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They're back... David Tennant and Catherine Tate return to Doctor Who


The entire modern version of the show is based upon fanservice callbacks from earlier in the series starting with Eccleston's run. I won't defend the obvious decline of the writing, but to tell Doctor Who to not make fanservice based callbacks from its history is like telling a bear to not shit in the woods. It's what they do. The fanbase eats that shit up. Myself included by the way and that isn't going to change so long as they have the ability to do it if it is at all possible when the specials come around.

They did it before the rise to mainstream popularity, they did it during its fall from grace, and they are gonna do it until the show is dead and gone.

Just accept it lol
They did Eccleston dirty, he would have returned for any specials.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
They did Eccleston dirty, he would have returned for any specials.
Yeah I am still salty as fuck that he didn't get to come back for the Day of the Doctor.

Arguably the best special of the modern era and the guy that kicked it all off wasn't there for it.


The entire modern version of the show is based upon fanservice callbacks from earlier in the series starting with Eccleston's run. I won't defend the obvious decline of the writing, but to tell Doctor Who to not make fanservice based callbacks from its history is like telling a bear to not shit in the woods. It's what they do. The fanbase eats that shit up. Myself included by the way and that isn't going to change so long as they have the ability to do it if it is at all possible when the specials come around.

They did it before the rise to mainstream popularity, they did it during its fall from grace, and they are gonna do it until the show is dead and gone.

Just accept it lol
But it's shit


While Doctor Who has never had great writing, neither Chinballs nor RTD are good writers (the latter much better, but still not good).


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Show's dead. RTD is just going to double down on the wokeness and the ratings are not going to improve because of that.

Until they admit that turning the show into a vehicle for cultural talking points was what killed it -which RTD won't- no doubt things will continue as they are. Bringing Tennant back might spike viewing figures for a week or two, but the only way to save Who would be to completely reboot at this point.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I doubt that. Look at the episodes he wrote before the wokening, there was representation without it being slammed in the viewers face and the driving force of the show.

Captain Jack is gay.

Captain Jack is awesome.

RTD is too prominent not to kowtow to the woke agenda. Hell, check out his speech against the LGB Alliance in 2021. "More letters is good"... "to cut out the T is to klll". One of the most biliously disingenuous things I've ever heard.

He's also not a particularly good writer. So fuck him.


RTD is too prominent not to kowtow to the woke agenda. Hell, check out his speech against the LGB Alliance in 2021. "More letters is good"... "to cut out the T is to klll". One of the most biliously disingenuous things I've ever heard.

He's also not a particularly good writer. So fuck him.

Well, let's see how it goes. If he's actually gone full woke we'll know right away and can tune out.
Show's dead. RTD is just going to double down on the wokeness and the ratings are not going to improve because of that.

Until they admit that turning the show into a vehicle for cultural talking points was what killed it -which RTD won't- no doubt things will continue as they are. Bringing Tennant back might spike viewing figures for a week or two, but the only way to save Who would be to completely reboot at this point.
i think saying the show's dead is a bit too much right now. it's not as good as it was. for me it peaked during Series 4-6. after that I think Moffat had no idea wtf he wanted to do to wrap up 11 + Clara's story. I loved Capaldi as The Doctor but the writing was not great. When Moffat went that's when it really shit the bed. I also love Jodie as an actress but Chibnall is a donkey and nothing made any sense.

We'll see if RTD goes woke and yeah Tennant coming back will get the show good numbers but I'll wait until Series 14 or even 15 before calling it dead. If the show doesn't improve then i'll probably think it's best they put the show on pause for a while like they did between 1989-2005. When the time is right they can bring it back and have another shot at it.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
i think saying the show's dead is a bit too much right now.

Ratings have been dreadful and you can't turn a ship around when nobody is willing to admit that things have run badly off-course.
Once the license-fee subsidy ends and the BBC are forced to stand on their own two feet commercially then the pressure is going to intensify.

My guess is 2 seasons and its on another extended hiatus.
Ratings have been dreadful and you can't turn a ship around when nobody is willing to admit that things have run badly off-course.
Once the license-fee subsidy ends and the BBC are forced to stand on their own two feet commercially then the pressure is going to intensify.

My guess is 2 seasons and its on another extended hiatus.
again we'll see how the next 2 series goes but i do agree if they can't turn it around then likely it will be shit canned.


again we'll see how the next 2 series goes but i do agree if they can't turn it around then likely it will be shit canned.

They can quite easily turn it around if they remember what made the rebooted series popular in the first place. IE: decent, exciting sci-fi stories with a charismatic lead. By all means include impactful social commentary, but make it an organic component of the story through the writing... rather than making it the priority ahead of story, which nobody outside a very small amount of people wants.
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Moffat got a lot of stick during his time as showrunner, but he honestly had some pretty compelling story arcs and character development. They should just bring back him and RTD, and the show will be guaranteed to be a return to form. As for those saying Davie will just really hammer in the wokeness, nah, I don't think he will. He's not one to conform to society. People are expecting woke, so he won't deliver woke.


Moffat got a lot of stick during his time as showrunner, but he honestly had some pretty compelling story arcs and character development. They should just bring back him and RTD, and the show will be guaranteed to be a return to form. As for those saying Davie will just really hammer in the wokeness, nah, I don't think he will. He's not one to conform to society. People are expecting woke, so he won't deliver woke.

Moffat and Davies balance each other out and it is about playing to your strengths.

Too much Moffat become an overly serious parody and convulted. Too much Davies was soap opera.

Davies: "Take your P45 and gtfo"

i dont want to go doctor who GIF
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Oh yeah. Doctor Who always has these special episodes with old Doctors and companions. They even did it in the old series.

It is expected for the show to do this. It embraces it's history.


