Idle Will Kill
Well it's gotten to the point where I think I have a fairly good case of social anxiety. I'm usually very shy around new people I meet. Usually after I warm up to people, I start to act my normal self. Lately though, I've been finding it harder and harder to break that barrier. I've been having some problems in class as well, where I'll be worried that the teacher will call on me, or I'll get some minor sweating or heart increase if I know I'm going to be called on next (like the meet and greet thing we did in one class today). I also tend to have trouble concentrating in group settings, which I think is brought on by the anxiety. I think my mind is, if even subconsciously, always going through this anxiety, so I find it hard to think clearly. At it's root, I think that's where the shyness comes from. My mind is just blank so I don't really talk with people I don't know.
Using drugs to treat this is the LAST thing I want to do, but I'm thinking I may have reached the point where I want to try and see if I can fix this. What exactly would the cost be to my family (we have health insurance)? Am I going to become dependant on Zoloft? If I go off of it for a few days would I experience bad withdrawal symptoms? What about drinking alcohol while using Zoloft? Marijuana? (I would easily drop weed if I had to, but beer would be harder as it's a very social drug, and that's what I'm trying to treat here).
Any opinons and advice would be great. And no, I'm not just relying on GAF for this, I'm going to talk this over with my family soon as well. Just wanted to get some info first.
Using drugs to treat this is the LAST thing I want to do, but I'm thinking I may have reached the point where I want to try and see if I can fix this. What exactly would the cost be to my family (we have health insurance)? Am I going to become dependant on Zoloft? If I go off of it for a few days would I experience bad withdrawal symptoms? What about drinking alcohol while using Zoloft? Marijuana? (I would easily drop weed if I had to, but beer would be harder as it's a very social drug, and that's what I'm trying to treat here).
Any opinons and advice would be great. And no, I'm not just relying on GAF for this, I'm going to talk this over with my family soon as well. Just wanted to get some info first.