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Those crazy modders!


I found some pretty cool mods around. Check it out.

HL: Earthbound. Your favorite NES game now as a multiplayer game.

UT2k3: Blade Runner - Blade Runner in 3D



How is your SS2 thing going Element?
think i might have to scrape it. I guess EA holds the rights and aren't to keen on any 'mod', 'improvment', or 'adaptation' of system shock or the system shock world.
there was another group trying to do a system shock mod, but EA gave them the cease and desist.

kinda sad, but i had so little time already with my daily work :(

I might be helping out a friend doing a zombie mod though.
element said:
think i might have to scrape it. I guess EA holds the rights and aren't to keen on any 'mod', 'improvment', or 'adaptation' of system shock or the system shock world.
there was another group trying to do a system shock mod, but EA gave them the cease and desist.

There is no scale that could properly demonstrate how much EA sucks.
simply put element:

we NEED a SS mod. fuck EA. do as suggested above, change the name and so on. but badge it as a 'hardcore sci-fi'-mod. everyone will have an idea of what it is.

do you have links to your current work?


Gold Member
If that Blade Runner guy is not hired and working at either Epic or some other company working on an Unreal engine game, he needs to be. That is incredible.


Wow @ Blade Runner mod...never seen the movie but it looks impressive none the less.

elemet this is the mod you were refering to right?


Mr. Bené, Electronic Arts' Acting General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, says: "As you are probably well aware the System Shock name is under copyright and cannot be reused without our express permission. "

Response from Rebooted Mod Leader:Clearly though, we already have our answer.

Considering that a newly created model of an everyday, inanimate object with the last name of a late, well know rocket scientist on its handle, and a drawing (not a model, as Mr. Bené implies) of a shinobi with glowing eyes and metallic skin isn't acceptable, we feel it's painfully obvious to all concerned that Electronic Arts clearly intends to vehemently protect its copyright, and that no amount of courteous pleading by our team (or, apparently, the rest of the System Shock fan community) will change their minds. We can't blame them for wanting to defend their property; we would do the same were the tables turned. Well, not actually the same: we wouldn't have rushed to accuse Mr. Bené to be lacking in respect as he did to us—we were, after all, polite enough not to insinuate any moral shortcomings on the part of Electronic Arts in our letter to him. We're sure that if the irony of his choice of words wasn't apparent to you before, it is now.

Rather than decimate a recreation of a great game by following Mr. Bené's (frankly laughable) suggestion, our team members have agreed to create an excellent game meritous of the title "next-generation successor to the genre defined by the System Shock series". We have twenty brilliant, empassioned, and diverse staff champing at the bit. We have enormous talent. We have tremendous vision—and we have more drive than ever to create an incredible new game rather than simply varnishing over an old one. Our team ever hopes for your continued support: your encouraging words, your ideas, and your donated time, talent and resources—to make our project great.

Finally, we would like also to thank Mr. Bené for our exciting new direction, and wish Electronic Arts all the luck in the world with their System Shock franchise. They'll need it.

Scott "DJ Dooms Day" Richmond
Kevin "isolationism" Williams
The entire Rebooted Staff

So basically they just dont want any "freelance" game branding the name or I.P. so I say make the back story "vague yet, familiar" and then create something new and exciting (hell Ill help change textures logos if needed :p)

Ill Saint

I was working on 3D models for a SS adaptation using the Unreal engine, with a bunch of guys over the net back in 2000.... hmm.

Was fun while it lasted, but it never really took major shape. Still got some of the models though. Heh.

Kon Tiki

Wow that video was amazing.

It took me quite a while to construct this imagenary trailer
even with a large collection of already prepared source material.
I would like to point out that there is no actual game in works and this
film is only a one vision of BR universe inserted into Unreal world.

Why bother doing something like this ? I wanted to alter UT's original
appearance and create something which would above all look nice.
Indeed I had to stretch myself to maintain the high visual quality
which is more or less a standard in Unreal environment.

Video is in DivX 5.1.1 / MP3 format.

AngelHeart, who did work on this trailer DID make a BR DM map.

Sorry to hear that Oxygen. :( I was pimping that game too. :(
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