What is great about Moffat is that he likes to get weird.
Davies is good at making everything make sense. He is probably the best storyteller out of all of them.


Gold Member
What is great about Moffat is that he likes to get weird.
Davies is good at making everything make sense. He is probably the best storyteller out of all of them.

The whole Ponds saga had the best beginning, middle, and ending of modern Who.

Cedric The Entertainer GIF by CBS


Midnight is also a good one. Where the Doctor almost loses.
The space train one with Capaldi is also good. Also, the one where he is trapped in the disc.
Midnight was a cool concept. Space train is good cos Capaldi is a great actor and does a Tom Baker impression. The 2D monsters, shrinking Tardis, River before Moffat overcooked it was good.

Eccleston sold the idea of being a tortured individual talking to a murder pepper pot, that takes serious talent. Him and Piper paved the road for future success and Tennant was great also.

Is the disc one Tron?


Midnight was a cool concept. Space train is good cos Capaldi is a great actor and does a Tom Baker impression. The 2D monsters, shrinking Tardis, River before Moffat overcooked it was good.

Eccleston sold the idea of being a tortured individual talking to a murder pepper pot, that takes serious talent. Him and Piper paved the road for future success and Tennant was great also.

Is the disc one Tron?
It was that one where he is trapped by the time lords and has to punch down a stone wall over a billion years.

I looked it up. It is "Heaven Sent".
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It was that one where he is trapped by the time lords and has to punch down a stone wall over a billion years.

I looked it up. It is "Heaven Sent".

Yeah, honestly what I’ve seen of Who, usually the ones with a horror element tend to be my favorite. Besides some already mentioned, I like the two-parter where 10 and Rose go up against what may or may not be Satan. Or when 12 suspects there may be some sort of being that is always unseen and yet watching and goes on a journey to find it/them and it’s unclear if he’s on to something or just paranoid.

Hell, my friends and I went to the Anime Central convention in Chicago in 2011. We got a large hotel room for the seven of us. After an awesome first day, we returned to the room and put on a few Who episodes to wrap up the night. All but one of us were playing catch up and we were about to call it a night. But the one friend who was all caught up was all, “come on, let’s put on one more!” Because he knew exactly which episode was next.

So we proceeded to watch the episode that introduced the Weeping Angels. And then several of my friends proceeded to give our friend the stink eye and such as the clever motherfucker knew a few of them scare pretty easily.

Animated GIF
I used to love Dr. Who when it was first on TV and my friends and I became borderline obsessed with it when it got cancelled. When it returned in 2005 I thought it was perfectly judged. Not too slick and Americanised but not self consciously kitsch and British.

As the series wore on it became more and more convoluted. By the time Matt Smith took over each storyline seemed to be referencing countless episodes from the past so that only the most knowledgeable fan could keep up with what was going on. At the same time half of each episode consisted of mindlessly running down corridors. Also, the sonic screwdriver had turned into a magic wand capable of doing almost anything.

Then the feminism started to creep in. First it was Amy Pond gleefully abusing her boyfriend whilst trying to force herself on the Doctor at every opportunity. Then it was the constant put downs of the Doctor by almost every female character (he was basically portrayed as a bumbling fool who needed constant guidance from the eternally wise women in his life). Finally, I watched one episode where it showed that the Doctor had beed guided by a woman throughout his whole life. The episode was so convoluted and I hadn't watched the show regularly for a while so it was hard to keep up with what was going on. However, it seemed to be saying that Clara had been guiding him since he stole his first TARDIS.

The BBC were clearly uncomfortable with having a straight, white man in such a prominent and powerful role. It was clear that they were going to bring in a female doctor and that the whole show was going to become politicised. At that point I completely checked out. Oh for the days when it was just a fun, simple TV show.



Well, Clara was protecting him throughout his timeline. Not really guiding him. Just foiling the bad guy's plans when she could.


The BBC were clearly uncomfortable with having a straight, white man in such a prominent and powerful role. It was clear that they were going to bring in a female doctor and that the whole show was going to become politicised. At that point I completely checked out. Oh for the days when it was just a fun, simple TV show.

I have something you need to know...


I always liked the idea that, if you changed time, there could be something left over. Remnants of the other timestream.


We will see how this new Doctor goes. Hopefully, this actor can make it feel like the Doctor is still in there. Keep some of the mannerisms and the Sonic screwdriver. The Doctor always gets excited when he is about to figure something out. They have to keep that or it will not feel right. He has to feel old in some way.


Perpetually Offended
What happened?

I stopped watching after Smith run.

They made it where The Doctor is far older than we knew or she knew... That she has infinite regenerations and is where the Timelords got THEIR regeneration ability... The Doctor is The Timeless Child


They did kind of make it where the Doctor was more of a victim of the Time Lords. Still, the Doctor never had any sympathy for the Time Lords.
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What happened?

I stopped watching after Smith run.
They tarnished a great actor's career, as try as he might have, even he couldn't make up for the shit writing. Other than that, really a load of nothing. They could simply pretend none of it happened.
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They did kind of make it where the Doctor was more of a victim of the Time Lords. Still, the Doctor never had any sympathy for the Time Lords.

They also fundamentally changed who The Doctor as for the absolute worse. He's meant to be a madman in a box. Just another Time Lord among many, but a renegade, who ran from the godawful, pompous race he comes from to go out into the universe and actually help people. But they changed that into making The Doctor the one responsible for regeneration, and turned her into 'the chosen one'. Boring. Trite. Stupid.


Eh, she is not really the chosen one. They used her. Really, it just showed how horrible the Time Lords really are.
She is just this mysterious alien girl that showed up that they took advantage of.

It does add mystery as to who the Doctor really is. This does work with the seventh doctor mythos that the Doctor is something bigger than a time lord.
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