN camera crew closes up shop, and goes back to showing videos of floods in rural Nebraska.

CNN news crews are still there as they have a bureau in the region. Several CNN staffers have been killed in the last few months trying to cover this. I have seen feed of people in incredible situations - with troops in firefights while they try to find cover behind furniture.


The CPA is doing nothing to stop these terrorists. My dad just went to a conf. by an Iraqi who paid US $100,000 for his release and everything was arranged for the CPA to take him. When he was given to the CPA, the CPA didn't bother asking him who the terrorists were, how they treated him and where they were. It turns out these terrorists were actually former members of the Ba'ath. Their far from religious, the fuckers were drinking infront of hostages, and they show themselves on TV stating that their doing it in the name of Islam. Why the hell isn't the CPA persuing the fuckers.

On a side note, why the fuck is so much care being paid to Fallujah. That village is worth nothing to Iraq. If it were up to me I'd completely isolate that village and cut off any aid and any access to it.


After seeing the unedited Nick Berg execution video, I get nauseated every time I see the South Korean man begging for his life, and now kneeling down in front of a bunch of terrorists with a cloth over his face. Makes me sick.

At the same time I am very angry; I hope those motherfuckers die the worst death imaginable for killing people like Nick Berg and Kim Sun-il.

Whoever said nuking is a good idea isn't thinking clearly. Again, if you want to walk to work every day, keep on supporting that statement.

Not to sound like a "coward" as Bush would put it, but if he didn't start this mess early last year, NONE of this stuff would be happening. There's going to be evil in the world no matter what you do, Dubya... gotta wonder why he's puting people up against it when it was never originally necessary.

Firest0rm... wha?
That village is worth nothing to Iraq. If it were up to me I'd completely isolate that village and cut off any aid and any access to it.

Yeah, we did that. Worked out real well!

Soccer Stadium Holds Fallujah's Dead (NYT, 27 April)

You can't ignore insurrection in a country that's purportedly on it's way to democracy. Open rebellion in any part of your country is not condusive to ensuring security for your citizens.


but if he didn't start this mess early last year, NONE of this stuff would be happening.

is that to mean that if hussein were still in power, innocent people would not be dying?


Diablos said:
I hear ya, but at least people like Nick Berg or Kim Sun-il wouldn't be getting killed.

How does that make it any different from the killing of Iraqis under Saddam?

And Frag, your right I'm just letting some steam off.


Why do they have to use violence rather than a polite conversation while drinking tea...

I feel sorry for all the S. Koreans..its ridiculous.


Any person there who is kidnapped from now on and does not want to get beheaded should give a fight once their given the orange jumpsuit. Anyone notice how these guys get a wardrobe change before the execution? I would rather be shot, killed, and then beheaded than be held down and then beheaded. Anyway, I feel so bad for these guys... whenever we capture these terrorists the US should carry out similiar executions for propaganda against this group.


Kuroyume said:
Any person there who is kidnapped from now on and does not want to get beheaded should give a fight once their given the orange jumpsuit. Anyone notice how these guys get a wardrobe change before the execution? I would rather be shot, killed, and then beheaded than be held down and then beheaded. Anyway, I feel so bad for these guys... whenever we capture these terrorists the US should carry out similiar executions for propaganda against this group.

I agree, but then when I think about it. Why let them suffer once? I would go for a life time of torture.

In respect to the Ba'ath members, they should be trialed by their own laws. The same laws they used on the Iraqi population.


There is always the simple solution get the fuck out of the middle east. Let the people of Iraq decide their own fate. A ruler will come to power it's that simple. Let them decide the government they want to have.
darscot said:
There is always the simple solution get the fuck out of the middle east. Let the people of Iraq decide their own fate. A ruler will come to power it's that simple. Let them decide the government they want to have.

I suppose that will solve problems such as these, but it won't do much for us in the long run. They attacked us pretty much unprovoked on 9/11, and any reason they had for killing 3,000 people with 2 planes would have to be a shitty one. Not that I think the war in Iraq is just, but either way innocent people are going to die, whether we're in the middle east or not.


