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They're back... David Tennant and Catherine Tate return to Doctor Who


Eh, she is not really the chosen one. They used her. Really, it just showed how horrible the Time Lords really are.
She is just this mysterious alien girl that showed up that they took advantage of.

It does add mystery as to who the Doctor really is. This does work with the seventh doctor mythos that the Doctor is something bigger than a time lord.

They made her 'special'. They turned her into something unique, instead of just another Time Lord, who has rebelled against the staid Time Lord society - which was the far more interesting way to do things. The Doctor functions best as a rebel against the society that created him, not as the crux of Time Lord technology or lore. It's so damn boring to do things that way. And so cliched. The Doctor should be special because of the things he does, not because of who she is.


They made her 'special'. They turned her into something unique, instead of just another Time Lord, who has rebelled against the staid Time Lord society - which was the far more interesting way to do things. The Doctor functions best as a rebel against the society that created him, not as the crux of Time Lord technology or lore. It's so damn boring to do things that way. And so cliched. The Doctor should be special because of the things he does, not because of who she is.
Even though she was special, the Time Lords were cruel to her. They tried to control the Doctor.
I liked how it royally pissed off the Master, because she was special.
Nothing wrong with a character being special in some way. The Doctor never fit in with the Time Lords.

This does fit in with the Who lore. It is just another reason why the Doctor did not get along with the Time Lords.
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Show's dead. RTD is just going to double down on the wokeness and the ratings are not going to improve because of that.

Until they admit that turning the show into a vehicle for cultural talking points was what killed it -which RTD won't- no doubt things will continue as they are. Bringing Tennant back might spike viewing figures for a week or two, but the only way to save Who would be to completely reboot at this point.
You called it!


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm kind of glad I'm not a Doctor Who fan but then again there's another British science fiction franchise that I really do like that's on its way to ruin.


not tag worthy
No obviously it's black adder. Or torchwood
Black adder sci-fi?

s reactions series GIF



It did go downhill, it has to be said 👀
Don't get me wrong, I'll always give it a chance, and it has been nice to see the later series be more focused on the gang fucking around but whenever Doug Naylor tries to do lore stuff he keeps fumbling, the last special that revealed Car was a loser who all the others cats hated and that he was a virgin, etc, was just retconning for retcons sake. Rob Grant always did the Sci-fi and lore stuff best and that's what took a nose dive after he left.
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