Nah. Here they only steal cargo trucks. And even this is "démodé" and heavily suppressed by the police when it grows out of control like that.
What i find funny is how the 80's/90's NY with the broken window policy generates a sharp drop in crimes rating and basically cleans the city. Fast forward to 2020's California and the "defund the police" movement with a "$999,98 misdemeanor policy" leads to train robberies.
Who would have thought that this would happen...
Anyone with one brain cell knows the more lax you get on crime, the more they'll do it. And you can see it's getting more bravado with people just robbing stores with zero fear and now robbing trains like this is a western movie with bandits snatching shit.
But it comes down to a handful of reasons why governments get lax on this.
1. Votes. Pander to deadbeats with handouts and lax crime bills and they'll vote for ya. And those southern states get tons of people like that especially California which is the hotbed for weirdos. It's a west coast thing because you get tons of weird people in BC too. Thats why you dont see weird laws like this in northern states (even if they are democrat states).
2. As some people brought up above, jails and prisons only have so many spots, so unless gov wants to overcrowd cells or build more prisons, you might as well just let petty thief kinds of people off and pray they just dont do it again.
3. You got a lazy government. Druggies hanging out in tents all day in SF is another issue where gov just gave up. But you got to stick with it or else it just snowballs into a giant mess which becomes impossible to solve later. And a city gov needs some back up resources to solve it. Every big city has their hub of homeless people. Toronto too. Toronto cleaned it up and in the second link they found homeless people some shelter. SF has oodles of money, build some buildings. Now if Toronto did nothing it'd only get worse.
It's like owning a home. You got responsibilities. It's easy to fix and clean it when it's in good shape. But if you leave everything to turn into crud, it can get really unmotivating to fix the place because the problems have snowballed into something to big to bother with. Thats why so many people probably live like slobs. It's not like someone moves into a house and it's instantly slobby from day one. It takes time for it to resemble Hoarders. But if nobody cleans the place for a year, it's a mess and many people will give up.
Never knew this but in 2002, there was some, but it got squashed by the city and Home Depot. And then more recently the government squashed 3 tent camps in public parks. You got to act on this fast.
The City maintains encampments "contravene several chapters of the Municipal Code and are not a solution to homelessness."