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This may sound strange... but what are "Silverfish"?

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I've never seen any. I live in the north-east(NY). I dread the summer time because thats when cockroaches come out and I HATE cockroaches. But what are these silverfish that I keep hearing about? I hear they are destructive and move really fast. Are they worse than cockroaches?





They don't sound that bad. I'd probably be more scared of the damage they could cause. They don't have wings so they're not as bad as cockroaches. The only thing wors than a cockroach is a flying cockroach.


Silverfish are just kind of creepy and usually catch you by surpise when you see them. Most of the time I find them hiding in cardboard boxes that haven't been disturbed for a while.


Yeah I've only seen them one at a time, and not very often...maybe like once every couple years :p

How are they so destructive btw?


We keep our Christmas ornaments in the attic in cardboard boxes and are guaranteed to get at least one silverfish in each box every single year without a doubt. Odd, scary little creatures.


I remember the first time I heard about those things was on the Simpson's when Moe was checking out Homer's place, rememeber that ep? I asked my dad what they were and he just fucked with me and told me they were swimming bugs that look kinda like fish and swim in toilets. I couldn't sit all the way down on toilets for a month after he told me that.
Coincidentally, I saw my first silverfish just last week. Scared the living bejesus out of me. I didn't know what the fuck it was, if it was poisonous, if it bites, etc. I was on my PC and I saw movement in the corner of my eye. The thing was walking on the wall just behind my PC monitor.

I was so paranoid I waited until it went behind my curtains and then crushed it with my hand. Feel kinda silly now for being so scared but I'd never seen one before and didn't konw what the fuck it was.


back when i lived in NY, used to see those bastards all the time near the end of summer...could just stick themselves in a corner and stay there for months without anyone really noticing

creepy little bastards...though I never feared them, creepy that they would slowly move to a secluded spot, then just stay there...waiting...and slowly dying


I don't know why people think they're creepy. I've only seen 1, and i thought it was cool as hell. the one i saw really looked like a silver fish walking on its side, and so shiny. My friends said, yeah, well, you wouldn't like them so much if they were eating away at your books. whatever, silverfish are cooler than books i've already read.
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