So what have they achieved?

The Koreans are still coming to Iraq, only now they're pissed off and filled with vengeance.

Lol, you terrorists are gonna get mutilated by the Koreans.


ItalianStallion said:
I suppose that will solve problems such as these, but it won't do much for us in the long run. They attacked us pretty much unprovoked on 9/11, and any reason they had for killing 3,000 people with 2 planes would have to be a shitty one. Not that I think the war in Iraq is just, but either way innocent people are going to die, whether we're in the middle east or not.

No they never attacked you. A small group of nutbars attacked you and everyone of them died during the attack.


Actually by they he just shows his ignorance (not insulting ignorance just uninformed ignorance). Same as you when you throw muslim in there. A group of terrorist attacked the US. There not muslim or anything else there just terrorist. If they had come from Canada would the US have invaded? Save the bullshit this has nothing to do with 911.


Holds a little red book
Fusebox said:
Lol, you terrorists are gonna get mutilated by the Koreans.
Korea is the most ethnically pure nation on Earth -- they have zero reason to be alarmed by Islamic terrorists. In essence, the terrorists accompished exactly what they wanted. There is already an extant rift between US and Korea in regards to handling North Korea and the military presence in Seoul. Incidents like this will exacerbate the relationship, and indirectly there's already results -- Korean rejection of military cooperation in regional peacekeeping and troop reduction in Seoul. In a nutshell, goodwill will eventually be bankrupted, and Korea will withdraw.
By "they", I meant terrorists.

These people are capturing innocent people and demanding that we free prisoners for the hostage's safe return. Sounds a lot like a terrorist to me, and they're just as bad as those who drove 2 planes into 2 building on 9/11.

By leaving Iraq, we are not going to solve any problems. By entering Iraq, we didn't make too many new friends, but we didn't make any new enemies either. These people that have taken hostages haven't liked America for quite some time, but now they have hostages...


Stele said:
Korea is the most ethnically pure nation on Earth -- they have zero reason to be alarmed by Islamic terrorists.

They haven't even got there yet Stele:


ISLAMIST militants beheaded a South Korean hostage overnight, drawing international condemnation and a vow from Seoul to stand firm on its decision to send thousands of troops to the war-torn country.

And having one of your countrymen beheaded is a reason to be alarmed in any nation.


So what's the long term plan just conquer ever country that has a terrorist in it. That will do you allot of good. The US drops a bomb from 10000 feet these people grab a guy and chop of his head. If they had the plane and the bombs they would kill from 10000 feet as well. Would they be soldiers then?

In the end both sides kill innocent and both sides die. Maybe it's time to pull out of Iraq let the Iraq's kill of the terrorist and set up there own damn government.
darscot said:
In the end both sides kill innocent and both sides die. Maybe it's time to pull out of Iraq let the Iraq's kill of the terrorist and set up there own damn government.

Yah, cuz they really had that intention in mind before America got there...

America helped them get Saddam out, and we really have to help them rebuild Iraq, even if they don't want our help...


Before the US got there they were trying to survive. Saddam was being a good little boy and the oil for food program was working. The US got paranoid figured a bunch of people that don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out were some how going to release mass destruction on the US. The US created this mess now everyone who supports them gets to sit down and eat shit with them. It's acceptable losses. You can't bomb a nation back into the stone age and not expect a few people to go a little nuts and kill a few innocents of there own.


Holds a little red book
Fusebox said:
And having one of your countrymen beheaded is a reason to be alarmed in any nation.
Not when it was a foreseeable outcome. The personnel deployment was widely unpopular with the Korean populace to begin with. This is more like "one reaps what one sows." It's going to bolster opposition, not quell it.


Wait, I don't get it, are people in such an uproar over this because of the way the man was killed, in which case people get killed in ways 100x worse in every country, or is it that people are shocked at the unjustified death of an innocent man, which again happens everywhere, everyday?

