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this is driving me crazy... what horror movie is this!

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hey dudes im looking for this movie, and i don't know the name of it or even the actors names. here's all i can remember:

it's pretty much a story about this kid, and a lot of wacko church people are trying to get to him to kill him because they think he's evil. i remember at the beginning he kills a rabbit or something. but anyways the entire movie centers around this kid, and there is a man and a woman protecting him, all the while this church group (or whatever you want to call them) is trying to get to him to kill him because he's the devil and whatever.

anyways the ending is that he IS infact evil, and at the end the guy discovers that and he wont stay with the kid so he gets it in the worst way

it was a twilight zone style movie. anyone have any clue what this movie is? it has to be probably 5-10 years old at least.
are you sure thats it? i'm looking on imdb.com right now, and it says (for omen 2) that the kid is a teenager and goes to academy school or something? that never happened in the movie i'm talking about (that i can remember).

plus the movie i'm talking about wasn't shot in the 70's i dont believe. it looked relatively new (maybe early 90's?)

another thing, near the end the dude who is helping to protect this kid goes to some kind of scrap yard or something and digs up a box or a dead dog body and somehow it proved he was evil and thats why the dude wouldn't "stay" anymore. i know this is all over the place but thats all i can recall

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Although the dead dog was in Omen, I think you're referring to an episode of The X-Files, I can't remember what the ep is called though.
in the end of those omen movies is there a guy sitting in front of the tv and the kid walks in and is saying shit to him and kills him by breaking his bones or something? cause thats how the movie im talking about ended (from what i recall)
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