In any case, why in the world would ANYONE subject themselves to watching something like this? Most of the people who saw and were disgusted by the first tape a couple of weeks ago probably watched this one too. WHY? All it leads to is comments like "Lets nuke dem darn damn Arabs" by some retarded rednecks who genuinely believe they/their country is at the center of the universe.

I know I'll never watch stuff like this.


First off, I believe being held captive by terrorists with your arms and legs bound knowing fully that these people have beheaded others with foot long blades before is a frightening thing, especially when you fully know your country will not fully devote itself to saving you. Who are you to judge what is a more painful death? All I and others know are that these deaths look brutal.

The second thing you should realize is that the video of his execution is not out yet on the internet so no one has seen it yet. It's irrational to want to nuke another country for the actions of a few terrorists but it's also irrational to call someone a redneck just because they're venting their anger in this particular way. Anyway... I wonder why the innocent Muslims in these countries don't protest these acts... hmmm...


Yeah well, I saw the Nick Berg video, and I must say I wish I didn't. It bothered me more than I thought it would; it took a few hours for me to "digest" it, and I still don't like thinking about it. I have no intentions of watching this one if it is ever leaked onto websites (and I'm sure it will be). I don't look at sick shit like that on the internet, because I have no desire to. But I was curious to see the Berg video, and it was _not_ for entertainment purposes.


Kuroyume said:
First off, I believe being held captive by terrorists with your arms and legs bound knowing fully that these people have beheaded others with foot long blades before is a frightening thing, especially when you fully know your country will not fully devote itself to saving you. Who are you to judge what is a more painful death? All I and others know are that these deaths look brutal.
Wait, where did I say that the deaths arent horrible, or justified, because they're all terrible. However, I can say, obviously without knowing for sure but with certainty, that people are murdered in infinitely more atrocious ways (sexual abuse related, torture, just to name a couple) everyday, probably even near where you live. But you dont see a thread about each one of them, especially not threads with "Lets Nuke'em" pics, do you? Hmmmm... o_O

Kuroyume said:
The second thing you should realize is that the video of his execution is not out yet on the internet so no one has seen it yet. It's irrational to want to nuke another country for the actions of a few terrorists but it's also irrational to call someone a redneck just because they're venting their anger in this particular way. Anyway... I wonder why the innocent Muslims in these countries don't protest these acts... hmmm...
O.K, my bad, I thought people already saw the vid. I would say its less irrational, even partially justified, to call someone a redneck (I call them so for their sheer stupidity in making such comments) than it is to say that an entire region should be wiped out. Venting out? Please.

And just the fact that you're even suggesting that Muslims (not just Iraqis, not just Arabs, but ALL Muslims!?) everywhere support these acts makes me want to call you a redneck, but I know you're just venting out, right?
Phoenix said:
Fucking assholes. This shit is just getting ridiculous. These workers are supposed to be inside secure compounds - how the fuck are they getting kidnapped? Are they not being protected (i.e with guards or other means) when they are outside the componds? If not, that is gross negligence on the part of the companies sending them there!

They are speculating that the terrorists are getting assistance from people who work with the kidnappees and the guards of the compound.
darscot said:
It's time to roll peace keepers in and let Iraq become the new Iraq. The US has got to get out of there or there will never be peace. AS long as any government in Iraq is backed by the US you will never have peace.

No, if the US gets out too early Iraq will become a hub for terrorists and another Saddam would simply step in to fill the void that was left when he was ousted. The new Iraqi government is too young and too weak to be on its own for now.


Btw, sorry for reviving this thread to inform those interested that the video is out. Now my conscience is getting to me and making me feel guilty for watching the thing. :( I'm a tortured soul...

Lil' Dice

Kuroyume said:
Btw, sorry for reviving this thread to inform those interested that the video is out. Now my conscience is getting to me and making me feel guilty for watching the thing. :( I'm a tortured soul...
There's nothing wrong with watching, or wanting to watch the video. It's a simple reminder of how fucked up the human race really is, a race that has to be bred/trained from birth NOT to commit acts of evil against other living creatures. And just how much the world will benefit from the inevitable extinction of mankind someday.
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